Bloor Homes Reviews

1.0 Rating 13 Reviews
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Bloor Homes 1 star review on 18th May 2021
Gurcharan Singh
Bloor Homes 1 star review on 10th May 2021
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
This developer is an absolute disgrace. I have bought a number of other new builds over the years and therefore can make comparisons and never have I had to raise a complaint with a developer before now. We have paid a fortune for our home and it is like living in a cardboard box. Everything has been thrown together cheaply. I have too many issues to list here, but it is obvious that corners have been cut and building regs have not been met! I genuinely believe that their properties are somehow signed off even though they are not fit for purpose. Robust details is allowing them to get away with this! Purchasing our house and the constant battles with Bloor have made us ill. Please don’t purchase one of their cardboard box homes it got value your health and sanity. Complaining to NHBC and the Consumer Code got us nowhere as they are all “in bed” with eachother.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 months ago
Considering they give you certificates of works completed and checked. Electric points not connected and wired wrong way round in kitchen. Shower screen put on upside down. Pipes behind washer squashed so much that the water wasn't getting into the washing machine causing it to damage bedding and other items. Heating boiler not checked even though we have a certificate. Valve left open so heating coming on willy nilly! Radiator pipe a foot longer than it should of been could have caused a leak if was caught on item of furniture. Gardens not fit for purpose with continuous water logging. Customer services are always making excuses not to fix things or say that is not covered! I thought buying a new build would be less work for my husband, but its been a complete nightmare!!
Helpful Report
Posted 6 months ago
Absolutely appalling developer and would genuinely and strongly encourage first time buyers to look elsewhere. We moved into our house on Edwalton Park, Nottingham, in October 2022, when after being in the property for a matter of weeks the shower blew cascading water all through the house and into the kitchen and living room. Bloor's initial offer of compensation was to go out for a £40 meal as an apology. They refused to budge and after strong escalation above, a satisfactory redress was offered. Then, after a few months in the property, Severn Trent noticed our water meter spinning and uncovered a huge leak under our drive which meant that the entire drive had to be dug up. This was done over a matter of days with ground-workers who felt it appropriate to take selfies in the "trench" that they had dug. No offer of compensation was offered until a strong escalation was made yet again, the driveway was then resurfaced with inferior tarmac that is now cracking and splitting. 9 months in, we have been receiving appalling broadband since purchasing the property (the site is an OFNL network essentially meaning you are tied to a strict list of broadband and cannot go directly to Sky or TalkTalk for example). We complained to our broadband provider who said they had stated to the developer to not locate the broadband box in the understairs cupboards but they had done so anyway, and offered to monitor our line for a number of months. They then sent an engineer out to our property as they agreed something was amiss, who recently discovered that the ports in the living room and upstairs had never even been connected and were 'missed' by Bloor Homes. This meant that we were unable to bring the router out into a suitable location and as such, fix the poor lapses in network signal. What was Bloor Homes resolution? To simply state - "if this matter had been referred to us sooner, we would have rectified it sooner". Bloor are incredibly defensive and always cite their 5 Star HBF ratings - yet these are irrelevant if they are failing to maintain standards - which they are. We can all live in the past. Our experience was that we consistently had to chase, escalate and micro-manage to get the bare basic levels of respect and communication. We have heard comments from staff about us - with one individual stating "I don't think you're too popular with Head Office" - and, even though this was said in. a rather humorous manner, my partner and I were well aware that this was indeed how Bloor felt about our custom. It appears they far prefer passive customers who daren't pull them up on their poor performance and consistent failures. Snagging our property we uncovered 119 snags and had 3 serious issues going forward (a hole in the fireproofing and the two aforementioned major leaks). Once Bloor have your money - they seem to forget about you as a customer, and I cannot begin to reiterate the stress, anxiety and upset this company has caused. I will now be liaising with NHBC and my MP to take this forward as communication between Bloor has broken down (from Bloor's side).
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Posted 7 months ago
Poor customer service.sales team from busby are rude rscist will mislead you . Dont waste you hard earing with this builder they builf sre cheap and nasty.try other builder around .
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
I would never buy from Bloor Homes again! They are liars and the sales team promise you the world, but fail to deliver! So many issues, shoddy craftsmanship, a snag list of over 100 issues! Failed to complete everything in the post 2 years. Constantly cold, walls cracked, holes everywhere, and the property only 5 years old. They cut corners and their customer service is shocking! They just want money!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
awful reviews, terrible company destroying habitats don’t about anything other than making money cutt corners on there builds many unhappy 🙁 customers
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Garden was poorly given
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Awful, awful, awful Plastering and punting horrendous, damaged carpet and kitchen units. Bloor refused to replace. Senior managers ignore emails and don’t return phone calls. Once you’ve moved in they do everything to avoid snagging list
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
My property was under warranty and had a massive leak. Repair was being carried out but a manager (Claire) decided to stop the repair in between and advised me work was approved in error so I will have to pay for the rest of the repair. I explained her several times and asked her contact details of someone to take the matter further but she never emailed me back. I am left in very messy situation with 2 children. Please don’t buy the property as so many of my friends have gone through this.
Bloor Homes 1 star review on 18th May 2021
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Terrible company. Avoid. Brought six years ago, first issue they didn’t attach bay roof to cavity as they rendered first but gave wrong measurements to renders resulting in them knowing it would leak and most importantly didn’t comply to building regulations. They covered it up and in the words of one contractor that let it slip “ hoped for the best”! Result leaking and damaged shutters. This was fixed and replaced. Furthermore I had another leak. Bloor homes told nhbc they had never done a repair to my house and they tried to avoid responsibility to fix issue. After I sent emails, photos and receipts of replacement shutters that Bloor had replaced finally they had to admit that they had indeed done a repair. Another bodge up repair took place by Bloor not interested in finding the issue but just a quick fix , arguements with myself even at one point telling me they was too busy to speak to me and cutting the call. Steadfast roofing told me to tell Bloor homes he couldn’t see cavity tray. When I spoke to builders they said Steadfast roofing had no knowledge of this conversation, anyway another leak 4 weeks after apparently they had supposedly fixed it, nhbc emailed about their refusal to check cavity tray. Bloor homes had no choice now but to escalate it to their construction team. Outcome Bloor didn’t put a cavity tray in even though they signed it off on the completion report that would enable my bank to release the funds. Issue fixed six years later and although they have had to replace my shutters not even a sorry or any compensation for stress, inconvenience, rudeness and the fact that I couldn’t move or decorate. Karl slater managing director of Bloor was asked by ourselves to explain how could this happen and who signed it off. Kelly from customer service emailed to say he would reply after work completed. Three emails no acknowledgement or response. The only acknowledged response is when I’ve requested the freedom of information act claim which by law they have to do. Mistakes happen but it’s how you deal with them as a company and may I remind Bloor homes that aftercare is just as important as sales. Karl slater obviously doesn’t feel we are worthy of his time to respond or at least have the decency to apologise but he might remember that without customers there is no company and no job for him. This company is non transparent, liars and non trustworthy but most of all not a five star builder ! Bloor homes should be poor homes . I urge anyone to speak to those that have purchased before buying a few months after the initial sale . This issue wasn’t just simple snagging or the fact that the kitchens and workmanship is low quality ( which in itself is an issue) this was breech of building regulations on multiple levels with bloor covering it up. Kitchens, bathrooms can be replaced but not structural. Bloor homes even requested trust pilot to remove a previous complaint saying they didn’t believe I was a customer and had ever purchased one of their houses sadly I did and the fact that they had their own scaffolding outside my house at the time was a joke. Trust pilot didn’t remove as I supplied evidence. This is the bloor difference.....
Bloor Homes 1 star review on 10th May 2021
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
The biggest nightmare I’ve made making me regret leaving my old home , We moved into Bloor Homes Blyth Valley September 2020 Submitted out 10 day list which as yet still not done We have had massive issues from rubbish layed drive to loads of cracked house bricks , Heating systems issues from crossed wired thermostat to finger tight radiator valves , Most of the internals door need re hanging and have expanded to the point I can’t close some doors also the door handles are loose and hinges squeaking where I have to oil regular, the back garden has been a issue from day 1 it’s now a swamp our garage gets absolutely soaking wet which I’d rather knock it down to make the garden bigger as it’s useless, there’s many more issues to list but if I could hand the house back and move I’d happily do it as Bloor do not care once they have your money If I could post photos I would
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Posted 3 years ago
we have had to chase and chase issues since day one. We even put in a formal complaint last October. We are still trying to get them to respond to this. Repairs aren't done to our property or on the estate as apparently they don't have the power to get contractors to complete work and they aren't enough skilled professionals for them to get other people to do the work. id almost believe this if it wasn't the case that when I worked for a council housing provider that relied solely on council house rents for income we responded to and dealt with enquiries within weeks. Bloor make hundreds of millions in profits but cannot carry out snagging let alone provide compensation for houses that aren't as described. the worst thing is when customer services claim they can't do anything as "its not their department". as if that's our problem!
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
We recently moved into the development at Blythe Valley Park in Solihull. The saleS staff where excellent, the onsite team for snagging and issues were good to a point but now that we have been put under the responsibility of head of customer care they couldn’t care less! Despite massive issues with our home, for example when the flooring company were at our property to fix down some lifting Amtico flooring, the boss let slip that the reason the flooring was starting to lift was because the floor had been incorrectly sealed before damp proofing. As a result the whole of the downstairs flooring needed replacing (kitchen, hall, utility, downstairs toilet) for several days no-one could walk on the floor so we had to make urgent arrangements for our young children and dog. We still have some outstanding issues which are spoiling our home and certainly not what we thought we would be having to deal with when we purchased. Our dream home has been badly tainted by the corner-cutting during construction and now the dreadful customer care. I would advise talking to some existing residents before buying a Bloor Home to get an accurate view of their experiences. Update: I have had a few people get in touch to discuss the problems we’re having who are in the process of looking to buy a Bloor Home, happy to discuss further.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Bloor Homes is rated 1.0 based on 13 reviews