Quotemehappy.com Reviews

2.0 Rating 953 Reviews
Happiness Grade

Refund - Difficult

Industry Average
Absolute scam! Cancelled my insurance policy with them on the 10th January and still waiting for my £1500 refund! No contact number to call them and keep being fobbed off with emails saying they will reply in 24hrs, I will never use this company again!
posted 3 months ago - Samuel chadwick
I cancelled my policy as they constantly getting the information wrong, but they still renewed my policy without my consent, I am still trying to receive my refund but I have to constantly battle with them as they never read my emails and just get a bot to reply which end up being met with more frustration - do not use shocking
posted 9 months ago - Anonymous
60 for early exit and refunding me the rest in 5 working days!! I have emailed several times to say you cancelled the wrong policy, to which they replied - Your policy expired 8/9/2020 No it did not, I took out a new one this year if you read your records right! They took my money and I have checked on my account and it does say started 8/10/2022 but now says will end 31/10/2022!!! I have typed numerous emails as you cannot get hold of these buggers by phone, I am not prepared to pay for another year whilst waiting for some of the money by refund.
posted 1 year ago - Mrs Whiting
I have literally asked via email to the quote me team to give me the contact number so that I can clarify about my policy. They just keep on emailing which is really annoying as you dont get answer for what you are looking for.. Bad customer service, there is only number for claiming but not for general enquiries. They also dont have answer whether i will get refund if I cancel my policy…!!! Never going to do insurance wid them again
posted 1 year ago - Anonymous
Delivery bike bump into the back of me in July, instructed to pay the excess buy quote me Happy as I would have a refund, two months after numerous phone calls and emails, still waiting.
posted 2 years ago - Valerie Wroe
AVOID! TERRIBLE COMPANY Terrible company to go with have not issued my refund for my car insurance during the 14 day cool off. I have now had to take this with the Ombudsman, have written to them 5 times saying I should of recieved it that's it! AVOID AT ALL COSTS!!!!!
posted 2 years ago - Melanie Dixon-Bamforth
So it was not my fault! However, what really annoyed me was the fact that they charged me for cancelling my policy, and no refund was offered! Despite there being 2 months left to run on what was a single annual payment! Quote me Happy offers good cheap insurance, but without any human contact! I have learnt from this, and in future would rather pay extra to speak with a human being with another provider, especially when in my view, I could not amend my policy for my new car, as Quote me Happy could not insure it as it was to expensive, and they kept my money for cancelling the current policy! Very poor show, should be renamed! Quote me not so Happy.
posted 2 years ago - Stewart Carter
Kevin in cancellations emailed me to say that he cancelled my Policy and they would process a refund.
posted 3 years ago - Susan Winnington
I am now approaching my bank to get the full refund.
posted 3 years ago - Neil Batchelor
I had also been told to cancel the policy I would have to pay £56 admin fee but I would receive £45 refund! So I asked why do I have to cancel if it’s down to quote me happy who haven’t updated their software.
posted 3 years ago - Anonymous