Medical on Demand BV Bewertungen

2.9 Rating 14 Bewertungen
43 %
der Kunden empfehlen Medical on Demand BV
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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Mask came but they did not send the filters and it is impossible to get ahold of anyone so basically I have a useless mask.
Hilfreich Melden
Delayed shipping, ill fitting & uncomfortable product with gaps, terrible communication from the company
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The filters are not certified, may not be sold without a CE test number, no communication and a manufacturer who has no idea, the mask is too heavy to sit well. We have to wear certified masks here... so much money for trash
Hilfreich Melden
Mask quality is ok but doesn't get a great seal, plus the headband strip melted following their original sterilisation advice. Attempts to contact their support proves their customer service is terrible. Additionally I placed an order for the mask nose seal clip when it came back in stock in 15th Jan (with a 2-4 day delivery expectation) and am still waiting for it to even be dispatched. Have emailed multiple times with no response yet, very disappointing.
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Masks do not fit properly and when the customers told them this their actions include releasing extra parts you have to buy to make them functional.
Hilfreich Melden
It took them five months to ship my masks, and when I asked for a return due to the delay, they said they added me to the return list. Once I asked how to start the return process, I was told they do not take returns. They responded to two of my 15-20 emails over the course of five months and are nearly impossible to get a hold of.
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Medical on Demand BV hat eine Bewertung von 2.9 Basierend auf 14 Bewertungen