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How quickly does Rattan Warehouse resolve customer queries?
(2 years ago)
Greater than 83% of reviewers feedback is Rattan Warehouse resolves customer queries within an hour.
(2 years ago)
Industry Average
Customer service excellent with emails and chat answered immediately.
- Jeff Parsons
Superb service, quality furniture. Easy to use website so navigated to pages I wanted to. Live chat was fast and extremely helpful. A real person explaining the set for me. Delivery process was very efficient with driver texting me on the day and so helpful taking through all the furniture onto patio. Quality superb. Not one piece of the Richmond set to assemble. Just brilliant. Will highly recommend rattanwarehouse.
- Lisa Jordan
Just to say delivered by Danny this morning, can I say how very pleasant and helpful he was. We are so pleased with the table & chairs. Service was excellent, quick delivery too.
- J Nieman