Rentola Reviews

1.1 Rating 151 Reviews
3 %
of reviewers recommend Rentola

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Won't allow me to unsubscribe even after paying the 39 euro for a month from r which I didn't use. I emailed to say this and all I got was an invoice asking for payment. Horrible company. Wouldn't recommend it to my worst enemy
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Posted 2 years ago
What a scam😡supposed to have free trial, they have stolen £35 out my account ! 🙀😡😡😡😡
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Posted 2 years ago
This site is a scam, they just want to make money out of people like me who are looking for a home. Utter scum. Walk away people and keep walking. They got nothing from me and now will they
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Posted 3 years ago
I am a 77 year old gentleman and I would like my money back please.despite unsubscibing you still charged me £35 after the initial pound charge.i looked at one flat for a friends son,and cannot afford this as I am on a low pension.thank you ...
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Posted 3 years ago
I was asked to pay £1 to view properties online and I did through paypal and to my surprise a week after my PayPal account was debited with an unauthorised £35 . I open a case, pls I need my money back, you are just a scam, arm robber, fraudster 419 and in fact I am absolutely disgusted by your dubious attitude. You can never succeed.
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Posted 3 years ago
My experience of this company is that they use sharp practice. I attempted to contact a landlord to express an interest in their property, they had no idea what property I was referring, I immediately attempted to cancel my subscription, which I was unable to do. So I contacted my credit card company who immediately cancelled Rentola. 7 days later i,ve been issued with an invoice and have been informed that owe them money...for nothing. I,m incensed that this company is chasing me to pay for a non existence service.
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Posted 3 years ago
Had such a bad experience with Rentola! They charged me for a full month even though I cancelled my subscription and a customer service consultant didn't allow me to escalate the problem or issue me a refund! Such a waste of money
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Posted 3 years ago
Rentola is rated 1.1 based on 151 reviews