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Did not work at all. I have pale white skin and dark brown hair. Some areas are corse, some medium and some thin. It didn’t work in any area dispute regular use. I thought it had worked on the thin and maybe reduced the medium but after four months I stopped use and the hair came back after a few weeks and is back on a quick growth cycle. I was going to return the device but I thought maybe with more time it will work. Don’t be fooled. Return yours asap if you don’t see the results you want. More time will not make a difference.
Helpful Report
Posted 11 months ago
I had high hopes at first, as my leg hair was dissipating in the first 2-3 weeks. After 8 weeks of following the protocol according to the instructions, maybe 95% of my leg hair (on my calves) was gone. It took a while to start growing back in, and it still seems like it slowed down, but it's coming in thicker (2-3 months later). Regardless of how much hair is there, I still have to shave, so I'm disappointed. On the other areas I tried (underarms and bikini), it hardly removed ANY hair. It's not a big investment, but not worth the money.
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Posted 1 year ago
Been using for about 12 weeks. No change in bikini or armpit. Maybe a slight reduction of growth on my legs. Using level 6-7. Around week 9 I increased to 3 x/week. We will see if that works.
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Posted 1 year ago
The company did respond to inquiries
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Posted 1 year ago
I have been using it twice a week for about four months straight. I go over every spot 3 times and I use the intensity level 6. I haven’t seen any results yet but I’m hopeful. I have very pale skin and dark hair so I should be an ideal candidate but so far no change in hair regrowth. I won’t give up though. Eventually it has to start working right?
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Posted 1 year ago
Did not work for me. I used as instructed with minimal if any decrease in hair growth.
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Posted 1 year ago
After 6 weeks I’m not really seeing results. Yes, it’s early still. But I reached out to support and they told me that you need to use the device three separate times a day - not just zap the same spot three times! So, this already takes a very long time. About 35 minutes for legs/bikini/underarm (and I just do lower leg). Maybe it will only be 20-25 doing one flash at a time, not now I have to do that three times a day??? Also, there are 7 settings for this device, but hair removal is only achieved using two of them. What are all the other settings for? And! You have to shave before using it. So if I have to use 3-4 times per week, but shave 24 hours before each treatment, I’m now shaving my legs every other day. Usually I shave once a week. Now that I basically have to start over, and the long treatments are going to take three times as long, I’m actually dreading using and probably sending back. How much time are you willing to spend everyday for this “treatment”? PS, you have to be “invited” to leave a review 🤔
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Posted 1 year ago
I bought this in the late summer, but then waited to open it until fall, so the sun exposure (aka beautiful tan) would have faded. The box has beautiful presentation, and the product itself is very sleek. I am excited to try it! Unfortunately, I have had the device plugged in for 2 days straight and it still does appear to be charging or turning on. Beginning the return process now... just barely making the 90 day window! I don't have anything to say about the product use because this is a freak technical issue. It seems awesome when functional! :). (Also I am going to check "yes" that the item was damaged in transit, because perhaps that is the reason it won't charge or turn on...). Thank yew.
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Posted 1 year ago
I have been using this frequently but have yet to see any results.
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Posted 1 year ago
The product worked. However it caused burns on my bikini line. Yes, I tested it and had no issues initially however over time certain areas were more sensitive and burns occurred. I returned the product.
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Posted 1 year ago
Great design and packaging… unfortunately after habitually using as directed for 8 weeks it did not yield any results for me. It was my Wednesday night ritual and I was so excited to use this product…Used on my legs and bikini area at the highest intensity. I was really hoping for some kind of improvement but got nothing out of it.
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Posted 1 year ago
This didn't really work for me, and I'm not sure why. I did it just as instructed, and I have fair skin and dark body hair, so it should have worked. I do feel I get fewer ingrown hairs since using it, so maybe it reduced a few follicles, but I still have to shave just as much as ever, which is what I was hoping to avoid in using it.
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Posted 1 year ago
I'm not sure if this is worth it. I don't have a ton of body hair, but I thought it would be worthwhile to test it out because I love the idea of not having to shave ever again. i have a lighter skin tone and dark hair so I thought I would be a good fit for this. i would say it's been OK. It worked well on my leg hair and upper lip, I would say it's been 50-75% reduced. But it hasn't made a difference at all in my bikini area or under-arm. I've used it for 4-5 months now and I feel like I've seen no progress. Overall I feel like it's not really worth the investment, I'm still shaving so it hasn't really saved me any money at all. Relatively painfree and easy to use though.
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Posted 2 years ago
I just finished doing this for 8 weeks and don’t think I notice a difference. If there is a difference it’s very subtle. I was really hoping this would work so I am very bummed. I am happy there is 90 days to return for a refund at least.
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Posted 2 years ago
I haven’t received my order! I was just thinking about this product yesterday and wondering if it got lost in transit (didn’t receive any communication). This email asking me to review the product was my only reminder lol
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Posted 2 years ago
Honestly, I haven't really noticed results after four months, which is disappointing because I had high hopes for the Flasher 2.0. (side note: my first flasher had an error on the screen and customer service was super helpful in sending me a new one!) I've been using the flasher consistently (2-3x per week) on my underarms for over four months now, and can't say I've noticed much of a difference. My underarm hair may have thinned just a little bit, but it is still very much there and I still need to shave every day. I have light skin and brown hair so I thought this would work for me....wanted to try it on my underarms and then move to other areas of my body but it just doesn't seem to be effective :(
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Hey Abi, We're really sorry to hear you didn't have success with the Flasher 2.0. IPL and Laser hair removal don't work for everyone. We'll be more than happy to give you a full refund. Please email us at and we'll get things sorted. Best, Sam
Posted 2 years ago
I haven’t noticed any reduction in hair growth since I received the product
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Nood is rated 4.5 based on 3,288 reviews