Starter Kit | 2 Pods 2G + 1 Device | Goliath Reviews

4.1 Rating 124 Reviews
The orange tastes like Orange Trident gum, and the blue tastes like blue raspberry candy.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Was there enough information about the product on the site? yes
How satisfied were you with the results of the product? Satisfied
So the product is good but there are some small issues. The concept is great but there are some issues with the pods. The Sativa pod was my preferred but halfway through it became so clogged that it was unusable so I had to throw it away. Tried all the clearing methods and taking short hits but it was clogged and starting to leak out of the two holes on the bottom of the pod. The indica pod is very nice but I am also getting to the halfway point, this is developing a clog as well but is still easy to clear. The flavors and effects are very much on par with what I was expecting. The device could be the issue here as maybe it is providing too much heat but I will prob look at just getting carts and not using this until some further revisions are made.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
The way the draw is off of these pods it is better than any other device or cart I have tried. It can be activated from the button until you realize that you don't need to push the button at all because it activates just by inhaling off of it which honestly is a better hit than if you push the button. I love the lemon pound cake flavor I also really appreciate the Hawaiian snow The blue one is going to have to grow on me I am not currently a fan of the blue one. I accidentally bought the pods not having the device and was skeptical about buying a whole device for only three options of cart until it got here in the mail today and I tried it. This hits so much better than anything else I have tried between carts and disposables that I really hope you make a lot more options of pods for this system super happy with two out of three of the flavors. I need to use it a bit more before I will be able to maybe start to describe how this particular interesting mix of cannabinoids feels. I I'm sure that's what you're really looking for reading these reviews All I can say at this point is yes it's worth it to try it for yourself
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
The Goliath Pod kit is incredible. Cartridge quickly attaches to Pod and delivers a smooth smoke. No more clogged, disposables
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Posted 1 year ago