Up to 7 days Foot deodorant cream Reviews

4.6 Rating 157 Reviews
Read Lavilin Australia Reviews

About Lavilin Australia:

Lavilin deodorant is a herbal deodorant which lasts up to 7 days on one application and is now made available by LavilinStraya for all us Aussies. Imagine that. Body odour-free for up to a week. This herbal deodorant really works. It was developed for armed forces and is aluminium-free. Lavilin brings much-needed relief to the parents of teenagers and the colleagues of co-workers who are on the nose or anyone who suffers from the basic human condition of body odour. We’re glad you found us.

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21b Marilyn Parade Green Point, ,

I got the foot deodorant as the sport samples didn’t seem strong enough when I tried them. This works great but after a month I am still having to apply at least once a day. If I am starting to get a bit stinky, a small second application instantly fixes it. I will keep using it as it’s more effective than the other natural deodorants I’ve used over the years and am hopefully over time I’ll be able to apply it less often.
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Posted 3 years ago
Hope you are seeing improvements. One tip you can try, which seems to go against the grain of our logic is starting on Friday night don't apply Lavilin for the weekend but still shower when needed. One customer really wanted Lavilin to work and tried this. The first day they were a little whiffy but after a shower, the smell went. Then by the second day, there was no smell and they started to last 3 days on one application from then on. This method can work by giving your skin a break from applying every day and let Lavilin have time to work its magic.
Posted 3 years ago
I love this product, it feels silky smooth and has a calming scent
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Posted 3 years ago
Kerim Schaber
Verified Reviewer
Just peachy or rosy whatever, you wont regret using it!
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Posted 3 years ago
Hilery Keane
Verified Reviewer
This seems to work better than the under arm one just messy to apply
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Posted 3 years ago
Helen Adamson
Verified Reviewer
I have only used the product once since purchasing but it made a noticeable difference.
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Posted 3 years ago
Sandy Norman
Verified Reviewer
Worked from the very beginning. I apply it once a week and very happy with results. It is a bit messy to apply but otherwise very satisfied with this product
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Posted 3 years ago
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Posted 3 years ago
Jasmine Matus
Verified Reviewer
I've been using Lavilin for about 3 weeks now. Unfortunately for me, the product is not working. I tried the armpit sample initially when a friend gave it to me and didn't have much luck so when reading over the website and reviews, I saw it was suggested to use the foot cream, which is stronger, on the armpits, so I bought a pot. Have been applying it after a shower in the pm then again in the am. If I leave it a day, its like I'm not wearing any deodorant at all. I live in a hot climate in the NT and do physical work, and after about 3 hours working, I start to smell BO... It's such a shame, as I've tried countless natural deodorants over about a 10 year period and still haven't found one that works always reverting back to an aluminium based one which I really don't want to do. My diet is very clean, I dont drink alcohol, dont eat meat or dairy, so can't work out why its an issue. Any suggestions welcome! One thing I'd like to mention is the customer service has been fantastic; emails are replied to on the same day, Pete and Kara are super friendly and the order arrived in good time.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago