Guiltless Nutrition Lifestyle & Recipe Book + Meal Plan Vegetarian Meal Plan Reviews

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About Love Sweat Fitness:

Love Sweat Fitness is about much more than healthy meals and killer workouts, it’s about building friendships with women that will show up and support you through the ups and downs. Knowing that, no matter where you live, what your goals are, or where you’re starting from, having a group of women who just get you is life changing! Join #TEAMLSF and start your journey today!

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I love these booty bands! Perfect to elevate my workouts, and comes with a cute bag.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Iv been following the eating plan for almost 2 weeks now! Iv lost about 5 pounds, no it’s not much. But I feel AMAZING, I never feel hungry, I am so much more active now the best thing is I’m learning how to actually eat CLEAN rather than just diet. This plan has already changed my life so much, I can’t wait to see what the next few weeks have in store for me. ❤️
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Posted 4 years ago
First off, I LOVE some of these recipes!! But... the meal plan is definitely hard to follow at least at first. The 5 "small" meals really feel like 5 full meals to me, and for someone who rarely eats grain to begin with, this meal plan is very heavy on my system... If you have a generally healthy diet, I do not necessarily recommend the meal plan (recipe book, Yes!) however, if you are constantly eating junkfood or the like, then give it a try!!
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Posted 5 years ago
I bought both products and I am so happy that I did. The meal plan gave me a real sense of what and how much I should be eating each day. I needed a sense of what I should be eating each day as well as the proportions. I haven’t followed the meal plan religiously but I have used it to guide what I should be eating throughout the day and then used the guiltless nutrition guide to pick and choose what I want to eat based on what I have, etc. The recipes are really delicious and super easy to make - especially on a week night when I really don’t want to cook after work. The guides have made it easier for me to grocery shop, meal plan for the week, etc. Both plans were worth every penny! Thanks so much for the thoughtful guides!
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Posted 5 years ago
I have the books about eating the right way and have watched the shows about changing your eating lifestyle. I know pretty much what to do…but this download was the one that worked for me! I finally changed my attitude about my diet. I am not on a diet, I am truly enjoying my eating lifestyle with Katie’s Nutrition downloads. I do not feel deprived, but invigorated. It is not hard, in fact when I miss my eating flow (which happens), I am excited to get back on it. I have tons more energy, my metabolism is charged and I see a big difference in my lifestyle. My friends and family also have said you look good, have you have lost weight and this is just the byproduct of the program. I feel good! I am so glad I made the choice to clean out my pantry and start this program. I am doing this for life! Thanks Katie!
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Posted 5 years ago
I just completed the Hot Body Meal Plan! That’s saying a lot because I’ve never been able to finish a plan. This one is very simple and I like that there’s no crazy, expensive ingredients. Two things that would make it better, in my humble opinion: more veggies each day, and a guideline each week of how to prep everything ahead of time (cook X amount of chicken, roast this many sweet potatoes, etc.). But it’s a great plan overall, it took dedication and planning but I was able to do it with a toddler and a full time job. I lost 5lbs (wasn’t looking to lose much) and went down 1% in body fat! I love the little positive messages throughout the plan. Women supporting other women rocks!
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Posted 5 years ago
In love with the material in this bundle. Very professionally done, great content!!! Thank you for all the hard work put into every page!
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Posted 5 years ago
I love the meal plan because it’s all food I love and I don’t have to spend hours meal prepping. I can do a little one night and then a little more 2 days later and so on. I also didn’t have to spend a fortune on groceries either. And the meals fill me up, I’m always satisfied when I’m done eating.
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Posted 5 years ago