Wall Mounted Pulley Tower Tall 84.5" Reviews

4.5 Rating 180 Reviews
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If you're looking for commercial quality this isn't what you're looking for. If your looking for something cheap that serves a purpose and gets the job done then this is what you're looking for. I have mine mounted to my X3 short rack and yes I have the tall pulley. It's beautiful it's smooth it doesn't creak. The included handles will you get you by until you buy attachments. If you're thinking about buying it you've already thought too long. Unless you're the mega superstar gym owner that wants the commercial stack this is what you need.
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Posted 4 years ago
Assembly was pretty quick. The machine mounts direct to the T3 rack and it is smooth. A great addition.
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Posted 4 years ago
Very satisfied with the product! Just received it today and it's just what I was wanting! Great price
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Posted 4 years ago
My son bought one for his basement gym. I helped him put it together and was amazed what you get for dirt cheap. I bought one for my basement too. I have a Titan X-3 rack and work off the front and back of the rack. I wanted to rack mount it, but the pulley would have interfered with my squat or bench, so I easily wall mounted mine. It works great and is a shockingly good deal for the money.
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Posted 4 years ago