Equip Health Reviews

4.6 Rating 28 Reviews
89 %
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About Equip Health:

Equip is the leading virtual, evidence-based eating disorder treatment program on a mission to ensure that everyone with an eating disorder can access treatment that works.

Created by clinical experts in the field and people with lived experience, Equip builds upon evidence-based treatments to empower individuals to reach lasting recovery. All Equip patients receive a dedicated care team, including a therapist, dietitian, physician, and mentors.

We operate in all 50 states and are in-network with most major health insurance plans. For more information, please visit equip.health.

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Still struggling with nightmares, anxiety, and strained relationship with family since treatment.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 months ago
Hello, We’re so sorry that things are so difficult for you right now, and appreciate you taking the time to share your experience with us. We’re continuously working to improve the care we provide to patients and families — if you’re open to discussing your concerns further, please reach out to our team at feedback@equip.health. We’re grateful for your feedback and we’re here to listen, learn, and help.
Posted 3 months ago
Equip Health is rated 4.6 based on 28 reviews