Equip Health Reviews

4.6 Rating 26 Reviews
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About Equip Health:

Equip is the leading virtual, evidence-based eating disorder treatment program on a mission to ensure that everyone with an eating disorder can access treatment that works.

Created by clinical experts in the field and people with lived experience, Equip builds upon evidence-based treatments to empower individuals to reach lasting recovery. All Equip patients receive a dedicated care team, including a therapist, dietitian, physician, and mentors.

We operate in all 50 states and are in-network with most major health insurance plans. For more information, please visit equip.health.

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
I truly feel that Equip helped to save not just our daughter but in the process our whole family. We knew our daughter was sick and we knew she needed help. We had great providers locally and were using a dietician and a counselor and our pediatrician. We were all trying so hard but 6 months of trying and things just weren't getting better - they were getting worse. My husband had a job change and by a miracle Equip was finally in our network. From the very first appointment we had with the Equip the providers deep expertise in Eating Disorder Treatment shone through. Every single preson we met with completely understood what we were going through. They met us where we were and taught us so much. It took 6 months of appointments with Equip before my daughter could make it to a counseling appointment without extreme panic. Our counselor helped us stay the course. And it worked. After 13 months of treatment my daughter was sad to be leaving leaving her counselor. It was so bittersweet to be sad to be leaving the place you never wanted to be. We will forever be grateful for the compassion and the expertise that Equip brings and for saving our daughter.
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Posted 4 days ago
Equip help give us our daughter back. It took a team of amazing people that we couldn't have done it without them. What I loved about Equip is the fact that this only works if you are willing to give it all you've got as a parent or loved one of the patient. I wasn't willing to hand my daughter off to someone for treatment, I wanted to be part of the efforts, all in the safety and reassurance of our own home and within our family.
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Posted 3 weeks ago
Equip was an absolute blessing in bring our thriving daughter back to an even better version of herself as she suffered from anorexia. Equips model of starting your family with a minimum of a five person qualified and trusted team from the beginning is a beautiful thing. Our team had ongoing communication together. Piecing and accessing what we as caregivers and our loved one was communicating to them as far as what we were seeing/experiencing. This allowed them to focus on the best treatment and advice specifically to our loved ones recovery. (As everyone journey is different.) I can not begin to tell you how knowledgeable, professional, attentive, supportive and compassionate our team was. I am forever grateful to each one of them. They listened, encouraged and provided continued helpful advice. In addition Equip provides additional support groups of which I highly recommend attending as many as you and your love one can. Groups such as Peer groups, Caregiver support groups, Sport and ED groups, Sibling support groups etc. Every group I attended was always a learning experience with knowledgeable and compassionate leaders. Being surrounded by others on the journey is a source of comfort as well. With our amazing team we trusted the process. As a result we have a daughter who is in strong recovery. As parents we feel so empowered as we have the tools and confidence to help prevent a relapse If the ED still sneaks in we have been equipped to be ready to send it back out. Can not recommend a better program.
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Posted 1 month ago
So far so good
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Posted 1 month ago
Great education and empowerment to help my loved one make changes
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Posted 1 month ago
Honestly, you saved my daughter's life, and gave power back to her, gave her autonomy again. She is grateful and we are grateful. The treatment is very effective and the parents/guardians need to be 100% behind it for it to be successful. We were always behind it, and we are thankful.
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Posted 1 month ago
The care providers are truly the best I've ever experienced. I could not have overcome my ED without the help of these skilled professionals. Truly life changing
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Posted 1 month ago
We came to Equip when we knew that our daughter had an eating disorder (which took us several months to figure out), but we did not know what it would take to get her better. We had tried working with our regular health care providers but their assistance either seemed ill informed or ineffective. We found Equip on an internet search and we were really happy that we did because after we got our insurance company’s approval (in which we had to make the case that we could not get the same care otherwise) we were blown away by how much help we got from Equip and how well everyone got eating disorders. Their family based therapy and coordinated team efforts made all the difference. After getting the help she needed our daughter is well on the path to recovery now. She is out of town this weekend with a school club and we know that she will eat well and be healthy because of what she learned. Before Equip, we couldn’t have felt like she would be able to eat safely and we wouldn’t have allowed her to go or we would’ve been worried about her the whole time. Thank you Equip for everything you did to help our daughter and our family!
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Posted 1 month ago
After a long high school battle with anorexia, my daughter is in college and thriving thanks in large part to Equip. We tried many treatment approaches, but Equip’s family-based treatment – and ability to bring a full team of talented, empathetic healthcare providers to us, on our schedule, was invaluable – and she was able to take the treatment with her to college as her recovery progressed. I highly recommend this program – it changed our lives.
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Posted 1 month ago
Knowing we’re not alone was very comforting. Good presentation and direct communication about the difficulties ahead.
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Posted 1 month ago
The new patient progress has been easy and everyone has great to work with.
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Posted 1 month ago
Equip has been an excellent support system for our family. Having the ability to schedule sessions with all members of the team conveniently through the platform greatly simplifies things. And knowing that the default is that all team members are connected is huge. With a typical, distributed outpatient treatment team, we felt we were playing quarterback all the time to first, get the team members connected and then second, make sure that each team member was sharing valuable insights with each other. Never mind the fact that we don't have to individually manage insurance claims for each provider! All our team members have been great. Caring, thoughtful, compassionate, helpful. We have no complaints. They meet us where we are. Don't push for more than we can give and provide the type of support we ask for. The peer and parent mentor programs are a huge bonus to working with equip. Everyone who has supported a child with an eating disorder knows how hard it is to find others who truly understand what you're going through. With a peer/parent mentor, this comes right out of the gate and helps build trust and makes you feel supported in a way you won't get from a traditional treatment team. I could go on and on, but one more thing I'll mention is that Equip offers a seemingly endless supply of additional learning and support opportunities, all at no additional cost. The variety of sessions is incredible - truly something for everyone. There's so much positive to say about Equip. We love what they've built and what they are offering.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 months ago
Equip provided exactly what we needed to help our daughter with anorexia: - An amazing therapist who has a masterful ability to hold us accountable while still being compassionate - A wonderful dietician who helps build our confidence in making adjustments using a foundation of caring and trust she has built with us - A caring family mentor, who has been through this before, and expertly points out our blind spots and ensures our focus where it matters - An expert physician, with tremendous knowledge and ability to figure out what's imporant - A psychiatrist with an unbelievable ability to really understand our daughter and her brain just by talking with her, and make what turned out to be all the right decisions for her meds. - A process with "more weight" is "more healing" for the brain at its foundation, which turned out to be the answer to our daughter's recovery.
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Posted 2 months ago
Equip has been an absolute lifesaver for our family over the past year as we navigated through our 14-year-old son's battle with anorexia. The comprehensive care team, flexible scheduling options, and virtual platform were instrumental in guiding us through this challenging journey. The support we received from Equip was unparalleled. Our care team provided us with the education, tools, and support necessary to take control of our son's eating disorder and facilitate his recovery from the comfort of our home. Our therapist, dietician, and family mentor offered practical strategies for handling difficult situations, which proved to be invaluable during some of our toughest moments. What truly stood out to us was the expertise and immense support demonstrated by every member of the Equip team. They were compassionate, understanding, and genuinely committed to helping our son overcome his struggles. Their dedication made all the difference in his recovery process. I wholeheartedly recommend Equip to any family who is dedicated to supporting their child through eating disorder recovery. Thank you, Equip, for being there for us when we needed it most.
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Posted 2 months ago
Equip has been highly effective for treating our daughter's eating disorder. They were there to guide us, support us, and teach us how to make our way, patiently through recovery. When we started we were terrified, felt lost and isolated, but the team was there for us every step of the way. It's a lot of work, but well worth it. My comparison is it's like you are in a boxing match with a fierce oponent and when the bell rings and you go to your corner, Equip is there to dry you off, patch up your wounds and coach you on how to win the fight. Can't reccomend them enough and could not have done it without them!
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Posted 2 months ago
There are too many things to say about our year+ with Equip. We feel so blessed to have had such an amazing team walk alongside us and provide such great guidance.
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Posted 2 months ago
There are too many things to say about our year+ with Equip. We feel so blessed to have had such an amazing team walk alongside us and provide such great guidance.
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Posted 2 months ago
There are too many things to say about our year+ with Equip. We feel so blessed to have had such an amazing team walk alongside us and provide such great guidance.
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Posted 2 months ago
We spent 3 1/2 years with Equip. Having 2 daughters with anorexia is a very hard experience and Equip was amazing. The team was there for us every week, every step of the way. Both children are recovered and doing well. These people really care and use evidence based treatment. I would use them again and again if our daughters need help in the future. I learned just about everything there is to know about eating disorders. Kevin, Camilla and Edle are amazing at what they do!
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Posted 2 months ago
The program was very helpful and supportive. At first I was hesitant to try a program that was not in person but found that it was very thorough. It was also very convenient because there were many dates and times available for appointments.
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Posted 2 months ago
Equip Health is rated 4.6 based on 26 reviews