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1.4 Rating 70 Reviews
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I purchased instant heater of JML I am a big buyer of amazon I should have bought it off amazon I thought JML was the only seller. When I got heater and set it up plugged it in the heater instantly give off a very hot heat if you step back the heat did not reach you too close and it gets too uncomfortable. The heater was not work able. I contacted JML to return for full refund they said that it would cost me £8 which was to be taken off my refund for the cost of return. I sent it back. Eventually after over a week I get my refund plus they took another £4 of me I presume for the delivery to me. They are actually being very dishonest as they never said this just £8 off for cost of return. Do not buy any thing off them as if you buy the same item of amazon free delivery and free return no quibble. Iam not getting anything or being paid by amazon but I love the firm. They are not petty and gives one hell of a service. Thanks if you are reading this.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
JML is rated 1.4 based on 70 reviews