Lisa A. Romano Reviews

4.9 Rating 56 Reviews
98 %
of reviewers recommend Lisa A. Romano
Lisa A. Romano 5 star review on 12th July 2023
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
My life came to a crossroads about 4 years ago. Through a series of unforeseen events, I was forced to face the fact that I had been living as a codependent for my entire life. Every romantic relationship and several friendships that I had been involved in were with narcissists. Each one seemed to be worse than the prior one and culminated with a covert narcissist. I did not even know that they existed until I came to terms with my now ex who had been emotionally abusing me for 18 years. The last stunt he pulled pushed me over the edge and nearly broke me. Fortunately, I started reading everything I could about narcissists and came across Lisa A Romano. Her upbringing was very similar to mine and I began to feel a special bond with her, even though I had never met her. I’ve listened to hundreds of her videos, taken all of her classes that she offers, and learned to face the truth. I feel like she has saved my life. I will be 64 in a few months and I am the happiest I’ve ever been! Thanks to her and everything I’ve learned from her, I’m now able to recognize when something in my life is a red flag, and my thoughts automatically react in a healthy way. It’s so wonderful to know that I’m not crazy and always at fault. That was my so-called normal reaction in the past. This has been a long hard journey, but I was determined to find my true self. I definitely recommend all of her courses, books, videos, etc. Your life will change for the better. She has “walked the walk” so she knows how we feel. I am so grateful that God brought her into my life and I’m eager to take the new class that she will be offering soon, Soul School. I believe that it was Divine Intervention that brought Lisa to me and I will be forever grateful! Thank you Lisa A Romano!
Lisa A. Romano 5 star review on 2nd July 2023
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Posted 10 months ago
Thank you Bridget! Humans are intelligent creatures, however, we don't generally use our intellect to understand how the mind, which we are not, by the way, comes to form. The notion that we think therefore we are, is false. 'I feel therefore I am,' is more appropriate. What we feel has consequences, whether we are three days old, three years old, thirty, sixty, or ninety years old. Because you ached to understand yourself and to find peace, what you sought found you. 'Seek and you shall find', as they say. You have embraced the work and the walk. I only offer a way to find the road back to the true self...You and those who participate in my programs do the work. And as you are learning, it is quite possible to become so entangled with toxic forces at the feeling/quantum level, that as an adult, they seem to be everywhere. You Dear One, have learned to break free at the feeling level. You changed your brain through the feeling level. I imagine a world where everyone takes the time to understand, learn and practice flipping the reticular activating system of the brain so they can know the true power of a stabilized awareness. Yes, I am looking forward to taking you to soul level with Soul School. See you soon, and thank you for your time, your confidence in my work, and the healing energy you output into the world every moment of your life. Because you changed, you changed us all.
Posted 9 months ago
If you are struggling with the dance of Codependency and really want your subconscious beliefs that create your difficult life to change, then Lisa's online Breakthrough Coaching Program is for you. I've done a lot of work on myself over the years with positive results, but until this program, I was not aware of nor able to change my deeply imbedded subconscious thinking that kept messing me up in my relationship to significant others, but even more importantly, with myself. After another breakup with yet another partner, I was blessed to happen upon Lisa on YouTube. I was immediately drawn to her work. It was a lifeline to my sanity. I quickly signed up for the course and have had amazing changes because of Lisa's unique way of presenting the material that we need to truly heal and change. She has walked the walk and done the work herself. She's the real deal and very impassioned about her participants' recovery. I can't recommend this course enough. If you're willing to devote an hour a day to your own healing, this course is worth every penny. I will be signing up for subsequent courses with Lisa as the results for me have been remarkable.
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Posted 9 months ago
I took the 12 week breakthrough course and i can without any doubt say, that this is the best personal development course i have ever done. I have finally found a course and a teacher (Lisa A Romano) whose philosophy and teachings have worked. This course, has changed the way i view myself and helped me ,to start loving myself and believing in myself . No other courses or therapists have done this , i have tried it all. The Master class, is a course that helps you to master your mind , your emotions and therefore your Life, it teaches you how to manifest your desires and this will ignite your life and you stop being afraid and start living your dreams literally. I highly recommend both courses, for anybody who feels low self esteem, stuck, fearfull and worthless, you wont regret taking these courses , they will change your life for the better!.
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Posted 9 months ago
Hi Kim, Thank you for taking the time to review these courses. My team and I aim to help people expand their consciousness and confront their limiting beliefs, created during the most innocent times when our brains were wiring according to what was happening in our environments when we were children. Most people don't understand how the brain or the mind operates. They assume that what they notice happening in their minds results from aware consciousness. However, most thoughts are recycled. And most of our actions are also habitual. Therefore, we are more automated beings than authentic, but we don't know it. We all live below the veil of consciousness and out of subconscious fears until our lives become unmanageable, and we ask different questions. Low self-worth is so far from our authentic truth, and until we learn to confront our inner wounds, psychic injuries control our lives, all outside of our consciousness. Being part of your sacred journey back to the divine self is an honor. And I want to personally thank you for pushing human consciousness forward by learning to master your emotions, beliefs, thoughts, habits, intentions, and energy better. It was never you, it was only your programming. All my love, Lisa A. Romano
Posted 9 months ago
My life came to a crossroads about 4 years ago. Through a series of unforeseen events, I was forced to face the fact that I had been living as a codependent for my entire life. Every romantic relationship and several friendships that I had been involved in were with narcissists. Each one seemed to be worse than the prior one and culminated with a covert narcissist. I did not even know that they existed until I came to terms with my now ex who had been emotionally abusing me for 18 years. The last stunt he pulled pushed me over the edge and nearly broke me. Fortunately, I started reading everything I could about narcissists and came across Lisa A Romano. Her upbringing was very similar to mine and I began to feel a special bond with her, even though I had never met her. I’ve listened to hundreds of her videos, taken all of her classes that she offers, and learned to face the truth. I feel like she has saved my life. I will be 64 in a few months and I am the happiest I’ve ever been! Thanks to her and everything I’ve learned from her, I’m now able to recognize when something in my life is a red flag, and my thoughts automatically react in a healthy way. It’s so wonderful to know that I’m not crazy and always at fault. That was my so-called normal reaction in the past. This has been a long hard journey, but I was determined to find my true self. I definitely recommend all of her courses, books, videos, etc. Your life will change for the better. She has “walked the walk” so she knows how we feel. I am so grateful that God brought her into my life and I’m eager to take the new class that she will be offering soon, Soul School. I believe that it was Divine Intervention that brought Lisa to me and I will be forever grateful! Thank you Lisa A Romano!
Lisa A. Romano 5 star review on 2nd July 2023
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Posted 10 months ago
Thank you Bridget! Humans are intelligent creatures, however, we don't generally use our intellect to understand how the mind, which we are not, by the way, comes to form. The notion that we think therefore we are, is false. 'I feel therefore I am,' is more appropriate. What we feel has consequences, whether we are three days old, three years old, thirty, sixty, or ninety years old. Because you ached to understand yourself and to find peace, what you sought found you. 'Seek and you shall find', as they say. You have embraced the work and the walk. I only offer a way to find the road back to the true self...You and those who participate in my programs do the work. And as you are learning, it is quite possible to become so entangled with toxic forces at the feeling/quantum level, that as an adult, they seem to be everywhere. You Dear One, have learned to break free at the feeling level. You changed your brain through the feeling level. I imagine a world where everyone takes the time to understand, learn and practice flipping the reticular activating system of the brain so they can know the true power of a stabilized awareness. Yes, I am looking forward to taking you to soul level with Soul School. See you soon, and thank you for your time, your confidence in my work, and the healing energy you output into the world every moment of your life. Because you changed, you changed us all.
Posted 9 months ago
After three years of therapy and counseling with decorated individuals, my work with Lisa Romano was most effective. I listened to over 100 episodes of her podcasts, read every one of her posts on Instagram, signed up for the 12 advanced audio series on co-dependency, and did numerous one-on-one sessions. I felt she was like a fly on the wall witnessing everything daily. But that's how spot-on she is. She took a stance, empowered me, and opened my eyes to the reality of what I was living. She gave me the tools to honor and respect myself, trust my feelings, and courageously plow forward. It's not about the other; it's about getting yourself to a higher level of consciousness so you are thriving and not surviving. I'm forever indebted to her for helping me regain my self-worth and self-esteem.
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Posted 1 year ago
I don’t even know where to begin to explain the impact Lisa A. Romano has had on making it possible for me to change my life. Her words resonated deeply with me and personally felt like my feelings and emotions and situations I could never find the words for or untangle to m as me sense of. I began watching her many You Tube videos and joined her groups discovering I was not alone and was in fact highly codependent. When I was ready to do the work and willing to examine my entire life closely, I took both the 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program and the Master Class. It is not an easy process to go through but a crucial journey for authentic healing. In Lisa’s class, I developed a profound understanding of self. She gave me the tools and guidance that answers very clearly patterns and behaviours and faulty beliefs that I had and why I had them. It has permanently changed my life and transitioned me from a state of being ‘stuck’ to a life with momentum, clarity and peace.
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Posted 1 year ago
I’m incredibly grateful to Lisa for all the tools she has provided to me through the 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program and the Master Class. Her programs (including videos, meditations, livestreams, journaling, and written materials) really resonate with me and have helped me tremendously in shifting my vibration, thought process, and life. Her messages are so honest, thoughtful and powerful. I would encourage anyone on the path of self-healing to check out her programs! ~ Grace S.
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Posted 1 year ago
I love this app. Great loving pick me ups throughput the day. Positive affirmations to get one think about what they think about! . So much self care tips. Teaching Kindness and self esteem. The app is worth it I’m so many ways. The messages are full of compassion, the cOst is ridiculously low. The impact of awesomeness is high. If you struggle with codependency or if you are looking for encouragement to be the best you, look no further. You landed in the best place. I look forward every day to my special love notes from Lisa. It’s encouraging and thought provoking with a simple journal prompt. Lisa helps you see that life is great once you start realizing you are a precious soul. Lisa shows you that you are enough! You are enough! You are divine and you deserve a great relationship with yourself and others. Absolutely recommend this app! You won’t be disappointed. Thank you 🙏 ❤️🦋
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Posted 2 years ago
Lisa has helped me so much. First of all she’s helped me to recognize that I’m codependent and then she’s given me tools to come out of it. I felt so stuck until I took Lisa’s 12 weeks course. It’s a strategic and logical approach to come out of codependency, which I needed. Lisa’s heart is in her work and I appreciate her honesty and love.
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Posted 2 years ago
My life feels worth LIVING rather than just surviving, having taken Lisa’s 12-week Breakthrough Course and now her Master Class. She is a truly gifted coach who teaches from her heart and personal experience, having overcome and evolved past her own personal pain. Lisa has amazing insights to people’s personal experiences, getting right to the crux to bring about true healing, awakening and transformation. A genuine light-bringer.
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Posted 3 years ago
All the best for this amazing and brave woman Thank you, Lisa God bless
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Posted 3 years ago
Wonderful to listen to Lisa's video as always!
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Posted 3 years ago
Lisa A Romano has given me the tools that assists me to breathe, think and connect to the truth which is potentially changing my life everyday. I now see the light I am made of and a beautiful destination exists for me. 🙏
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Posted 3 years ago
I took both the 12 Week Breakthrough Program and the Masterclass created by Lisa Romano, and I have her to thank for the huge changes I have made in my life. Without these programs I would still be stuck in my childhood programming. I love the way she presents information and shares her life stories. The program is challenging and difficult, but worth every moment.
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Posted 3 years ago
After putting Lisa A. Romano's 5 Secrets To Disarm a Narcissist YouTube video into practice and realizing how well the key phrases worked to stump the narcissist, I was sold on Lisa's 12 Warrior Breakthrough Coaching Program! I learned how to unlock myself as to why, I am the way that I am. While I can't change how others react to me, I can change how I choose to NOT react to them! As my energy changes, the energy around me shifts. I am now more aware and accountable, ascending myself first. Not only did Lisa create the 12 WBCP, she lived it! That is what makes this coaching program so priceless.
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Posted 3 years ago
I have found great benefit in this course, I feel it has helped me to uncover some deep truths about myself and the people in my life. I feel empowered by the tools provided in the course to change the destructive patterns which have affected me throughout my life until now.
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Posted 3 years ago
At 58yrs old I have always felt like a round peg in a square hole. I have been through therapy and the diagnosis was emotional instability. Words but no WHYs. Just by luck I found Lisa a few weeks ago and couldn’t get her out of my head. It was like my mouth was speaking the words and then came the hallelujah moment. I would never have believed I would accept being a Co Dependant. A t that moment I realised I needed to be a Breakthrough Warrior and join you Dear Ones. I am starting to be alive again. Thank you Lisa and the support team for helping me on this journey Words can never express my gratitude to you all and I send you all my Love Hillary x x x
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Posted 3 years ago
The 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program has been life changing for me. I learned how my brain works and why that is so important. I started to feel my feelings and learned that everything starts with a feeling. The deep meditations were very healing for me. I am becoming the observer of my thoughts and emotions instead of being caught up in them. I have many more tools in my shed to navigate my life, my brain and my emotions. I am very grateful for this program and Lisa A Romano for creating it from her research and life experiences. I plan on repeat this class several times.
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Posted 3 years ago
I began listening to Lisa Romano’s videos On U-Tube in early 2018. Shortly after that, I took her 12 week break through class in March 2018. Then, her Master Class in August of 2018. Her sharing of experiences and researched knowledge, has truly been a life saver for me! She has a genuine gift, (and when I say gift, I am referring to her having spent the great amount of time and study, to be able to help so many!), of being able to put very complex dynamics in families and relationships where narcissism, scapegoating, and more, exist, into straight forward, relatable and understandable terms! She has helped me enormously in these areas and in realizing that I’ve lived my entire life as a codependent! I got so much out of her 12 week break through program. In fact, I have repeated it, and I get more out of it each time I do. I have also benefited from taking the Master class, which goes hand in hand with the 12 week break through. After searching and listening to some others on these subjects, I am so happy to have found Lisa, and to be able to reap the huge benefit that Lisa’s work and her classes have made in my life!
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Posted 3 years ago
Lisa A. Romano truly saved my life. I was in the depths of despair after my narcissistic partner left me. I started listening to her videos and finally understood what codependency was and realized I'd been living this way my entire life. Her 12 week breakthrough program really helped me recognize faulty childhood programming. I am finally creating new neural pathways of healthy ways of thinking and honoring myself. Lisa and her team are truly amazing! I'm grateful for each and every one!
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Posted 3 years ago
Lisa A. Romano has been an incredible and a most profound life change influence, with her excellent videos and guided meditations. She has succesfuly managed to massively transform my personal life with her incredibly effective meditations, by healing my childhood abuse wounds and removing my highly self destructive, inherited subconscious codependency mindset, which was unconsciously damaging my health, love life, career and finances in all ways, shapes and forms. Like most codependent types, for decades I was particularly unconsciously attracting and was attracted to cluster B narcissists, henceforth bringing about highly destructive relationship experiences of abuse in all ways. I found Lisa to be an outstanding coach in this enormously complex subject. To me, the most incredible thing about her, unlike many qualified medical professionals with letters to their name, she is really capable of healing traumatised adult individuals. Great number of hurt people though, are for years walking from one therapist to another, without receiving any help whatsoever as there is little care or any understanding of how subconscious mind works from the epigenetic programming in childhood. From the first video I watched of hers I knew instinctively that she is genuine and has herself endured absolute hell of abuse for decades. From such experience, she has harnessed remarkable ability to help similar abuse survivors. She has described to the letter my both parents, my abusive childhood and my life in every sense, with frightful accuracy and profound understanding of enormous subjects of codependency, narcissistic psychopathy and sociopathy. I cannot thank Lisa enough for healing, transforming and helping shifting my own reality. She is a remarkably generous and deeply compassionate soul, I could not recommend her more for healing anyone who has suffered abusive childhood or abusive adult relationships. She is a life coach extraordinnaire, capable of truly changing ones reality. Thank you Lisa!
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Lisa A. Romano is rated 4.9 based on 56 reviews