“I also wish there was a 'no stars' option.
This company have destroyed over a third of my pension fund - through exorbitantly high fees, investing in schemes which are not suitable for a pension and the really worst thing of all is that they couldn't give a sh*t that they have ruined mine, & many others like me lives.
Shame on you!!”
“Lost everything! Was told my pension would be invested in a LOW RISK fund. They lied, it was not I lost £45,000. My pension and financial stability gone. Do not trust them”
“Momentum have knowingly taken referrals from unqualified agents Continental Wealth Management accepting forged dealing instructions and placed clients money into high risk policies decimating their pensions. Momentum lack of due diligence and quality checks is appalling. They do not safeguard pensions and certainly cannot be trusted to act as a 'Trustee'”
“They have wrongly invested my private pension so I have lost nearly all of it.. my husband has died and I am only 60 so nowhere near pensionable age.. my life is hell.. thanks for nothing!!!”
“Absolute disgrace of a company. They’ve completely destroyed the lives of myself, my husband and entire family due to their fraudulent dealings and lack of interest in ourplight. They have no conscience whatsoever and to this day are stealing money from people. Shame on you. Merry bloody Christmas you shisters”
“Sadly the review does not allow me to put Zero stars. Momentum Pensions Malta Ltd have been the trustees of my pension for the past 4 years. In that time my pension has lost over 60% of it's value. This company does not act in the best interests of it's clients. It charges extremely hi fees and is to be avoided at all costs.
Once you are in you cannot get out, unless you pay an extremely high penalty clause, they pay Scamming agents ridiculously high commission to introduce you to their money grabbing account, you pay ludicrous maintenance fees, all with a promise of of favorable returns on a pension pot investment. I was not looking to get rich, just invest my Life long earned pension for security for the future, this company has seen fit to make me and thousands others, PAUPERS and lined their pockets AND the scammers with our money
“Momentum Pensions totally failed myself and many other persons as our Trustee of our hard earned pensions to ensure they acted in our best interests. Personally I have lost at least 80% of my pension fund due to their lack of diligence. They accepted forged dealing instructions from Cwm and continued to do so after being made aware of the scam and even paid compensation to at least one person whilst continuing to do business with Cwm. Shame on them. Best avoided like the plague!”
“The reader might well ask why so many reviews have anonymous names. It is because of the fear of reprisal from Momentum. They will find any excuse to ignore their failings as trustees. All the comments are 100% accurate .. I have lost nearly €200k on my pension portfolio due to complete disregard and lack of diligence on Momentum's part and the remaining €50k left is locked in a 'forged' bond that I knew nothing about with huge penalties for 'early' release, the penalty being based on my initial investment!”
“Unfortunately they have sat back and allowed fraudulent dealings lose 18k of my pension fund.
To add insult to injury they continue to charge exhorbitant fees for a product that was never suitable for the size of my pension pot.”
“Momentum Trustee.... .. They need to look up the definition of the word 'trustee', as they have failed on every level. Accepting forged dealing instructions from an unlicienced, scamming company CWM, millions of pounds of hard earned pensions have been lost in toxic high risk notes and once they were made aware of these catastrophic failings, they have failed in their duty again by doing nothing. At present there are between 50 and 60 complaints going through the Arbiter's office. May justice prevail.”
“Not worthy of any stars. Failed in just about every way that a trustee could fail it's clients. Facilitated huge losses to my pension fund and dislaimed any responsibility. I and many others now face poverty in old age. Disgraceful company. DO NOT HAVE ANY DEALINGS WITH THEM!”
“Don't get involved with them as they don't care about you. I've lost two thirds of my pension but they were paid as TRUSTEES and accepted forged signatures on trading documents and dealing with unlicensed advisers.”
“Momentum accepted forged dealing instructions, placed funds into toxic high risk notes which were /are totally and utterly unsuitable for a pension pot to be invested into. There are at present over 50 Arbiter complaints in progress against them and their total breakdown as their role as Trustee. There are people, including ourselves, facing a retirement with no money due to their incompetence.”
“Trustees are supposed to have the best interest of their client, check Regulators to ensure they are licensed, check advisers such as CWM who were not and disappeared; Momentum authorise toxic high risk investments unsuitable; they lie allowing you to believe you will receive compensation for years without support; already aware of so many victims now with decimated pensions whilst even the Provider, and Trustees grow richer on high commission fees forcing the vulnerable OAPs to sell homes with ruined pensions and futures of poverty. Rating should be ZERO Momentum the Provider and Regulator should be in prison.”
“My pension has been decimated by this company by allowing scam companies to fraudulently and illegally use my money for their own gains! And still this company wants more of my money!”
“Disaster. Lost nearly half of my investment due to them acting as trustees and accepting forged signatures on trading documents and dealing with unlicensed advisers.”