outdoor-revolution.com Reviews

2.0 Rating 5 Reviews
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of reviewers recommend outdoor-revolution.com

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Absolutely shocking customer service, rude staff and still have a faulty tent.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
SCAMMERS!! BEWARE!! They market their products as designed in the UK but they are not, they import their stuff from China I've spoken to the actual manufacturer and they are all made and designed in China (you can buy it all from Alibaba, £199 for a tent that Outdoor Revolution sell for £1500) Absolutely shocking customer service, we had a brand new tent explode on us after 2 hours of it being up, it took them a year to replace it but the new tent was full of issues. I made a complaint that it took a year to get a replacement and the fact their dealer threatened me and miraculously they have now 'lost' my warranty registration. So now i have a tent that I spent over a thousand pounds on and it goes flat every 10 minutes and they refuse to replace the tubes under its lifetime warranty. Avoid this company!
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Non-existent after sales service. Had a problem with one air beam which has taken 9 weeks to finally resolve. Followed all OR guidelines to rectify the issue but just hit brick walls and was repeatedly lied to. It's a shame because I do like the tent itself, but i'll never buy anything from this dreadful company again.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
outdoor-revolution.com is rated 2.0 based on 5 reviews