UKbride Reviews

1.2 Rating 107 Reviews
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of reviewers recommend UKbride
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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
I signed up with UK bride for a year's advertising on their platform. It was an absolute waste of my time and money. These are the facts upon which I base my conclusion: 1. Over the year I spent at least 40 hours following up "leads" from UKbride. This included sending hundreds of emails, text messages and making many polite phone calls. 2. I am an experienced and qualified wedding photographer. I offer great value for money and have photographed hundreds of weddings over the last 20 years. 3. I gained absolutely 0 (zero) bookings from UKbride. 4. UKbride use a rolling contract with suppliers which basically means that unless you read the fine print and cancel in a very specific time frame, you are automatically contracted to pay for the following year. 5 Uk bride took a very hard line on following through on this, with threats of legal action made to me. 6. Uk bride claim in their marketing that over 90% of supplies book the following year. Maybe this is in good part related to their use of rolling contracts with suppliers? 7 When speaking to a Uk bride representative about the issue they were more concerned about how my online activity might tarnish the company's reputation, rather than being committed to come to a fair and reasonable resolution. Again they threatened me that their legal team may have to become involved. If I could give Uk bride 0 Star Rating, I would. As a wedding supplier I would totally avoid this company.
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Posted 3 years ago
My Experience with UkBride I advertised with UkBride and at first it was great but as time went by the cracks started to appear. I would like to write a full and accurate review of how I was mistreated as customer advertising on their platform. This year has been horrendous for any bride to be and its also been horrendous for my photography business at DUKE PHOTOGRAPY I have never once had any business from them but equally I could have tried harder. At the beginning I was paying for a year of advertising but did not know I was in a contract, I mean, how could I know? I have never seen the contract in my life and I certainly didnt sign anything and it wasn't made aware (but I will get to this part later) The business model is case of letting sleeping dragons lay by taking vendors bank card details and storing them in file, however they had to call me as my card details had changed, they were trying to take another years payment. So now they have my card details with no contract in place which is illegal. They rang me to take payment but when I kindly declined they said I had to because that was apart of the contract and when I asked why they didnt contact me prior to the auto renewal especially whilst we were in lockdown and couldnt work, they infomed me that business to business contracts do not need any warning on auto renewal and proceeded still trying to take payment. This year has been awful with every wedding postponed and trying to feed my poor children as this is all I can afford at the moment and despite letting UkBride knowing how difficult time was at home they still tried to take full payment untill we agreed £20 a month as a cancellation fee for 6 months. Now I am not going to lie, I lost my temper with them on the phone when they failed to show any compassion or remorse as I couldnt understand why a business would not warn me that my contract is about to renew and despite going through hardship they were absolutely relentless! I would like to point out that because I am not a key worker, I havent been working so considering we are in unprecedented times you would have thought they would have dealt with this in a better way but instead all it has done is shown their true colours They said they were going to send the contract through the post, they didnt. They said they were going to send the contract in email, they didnt. So the third time I asked, I waited on the phone until they sent it through. They sent me a contract with all my details which they filled in but they never had my signature. This for me is very unprofessional Its safe to say they haven't been able to taken payment since nor can the persue any further but now I am currently seeking a charge back from my bank and taking further action as they have broke GDPR for storing details without followng correct process and certainly not being in a contract. This is my experience with UkBride.
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Posted 3 years ago
Sign up to advertise with and they conveniently forget to mention that you are signing up for a yearly rolling contract (hidden in the T&Cs small print). When the renewal is due 1 year later you do not receive any notification via email or phone, they just help themselves to another full years ad fees from your bank without permission. Sadly for us an expensive mistake and we have instructed our legal team to recover the stolen monies. During the year the ROI from the ad was terrible and you would be better off advertising on Google or a more reputable bridal directory. Avoid at all costs!
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
UKbride is rated 1.2 based on 107 reviews