Elements Reviews

4.9 Rating 494 Reviews
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About GMB Fitness:

GMB makes online training programs to unlock restrictions and teach essential movement patterns for overall strength and agility.

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I had 2 surgeries and 2 hip replacements in the last year. Elements is a very important part of my personal rehab. I was able to make great strides in mobility, flexibility and strength with the help of the program.
2 Helpful Report
Posted 11 months ago
I'm really enjoying elements. Wasn't sure what to expect but it really enhances my fitness regime and at 59 years old the added mobility is a big bonus.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 11 months ago
Overall, I very much like Elements. The exercises are a bit unusual, but they build on each other nicely and it is very satisfying to see progress. Some of the exercises have deeper dive videos available on the GMB website that are worth seeking out. Overall the program seems a bit more geared towards fitness enthusiasts than for true beginners("don't go into a handstand in this exercise..." - yeah, that's not going to be a problem...), but it's worth pushing through.
3 Helpful Report
Posted 11 months ago
I’m a bit of a weekend warrior who has too many hobbies, but GMB is something that I keep coming back to and incorporating into my general movement whenever I can. I really enjoy the simplicity of the base movements, where there are many levels of difficulty to suit all levels and a linear progression. The videos are really clear and easy to follow and the app makes it easy to run the sessions.
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Posted 11 months ago
Jacquelynn G
Verified Reviewer
I've looked at and tried many different ways to try and recover my past fitness level, feel more comfortable in activities, and improve my health, but nothing ever stuck until Elements. I was shocked at how quickly I saw true change and actual measurable progress with the Elements program in only 1 week! It's easy to squeeze in between meetings and it works.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 11 months ago
I'm going through the Elements Programm for the fifth or sixth time now and is's getting better and better. I'm surprised time and time again how it evolved over the years and got more efficient and flexible. The results in terms of mobility, strenght and fluidity in dynamic movements are amazing. It helped me to go from stiff and unstable to flexible and strong.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 11 months ago
Chrysanthi S
Verified Reviewer
I have almost finished the second time working with Elements and I am amazed at the increase in mobility and flexibility that I have gained. I have also improved my arm and leg strength and endurance. I highly recommend it to anyone.
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Posted 11 months ago
Elements have worked out really for me. I'm 58 and my physical workout was a decades-long Bikram yoga practice. Covid destroyed that practice and I've been floundering looking for what's next. Elements has been awesome. Here is what I like 1) It's way more fun than just doing exercises 2) I can see improvement regularly, which makes me want to keep doing it 3) you can choose the length of your workout 4) I like the structure, warm up, work out, stretch out. 5) I'm seeing progress in working out an old shoulder injury that has been resistant to everything else I've tried. I anticipate doing this for a very long time!
1 Helpful Report
Posted 11 months ago