Sleep Posture Pillow Large (12cm) Reviews

4.6 Rating 197 Reviews
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About Levitex:

Optimise your sleep posture. Wake up rested and ache free. Pillow and mattress available now.

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Haylett Philippa
Verified Reviewer
I am a midwife sonographer and work related musculoskeletal disorders are common. I have struggled to find a pillow to support my shoulder and reduce neck pain. This is the first pillow that gives me support and a better nights sleep thank you
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Posted 2 years ago
Haylett Philippa
Verified Reviewer
I am a midwife sonographer and work related musculoskeletal disorders are common. I have struggled to find a pillow to support my shoulder and reduce neck pain. This is the first pillow that gives me support and a better nights sleep thank you
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Posted 2 years ago
I've had a very restful sleep in the last couple of weeks since purchasing the Levitex pillow. Feels very nice to wake up without any neck pain. The pillow is at the right height for me and has the perfect balance between softness and firmness.
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Posted 2 years ago
Excellent pillow and service! I owe a good nights sleep to the levitex pillow!
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Posted 2 years ago
Alireza Sherafat
Verified Reviewer
The pillow is very comfortable and helps me to sleep with a greater quality. I used to experience some neck pain due to a lot of work with screen, but since using Levitex pillow it feels much better. Thank you very much.
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Posted 2 years ago
Alex Nesbitt
Verified Reviewer
I travel a lot for work and previously never bothered to take my own pillow. Once I tried Levitex it was a different story! I cannot sleep without it now! I've never had a pillow so supportive yet comfortable. The education around sleep positioning too has been a game changer. the quality of my sleep is better and I wake up with no aches or pains in my neck or back like before. Highly recommended.
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Posted 2 years ago
Teresa Kenny
Verified Reviewer
Delighted with pillow’, however felt it was expensive as l got done for customs , and between all cost a lot of money.
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Posted 2 years ago
I have been an awful sleeper for years and never thought a pillow would make such a big difference. It took me a good week to get used to the pillow and I must say I wasn't too keen at first. Now I'm used to it I can't be without it and I even got one for my wife too (who also loves it). It makes so much sense that we're different pillow sizes, I wish this had occurred to me years ago. I recommend this pillow to all my friends even if they already sleep well. They all thank me for it after they've tried it and got used to it!
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Posted 2 years ago