Hypo 101 - 4 Week Hypothyroidism Meal Plan Reviews

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Love Sweat Fitness is about much more than healthy meals and killer workouts, it’s about building friendships with women that will show up and support you through the ups and downs. Knowing that, no matter where you live, what your goals are, or where you’re starting from, having a group of women who just get you is life changing! Join #TEAMLSF and start your journey today!

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Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
As a 30 year old gal dealing with Hypothyrodism since I was 16, this guide was like a blessing to me. I’ve tried everything to lose wight over the past 10 years, and trust me when I say everything, I mean every single diet and plan. No doctor, no one told me the way I should be eating while dealing with Hypo. Katie came to my life by chance, and her plan was a miracle to me. This girl is such an inspiration that I don’t have enough words to recommend her guide book, videos, App or lifestyle. If you deal with Hypo then your search is over, this is the answer we all Hypo girls have been waiting for. Thank you Katie!!!!! You are my inspiration every day!!
1 Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
I am so happy that I purchased this meal plan from LSF! The beginning of the booklet explains a little about hypothyroidism and Katie's personal journey. Then it moves into some amazing adaptogens that you she recommends that should be added into your diet along with the proper nutrition to help support your thyroid function! The meals are quite simple and do not take a lot of time to make and are so delicious! I will definitely start incorporating these into my regular everyday life! I highly recommend!!!! :)
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Anyone unlucky enough to have hypo will more than likely have done the research. This has a bit of that but the selling point for me was the meal plan of course. Ideas of perfectly balanced meals. This truly is an amazing ebook. I would definitely recommend. Think hot body meal plan for hypo girls
2 Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
I’m enjoying the Hypo 101 book. As a newly diagnosed Hashimoto’s patient, I found this to be useful information, and the recipes are wonderful.
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Posted 4 years ago
It really helps in guiding someone on how to cut gluten and dairy. While I am from the South and it is hard to fully cut those things out, this guide helps me to monitor my intake and better limit myself to only having those things on the weekends. And I don’t over indulge on them. After being diagnosed with hypo, I did not know how to change and this guide has made so much of a difference. I would highly recommend it. I did the detox, took about a 2-3 week break, and then started the meal plan. I have done the first week of the guide 2x. Between both plans so far, I have lost 10 lbs.
2 Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago