Curaderm BEC5 cream 20ml topical cream + 3M micropore tape TAN/BROWN Reviews

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I’m treating 4 spots of BCC, 2 on arm and two on face. The treatment is complete on my arm with just some redness remaining in those areas which I expect will diminish over time - very pleased. I’m still treating the spots on my face after 10 weeks but hopeful that will complete within a few weeks (deep spots that have been there a while). Overall, I am so happy that I knew of this product because the alternative is not at all appealing and would probably lead to need for corrective plastic surgery after MOHs. I am very optimistic that this treatment will work and leave very little or no scarring in the longterm. I am able to cover the treatment areas with the micropore tape and carry on unusual activities, even performing. People may notice the bandages when up close but otherwise I don’t think they do. It does require diligence to the routine of cleaning and treating the areas at least twice a day. The product is to be used sparingly so one tube goes a very long way. I am purchasing a second tube and expect that will be all I need.
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Posted 3 months ago
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Gets rid of your skin issue fast w/o drawing attention to it!
1 Helpful Report
Posted 6 months ago
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I have a bcc on my left temple, and after several surgical procedures that did not work, and it kept coming back. This curaderm cream is doing the trick, it's just going to take some time. Very good product and I would recommend it to any one with skin cancers. Thanks John
1 Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
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Any Comments on the products? Great natural treatment.
I've been using Curaderm BEC5 for three weeks and it appears to be working. A little bit goes a long way. A thin layer is all you need. It can be almost unbearable at times, but just keep going. It means it's working at a deeper level. The pain usually lasts 30-60 minutes. If you can tolerate it, do it more than twice a day. I aim for 4-5 times a day. The tape works well at keeping your wound covered and it stays put. And it's breathable. What I like best is that it's almost invisible on my skin. While the process is longer than other treatment options, I much prefer a natural approach that won't likely leave a horrible scar.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 11 months ago
How did you like it?
Any Comments on the products? Also would like to say, the tape blends with skin color (light tan) and is not noticeable on the face.
The order was delivered in a timely manner. Order was as expected. The tube is small. The cream appears to be working so far, still in the middle of treatment. Ordering a second tube. The tape is very lightweight so you can hardly feel it on the skin at all, that's a plus since it's on the face. Overall good product.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Began using the product for suspected actinic keratosis. Followed protocol and refreshed dressing twice a day for 3 weeks. Site on nose was completely healing with no scarring.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
How did you like it?
I am only 13 days into a treatment that may take as long as 76 days so this review is based on my experience so far. I am at the point in the treatment where the lesion area has expanded (although not tremendously in my case) nor has it deepened. The punch biopsy hole is filling in and the cream seems to be doing what it is meant to - finding malignant basal cells and destroying them. I have not yet reached the point where new tissue is being built. I find the cream easy to use as directed. I have experienced mild to moderate stinging upon application (5-7 on a pain scale of 10) which lasts only about 5 to 10 minutes. The tan tape that came with it is a perfect skin tone match for me. Given that I am treating an area just under and on my eyebrow it does look a bit funny but most people are either too polite or not observant enough to say anything!! I am taking a daily photo log and measurements of the lesion area. It has increased in width by 50% but the height has remained the same. I believe I caught this early which is fortunate as it seems to be quite localized. The cream is pricey when shipped to Canada and the tube is small but as very little is needed for the twice-a-day applications, I believe it will last until I am cured. I am hoping this treatment allows me to avoid surgery on a delicate part of my face.
6 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
We're glad to hear this. Thanks for the feedback!
Posted 1 year ago
How did you like it?
Any Comments on the products? Not getting down to normal skin. Raised scar remains
Used it for 9 weeks. Seems to leave a raised scar where lesion was.
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Posted 1 year ago
Hi There, Thank you for taking the time to give us a review! Can I know that did you follow well the protocol of Curaderm? Please let us know so we can help you. Thanks!
Posted 1 year ago