Anglian windows Reviews

1.2 Rating 385 Reviews
5 %
of reviewers recommend Anglian windows

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Anglian windows 1 star review on 28th April 2024
Dan & Cheryl Scott
Anglian windows 5 star review on 12th March 2024
Lee Boniface
Anglian windows 5 star review on 12th March 2024
Lee Boniface
Anglian windows 5 star review on 12th March 2024
Lee Boniface
Anglian windows 5 star review on 12th March 2024
Lee Boniface
Anglian windows 1 star review on 12th January 2023
Anglian windows 1 star review on 12th January 2023
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
So today the customer harassment continues. Dave, just because I haven’t spoken to you personally before doesn’t mean I have not asked repeatedly since March 2022 to be removed from Anglian windows contacts list. Do I need to speak to the whole of the sales team before this message finally gets through?? I hope you did record our call, as now I will follow up with my legal advisors about stopping this continual harassment. For potential clients thinking of using this awful firm- Don’t.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Fitters show up then find a reason not to do job. Surveyors fail to spot potential problems. Complaints are ignored. Workmanship shoddy. Overpriced. Don’t touch with a barge pole!
Anglian windows 1 star review on 18th September 2022
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Posted 1 year ago
We gave a deposit of 2K ++ which they refused to return after failing to deliver on numerous occasions. We went to court as they sued us for the price of the bifolding doors. We have now paid almost 12K including solicitors fees for a small lintel frames without the glass in and now have to pay for installation. DONOT DO BUSINESS with them
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Posted 1 year ago
Where do I begin? If you live in Hampstead Garden Suburb, just know that this company failed to get permission from the Trust to carry out work to replace my windows. Even though they assured me that they had completed works on windows “lots of times” in the suburb and had “never been refused before”, they wasted months of my time and failed to deliver. The nightmare doesn’t end at that point. Time and time again I was promised a “full refund” should the works not be carried out successfully. After months of waiting, a refund was received minus £997, which a very rude and obnoxious ‘sales manager’ informed me was a “non-refundable survey fee”. Unfortunately, Anglian fails to inform you of that either verbally nor within the contract verbiage. After complaining to both head office and customer services, I was informed that the local team is not responding to their own head office! How much worse could this company get? Please take care when reading their reviews! Consider which are real and which are fake! For anyone who is facing a struggle with Anglian, please take the following steps: 1. Complain to them. When they ignore you, move on to the next steps: 2. Report them to: The Chartered Trading Standards Institute by calling their Consumer Helpline at 0808 223 1133. The Financial Ombudsman Service at @ Do not sit back and let them rip you off or steal your money!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Terrible Service - Caution! Show extreme caution when dealing with this company. In an age of putting the customer first with no-quibble refunds, they refused to refund my deposit for what I believe was a genuine reason. I WOULD NOT PERSONALLY RECOMMEND THESE AS A CHOICE FOR YOUR REPLACEMENT WINDOWS!
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Posted 1 year ago
I rarely write reviews but feel compelled to alert potential future clients of Anglian Windows of the shocking service we experienced. This will seem a long review but in no way reflects the protracted list of issues we experienced from start to finish over 14 months, however I will try to keep this succinct. We chose Anglian after several quotes and lots of research because of their assurance of “unparalleled levels of customer service” and quality of materials and workmanship. Regrettably, nothing could be further from the truth. We placed our order in May 2021 and a survey was completed in June, we scrutinised this and found it to be incorrect, the revised version was also incorrect so this took 3 attempts. The installation was delayed until Sept and during and after this a large number of snags were identified by both the fitters and ourselves. These included scratched windows with scuffed/chipped upvc frames; faulty locking mechanisms & handles; so called ‘easy-clean’ openers were almost impossible to budge; some windows badly fitted with twisted rubber seals and water pooling after first rainfall. The scaffolding was unsafe according to the fitters and I spent weeks scraping up silicone sealant from the perimeter of the house. We were asked to send comprehensive evidence including a list of all snags and images which took some time. We then spent the next couple of months chasing this up with little or no response, and finally got an engineer visit to rectify the faults in Nov 21, which unfortunately only rectified a few issues as the engineer had not been properly briefed and had forgotten the correct windows and parts to replace. This was followed by a further 4 failed engineer visits up to June 2022, all with equally similar experiences. Communication over this protracted period was shocking, I tried relentlessly to contact the NW branch, based in Stockport, the phone is never answered (I since learned the national team can never reach them either). After many e-mails and phone calls I escalated to the national customer support team who were very supportive, however the regional branch has full autonomy in handling their own complaints so when it goes wrong the national team are in effect powerless to intervene. At one stage I wrote a polite email to the NW branch expressing our disappointment and copied this to the Senior Customer Services manager, Director of Operations, and 11 other senior personnel and didn’t receive a single response from anyone. When I eventually reached a senior customer operations manager from NW branch, he told me in a rude manner he was too busy to deal with this and it was also proven on two occasions I was deliberately misled by this manager. This appears to be a culture which is deeply embedded within the NW branch of Anglian. I finally wrote to the CEO in Norwich and thankfully was contacted by their national lead for customer operations who was very helpful but also was unable to really expedite the protracted issues or resolve the problems. By now I had lost approx. £700 in lost salary taking time off for engineer visits (they say they can arrive anytime between 8am-5pm and normally arrive around 4pm if at all). I politely requested some compensation as this was entirely out of my control and they offered me £50 – I declined and chose to seek legal advice, after which they eventually offered £250 which I accepted in protest as I was completely exhausted with the whole experience. Even this was a shambles as they incorrectly completed a cheque which my bank invalidated, and Anglian didn’t even pay postage so I had to retrieve it from the Royal mail sorting office and pay their fees! just couldn’t write this!! The snags were finally completed almost 12 months after installation, after experiencing a year of significant stress, inconvenience and lost salary. Finally, if you do go ahead and trust the other reviews in Anglian’s glossy brochures (like we did) make sure you receive your FENSA certificate and guarantee, something else we had to chase up for months, not suprising given the appalling quality and shocking workmanship / customer operations from the NW branch. My advice…don’t consider this shambles of a firm for a single second!!!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
have been constantly ignored from this company and have been sent quotes that do not make sense. Their pricing is dodgy and I will be reporting them to citizens advice. They are not honest and quite ignorant. The General Manager, Ian, even raised his voice at me when I was telling him the quotes do not make sense. I would not recommend them if they were the last window and door supplier on the planet. In response, I have placed complaints hence why the GM contacted me. Clearly you do not respond to complaints. I placed once via general email and one via the sales bloke that took over from all my initial issues. That salesman that took over, before the GM called me, is the best person in your business, the rest seem beyond incompetent. This complaint is not about a local team only; I complained two ways and even your head office (main email) ignored me. Have some respect and pride in your work than blame the local office. Incompetence and ignorance again
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Anglian employ unqualified fitters, they come from all types of different backgrounds, example, if you have tools you can become a fitter, no training given, just learn on site with another barely qualified fitter, The service Engineers who are sent out to repair plastics etc, are just the same, one guy joined he was never even in the building industry, he was a warehouse man, they gave him a van and said off you go with a list of addresses, the Management are arrogant, and have no idea how to deal with customers complaints, I know this as I am an ex employee of Anglian, I left because the politics was shocking, bullying is rife, another manager threatened to hang himself the bullying was so bad, senior manager just turns a blind eye to everything, the only people who suffer are the customers, they told us to try negotiate as little money as possible to award to the customers, all you have at Anglian Weybridge branch are staff who dint care, are there just for the pay day, most management are almost retired, or should be but are hanging on because they need the money! My advice go elsewhere, the product is terrible, customer service is even worse, avoid like the plague
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
The follow up service under guarantee is dreadful, my window lock broke in January. I requested a service visit in March. They didn't have the same lock available and sent me 'the nearest replacement ' for me to fix myself. I phoned again and explained I couldn't do it. The call centre then booked me in for a visit, for which they would contact me by e mail. That was 17th March, it is now 15th August and they still have not contacted me. I have had to get someone else to fit the lock. They are all very nice when it comes to sales and what they promise, but the back up service leaves a lot to be desired. They don't really want to come out at all. I have spent thousands with this company and this is my reward for customer loyalty!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Rubbish company too many problems can’t masseur windows properly they make 3 windows small in my whole house and trying to justifying that I compromised on 2 no customer service scaffolding is still up nearly 2 months
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Posted 1 year ago
Took 6 months from start to finish. With 3 x booked appointments failed to turn up. Eventually once the door was fitted, the door handle was loose (which isn’t good for the internal spindle)… and shoddy sealant outside. A confirmed date was made to come and fix it (3 weeks ago) and just been told it’s cancelled. Having to keep getting days off from work for failed appointments!
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Posted 1 year ago
Still waiting after 6 months for repairs, Been told on several occasions that I would get a call within 48 hours.which has never happened.when we originally wanted a quote up next day.repairs to said product maybe within when!!!!! Would I use Anglian again “NO”.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
ZERO STARS ACTUALLY My advice to anyone thinking of using this company is don't bother. They are totally incompetent to even show up let alone do a job. And then they will threaten you with the legal system when they are clearly in the wrong...
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Lack of progress and follow up between Anglian windows installer and Arrow Leasehold Management to install sliding window in flats in NW3. No communication with the customer for over a week after a failed installation.
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Posted 1 year ago
We had new windows and doors installed just under a year ago, with all under warranty for 2 years minimum. Last Wednesday the lock on our front door failed meaning myself, wife and 18 month old child were unable to get into our home. After trying to contact Anglian for advice on what to do to ensure we were abiding by their warranty conditions, we were advised by an automated message to send an e-mail. The e-mail was sent and an automated response received of 'we will be in touch within 5 working days'.... not helpful in trying to gain access to our home or possessions. Luckily, due to the warm weather, we had a rear window open. Therefore we had to borrow a ladder from a neighbour to climb through and open the door from the inside.. allowing us to stay in the family home. Roll on 24 hours, no response from Anglian and unable to get out of the front door we called an independent locksmith to come and change the lock. Due to our garden having a number of steps, it is very difficult for us to get the pram in and out and around the side. The locksmith came and replaced the lock for £100, giving us access again from the front. The following day we received an automated text from Anglian to say they would be out the following Thursday to 'inspect' the lock... a week after raising the issue - imagine we had not had a rear window open, we would have not been able to get into our house or access our possessions for a week, all to just abide by Anglian T&C's! We then contacted Anglian to advise an engineer was not required and we would like to claim the money back from the locksmith under our warranty.. 2 days of numerous calls and e-mails to their 'customer service' team we have been advised there is nothing they can do as it is not part of their T&C's, but they do understand our frustration..... imagine being on a second floor, living in a flat, with only front door access and then told you have to wait a week to get access to your home and any costs are not reimbursed. We have spent over £6k with this company, and referred over £10k's worth of business through family and friends and have been treated with no care at all. I would recommend you avoid if not for the fact the lock broke after less than a year, but for the fact that their customer service is non-existent! Also will add we didn't receive a referral bonus as was passed the details to the sales rep direct rather than completing the form on the website - laughable
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Posted 1 year ago
I had my new front and back door fitted by Anglian almost 1 year ago. The front door was missing some of the door furniture I had ordered, but this was actually soon resolved, however, with regards to the front door, I’ve been locked out or locked in at least once a month since the installation. I live on a row of terraces, so I’ve had to end up climbing in and out of my front window to get my milk on a morning. The contact centre staff just take the details and book you in for an engineer visit, which usually takes around 4 weeks. When I tried to push for an earlier appointment on one occasion because I was unable to use my front door i was told ‘we’re not emergency services’! A part was replaced on the door around 2 weeks ago (after they’d made me wait around 4-6 weeks for an appointment and then sent the wrong part, meaning I had to wait another 4 weeks for an engineer to be available to fit the right part) and I’m now having the same issue again and still cannot use my front door. I’ve tried to complain at least twice; the response to my first complaint was that the department i had contacted didn’t deal with service visit requests and the second time I just didn’t get a reply. ! I have felt like tearing my hair out so many times. These are the most expensive doors I’ve ever purchased and I only went with this company because of their previous reputation for quality and service. I’d recommend steering well clear; once they have your order and money/finance they’re not interested.
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Posted 1 year ago
The worst service, we have spent thousands of pounds on a new front door. Within 6 months of having the door installed, we have struggled/some occasions can’t get in our front door. We have contacted Anglian via the internet and call to organise a repair visit but no one wants to help. Avoid buying or using this company, they are awful.
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Posted 1 year ago
I had a conservatory built over nine years ago so in theory still in guarantee. The conservatory itself is fine but the gutter is not fit for purpose and has failed again. AW have been fine on previous occasions but since COVID they have been absolutely dreadful. You can't speak to anyone in person to book an engineer. You have to leave details online that they systematically ignore. So I've written. And they have ignored that, too. Well over a year with numerous reminders and they have still not come back to me. I looked online to see if they had gone bankrupt. Apparently not, yet, but they will if they keep this up.
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Posted 1 year ago
My Grey Front door which was fitted in June 2016 has faded quite considerably now, I request that someone come and have a look at the state of this door and was told my 2 female sales people that it is not under the guarentee any more! My windows and doors cost £10,000 at the time,and one of the main reasons that I chose Anglian was the 10 year guarentee, So, not very happy,and woukd definately not recommend or choose Anglian again!! Maureen Settle Coventry.
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Posted 1 year ago
Absolute nightmare from start to finish, and unfortunately following installation, still not finished! We were told 6-8 weeks for installation which then was delayed "due to covid" despite being well into the pandemic when this was quoted. We were provided a new installation date 4 weeks later, called the day before to confirm, then called back again to cancel the installation the next day due to a supposed parts issue, and given a second new date 2 MONTHS later. We then got a call asking for feedback on why we hadn't accepted their quote. Not only had we accepted it but we'd paid a deposit! They managed to fit us in earlier than the 2 month date due to a cancellation elsewhere (though still 5 months after the order) and the guy that showed up was on time, carried out the work efficiently, however mysteriously we received a phone call to cancel our upcoming appointment - 2 hours after he had arrived - as they didn't have all the parts. At this point the doors were off and he was fitting the new ones!!!! To top it off, the pane of glass above the door was incorrect and not what we were quoted for, however Anglian expected on the spot payment of the balance due. Turns out it was unclear on their paperwork despite us being very clear in what we asked the surveyor for and being of the understanding this is what was written down and included in the cost therefore we are not paying in full for something that has not been delivered. Finally the spy hole. Are all Anglian customers 7 feet tall?! I can't even see out of it on tip-toes, not fit for purpose. We are another 12 months down the line and yet to receive our replacements. The customer service is absolutely disgusting - I don't even have words for how rude and incompetent they are. They couldn't care less about how long we have been waiting, have provided us no update and it took a month to get "we'll contact you when we have a delivery date", which they actually think is an acceptable update. I have spent several months BEGGING for an update which they cannot give and after asking them to cancel if THEY are unable to fulfil THEIT responsibilities under the contract, they still have done nothing and then actually expected 80% payment for cancellation despite it being on their failure. We have written to them at our local office, head office and even to the CEO and no one has got the decency to respond. This should be a source of unbelievable embarrassment for Anglian. Utterly vile company. I await them cancelling the matter so I can ANYWHERE ELSE to replace their garbage product. I want nothing more to do with these people and I hope they get what’s coming to them - STAY AWAY!!!!!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Anglian windows is rated 1.2 based on 385 reviews