bunq Reviews

4.4 Rating 226 Reviews
93 %
of reviewers recommend bunq

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Dies ist die Bank für Einsparungen und Investitionen ... zumindest benutze ich sie zu diesem Zeitpunkt so.
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
The bank has four plans for it's clients to select from: 1. Easy savings 2. Easy bank 3. Easy money 4. Easy green. There is a one-month free trial for all clients so that you understand, and see all of the perks of using the account of your choice. You can also switch plans at any point in time. You are not stuck with one plan. Depending on the plan you are using, there are several perks that are available the higher you go, with Easy Green being the most expensive plan, and easy saving as the least, with a free subscription. The perks that you receive are an increased number of physical cards, virtual cards, IBANs, budgeting tools, and many other banking tools.
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
Bunq left a kind of ambiguous, I'd say twofold, impression after using its services. In many regards, it's a good alternative to traditional banks, and even the only fact that it's digital, already adds up tons of points to the piggy bank. Funds & data are protected, many functions are available starting from the possibility to release a physical card, ending with awesome sub-accounts to share it with your family. But guys... Please, revise the commission paid for Easy Green. For me it's rather high.
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
Bunq is a prominent player, at least in the online bnaking industry. That’s why I made the decision to join the bunq army in the first palace. I think you will have a hard time picking the appropriate plan, but you can take Easy bank, it’s great.
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
If you, like me, are looking for a bank that combines all the advantages of conventional banks and online banks, then bunq is what you need.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
A super simple and convenient way to manage your money through one single app. Highly recommend it!
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
Non saprei, sembra che alla fine ci siano le stesse cose all’interno dell’app bunq. Alcuni servizi appaiono un poco ridondanti, se vogliamo essere onesti. Mi piace usare l’app e sembra davvero intuitiva, ma non so nemmeno come funziona la metà delle cose che ci sono.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
Bunq hat in der Tat Dutzende von Bewertungen und was wichtiger ist - es hat eine Vielzahl treuer Kunden in ganz Europa. Es bietet nicht nur Zugang zu erstklassigen Bedingungen im Bankenbereich, sondern kümmert sich auch um die Natur, indem es Tress pflanzt, wenn Sie ein ordnungsgemäßes Konto wählen. Aus meiner Sicht fehlt das Umweltbewusstsein heutzutage an vielen Unternehmen (hallo, veraltete kohleorientierte Fabriken!). Ich denke, Bunq überholt die Zeit, weißt du.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
In order to evaluate the quality of services or the benefits of a purchsse, I use a thought experiment. I imagine that going back in time and thinking about whether I would have the same action or changed my choice. With this bank, I'm sure I would have done the same choice. I would open an account with it if I had that choice again. Even though I don't like everythng about this bank, I would still choose it.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
Bunq è adatto a tutti, persino quelli che non hanno mai provato una banca e hanno appena finito le scuole superiori. Vuoi inviare denaro? Semplice. Vuoi tenere il tuo denaro sul conto corrente? Semplice. Vuoi versare denaro sul tuo conto risparmio? Semplice. È davvero la banca che offre un servizio buono, veloce ed economico.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
Bunq is really gonna conquer the world. If they do not lower the pace they will reach that level very soon. I heard of them for the first time a couple of months ago and I really managed to track their performance over those months. I really appreciate that they do have one of the highest interest rates in the market. I mean they actually can avoid paying that much money to their customers because they are already a popular one. But they still do. And I want to mention their app as well. I guess the most important thing in the mobile banking industry. You can have very high interest rates but if your mobile app is trash you will never ever succeed. I am highly suggesting bunq as a bank. It is really game changing and the way they made it real is also impressive.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
My fav bank when it comes to online payments and different types of budgeting. With the sub-accounts I can manage my budget with little to non effort. And with Bunq deals online shopping becomes not only easier but less expensive too. I want to try to outrun inflation with the deals;-)
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
Ich habe mich gefragt, hmm, warum spricht jeder einzelne über Bunq? Und ich versuche es. Weißt du was Jungs? Es ist fantastisch, es ist atemberaubend, es ist wunderschön! Alles ist einfach zu bedienen, Sie müssen nicht Sherlock Holmes sein, um die Geschichte der Transaktionen in dieser Bunq -App zu finden. Und im Allgemeinen kann ich alles tun, wenn ich meinen Morgenkaffee trinke.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
Nehmen wir zunächst an, dass Bunq das solide Werkzeug ist, um alle meine Ausgaben zu budgetieren und zu verfolgen, einschließlich unnötiger Die Sub-Accounts-Funktion ist manchmal ein lebensrangiger Lebensunterhalt. Und für Menschen wie mich, die zwanghafte Ausgaben sein können, ist es sehr praktisch, fair zu sein. Mit der automatisierten Sparoption kann ich auch einen Teil meines Einkommens für zukünftige Investitionen sparen. Wenn Sie auch die Angebote und unterschiedlichen Boni überprüfen möchten, ist es die Bank für Sie. Sie bieten verschiedene Angebote an, die im Laufe der Zeit aktualisiert werden. Zusätzlich gibt es die Möglichkeit, Cashbacks für Ihre Einkäufe zu erhalten. Natürlich müssen Sie den mehr Premium -Plan auswählen, um alle Funktionen freizuschalten. Aber es kostet Sie kein Vermögen, keine Sorge.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
Sto per partire per una breve vacanza in macchina e ho preso una mappa, una bussola e l’app bunq da portare con me in viaggio :))) Scherzo ;) Sono da poco cliente di questa banca e ho scoperto che offrono servizi e funzionalità che possono essere utili per un viaggio come il mio. Sono certo che grazie all’app di questa banca non dovrò andare in giro a cercare gli sportelli cambia-valute e portarmi un sacco di contanti. A quanto pare potrò usare la carta in viaggio, e inoltre, per quanto riguarda la carta, il mio smartphone supporta funzioni che mi consentono di usare una carta digitale. Quindi la cosa più importante che sto portando con me è il mio smartphone. Ecco, questa è una recensione positiva su quest’azienda ;)
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
Wenn ich für den Rest meines Lebens eine Bank wählen muss, wird es Bunq.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
Was ich über Bunq sagen kann und meinen Hut abhebt! Du hast mich dazu gebracht, Online -Banking zu lieben!
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
Kürzlich habe ich mich über die wichtigsten Dinge an dieser Firma gekümmert. Hier sind sie: - Vervollständigen Sie die Sicherheit von Fonds, da der Broker zeitgemäße Fondsschutzsysteme verwendet. - Die Vielfalt von Plänen zur Auswahl ist auch entzückend. - Möglichkeit, mühsame Abhebungen im größten Teil von Geldautomaten in ganz Europa vorzunehmen; Das ist natürlich nicht alles. Ich habe mich gerade auf etwas konzentriert, das ich wirklich für entscheidend für die Nutzung dieser Bank dieser Bank sehe. Sollte beachten, dass es ein großes Potenzial in Fintech hat.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
Sehr anständige Bank, die eine helle und shinny Zukunft hat!
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
Bunq is actually my new bank I am using and I am totally satisfied with them. In general I opened the account there because I got tired of old banks and I wanted something new and then I understood that bunq is actually offering a lot of very good stuff. I got pretty impressed with them offering almost the best interest rate for deposit. And I actually love it and did some deposit. Day by day I understand how cool it is and how many doors it opens. So I can only recommend bunq to all of you guys. I am pretty much sure that you will like it a lot.
Helpful Report
Posted 10 months ago
bunq is rated 4.4 based on 226 reviews