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Creditfix 5 star review on 22nd March 2024
Creditfix 5 star review on 9th February 2024
Gloria Moore
Creditfix 5 star review on 19th January 2024
James Garvey
Creditfix 4 star review on 1st November 2023
Maria Myers
Creditfix 5 star review on 19th October 2023
Creditfix 2 star review on 3rd October 2023
"JameS Cliford "
Creditfix 5 star review on 23rd September 2023
Sandra Miley
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Metronet Credit Solution is the best in terms of credit repair. I had many negative items on my credit report that were holding me back. I had late payments, inquiries collections, charge-offs and card debts which I had totally paid off and I am not sure of the others but they were all 3 years old. I filed bankruptcy a year ago and settled all of these. I was so surprised when I found out they were still on my reports. I recently got referred by my sister to hire Metronet via (METRONETCREDITSOLUTION at GMAIL dot COM) which I did and he helped me fix my credit report. I’m recommending him for anyone in need of credit repair. He is just the best.
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Posted 1 year ago
Hi, first, I'm 66 and just learning; thanks to team XAP Credit Solution, all the benefits of using CC. I wish I'd know y'all when I was younger!!! Anyway, I am happy you’re able to boost my score from 490 to 790 in less than a few days without asking for an extra penny. All the collections, charge offs, eviction and lien were expunged from my report. I am able to get a very high limit of Amex credit cards and I also got qualified for a mortgage loan. This wouldn’t have been possible without XAP. I have an excellent report with great tradelines. You can contact XAP via: or +❶ (❽⓿❶) ❾❽❽ ❾❽❾⓿.
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Posted 1 year ago
As we are living in an age where we tend to be very dependent on phones, computers and other digital devices. The advantage of this lies in the fact that we can easily find out if our husband or wife is having an affair by just gaining access into their phones. There are darkweb services which helps such concerned partners to monitor the activities of their partners on their phone without letting them know. You will be able to gain access to monitor the phone in real time. You will be able to monitor phone calls, text messages, call log, call recording, GPS location, photos and videos from target’s phone. This will enable you find out the truth about your marriage/relationship, and also know if anything is being hidden from you. This service works perfectly well for all phone types – Windows, iPhone devices and Android phones. WWW. HACKMART. ORG
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Posted 1 year ago
ASOREHACKCORP is a financial regulator, private investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score. All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock. Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX. Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate. Contact our support team as soon as you can via the email address below to get started. asorehackcorp @ gmail com Stay Safe !
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Posted 1 year ago
With the advancement in spy techniques and evolving technology, It is now easy for the parents to spy on their teen’s phone. A remote child monitoring software works in a very stealthy manner. You just have to simply set up the remote access dashboard access on the mirrors phone which hardly requires 2-3 hours for a complete clone, That’s it. After getting the access link set up on your phone, the software retrieves the data from the target mobile and sends it to the dashboard of the observer or parents. Parents will get detailed information about their child- where s/he is wandering, with whom s/he is chatting, which sort of sites s/he visits, etc. All this information is possible with the distinct features of the spy software. WWW. HACKMART.ORG
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Posted 1 year ago
Yes, It is totally possible to breach into a third party device with the help of an ethical hacker. I came across several reviews and blogs which discussed about HackMart , and never for once was I disappointed with their services. I hired their service for a private matter , the basis was explained to me, a deal was secured , and to my greatest surprise , the whole process didn’t exceed the stipulated hours I was told. This is a direct recommendation for a team whose integrity is built on positivity and customers satisfaction, Hackmart can be contacted via email : Visit the teams website to learn about hiring their services for all kind of dark web enquiries. WWW. HACKMART.ORG
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Posted 1 year ago
Great service and great results! There are lots of credit service companies that make lots of promises but few deliver. The Hackmart team came through and increased the credit score of my spouse and I, 314 to 764 and 426 to 810 respectively. I highly recommend their service; it is well worth it. The criminal record and tax liens have been permanently removed. Dylan took time to explain and make sure we understood the process and his team provided periodic updates. I totally recommend Hackmart for all kind of credit score boost and negative reports removal. WWW. HACKMART.ORG
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Posted 1 year ago
Losing a loved one can be very devastating. I lost my dad who was my best friend about 6months ago. I drowned myself in alcohol in order to forget my sorrow but to no avail. Before I realized myself, my life was already a mess. My credit which was at 761(three years of hard work) had already dropped to 498, all my cash spent and all my card maxed out. I had so many negative items (late payments, inquiries, collections, judgments and garnishment). A good friend of mine recommended METRONET CREDIT SOLUTION; they helped me raise my credit 784 from the initial 498. I am very grateful for this great help. If you’ve messed up your credit and you really need quick assistance, then I recommend them. I reached them via metronetcreditsolutionATgmailDOTcom. Thank me later
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Posted 1 year ago
For a private detective, Hackmart is one of the best team for listening to calls and reading text messages remotely. Saves me a lot of time and effort. I buy a few licenses from them for my clients, and never have a problem with their service. WWW. HACKMART.ORG
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Posted 1 year ago
My wife must think am a fool not to find out about her secret affairs with some random guy right under my nose just because she feels I was not in the country. Well thank you so much russiancyberhackers @ gmail. com for helping me catch my cheating wife remotely without a single trace.
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Posted 1 year ago
Great Tool! Quick and professional retrieval of password. This was just great. Although it seemed to me it was an easier case. I got the PW a couple of minutes hours after I entered the code they gave to me. Process was pretty easy and professional. Thanks a lot! WWW. HACKMART. ORG
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Posted 1 year ago
Hacking a mobile phone is usually something that requires hiring an expert to get it done for you to get your desired result. These mobile hacks actually work fine but most people have problems using it because bulk of the job is done and highly dependent on the hacker.. Whatsapp spying and hacking is a piece of cake for this professionals!! In most cases, the only way you can get it done yourself is if you really know how to hack. Otherwise, your best bet will be to hire a professional hacker, and I recommend WWW . HACKMART.ORG
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Posted 1 year ago
I was charged with a DUI (driving under the influence of alcohol) during summer, started classes that cost $2900 and I had to give the court $4500, life became frustrating at a point I was filled with so many questions. If I’m guilty, will I become a felony conviction on my record, I almost lost my job during the whole mess then a friend who had his own criminal records expunged told me about KMAX CYBER SERVICES. It took me some hours to talk to him into fixing my DUI records and to God who created me, I’m wondering and very surprise how he came true for me by fixed both my DUI records and increased my credit score to 810 excellent score in a way I didn’t understand he removed all negative items such as collections, eviction and my car loan from my credit report when I had bad credit. So I high recommend you contact team of expert for better credit score (KMAX CYBER SERVICES AT GMAIL DOT COM), if you need a similar job done, and thank me later.
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Posted 1 year ago
After deciding to buy our first car, I couldn’t be able to get a loan due to my bad credit, Aaron Swartz came to rescue me. He hack into my credit profile and increase my score to 820 golden score, erase all debt plus with negative items include the following: bankruptcy, eviction filling and outstanding rental balance, delinquent state and federal tax debts. He really is a great hacker, to my friends out there with similar issue on credit matters I advise you Contact AARONSWARTZCYBERSERVICES@GMAIL.COM
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Posted 1 year ago
If you are locked out of your account be it bitcoin account, PSN gaming account, facebook or instagram account and you want to regain access back into your account then i suggest you contact ACETEAMHACKERS @ GMAIL DOT COM. They are the best team of hackers you can get out there. when i lost access into my bitcoin account, my life became miserable because i had so much coins in it. my funds were abandoned for 2 months till i met ACETEAM. He was able to get me back into my account .
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Posted 1 year ago
Some months ago, I applied for an auto loan from my bank but was not approved due to my low credit score. I needed a higher score before they could approve my loan. I became confused and depressed because I couldn't get what I wanted in life. I started doing some research on how to increase my credit score, before I remembered grandpa once told me a hacker helped him increase his credit score. I decided to go back to him and ask him the name of the hacker which he told me it's PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. I didn't just give them a text immediately because I needed to be sure of who I'm gonna work with so I also searched about them on google which I got excellent reviews from their previous customers. i gave them a text via: also called on +1 (480) 420 8331. to be sincere i don't just know how to express my gladness over here. My credit score has increased, and my credit card which I've been looking for a way to remove for so long has finally been marked as paid on time. The hard inquiries and negative items on my credit report are no longer there. My greatest happiness now is that I now have a car. I mean I'm now a car owner. BIG THANKS TO PINNACLE. I'm very grateful for their services. I hope you guys can see the gladness in my heart.
Creditfix 5 star review on 11th November 2022
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Posted 1 year ago
After reading so many reviews about Hacknet Credit Specialist, I was convinced that all my problems are over because I had late payments student loans, medical bills, bankruptcy, credit card debts and he assured me of a permanent job and went on with the job, just few days something happened I wouldn’t believe it my score is now 801 and everything was wiped out I’m totally free from debts including the bankruptcy and I got a high credit limit of $7,500. His service is excellent and reliable. Contact him now with his info HACKNET567@GMAIL.COM Text or WhatsApp +1(646) 450 2754
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Posted 1 year ago
If you want to keep an eye on your partner , kids or colleagues at work by monitoring their mobile phone from your phone and staying anonymous then Aceteam is your guy . ACETEAM saved me when i suspected my husband was cheating, i needed proof but didnt have the password to his mobile. i reached to this discreet hacker called (ACETEAMHACKERS @ GMAIL DOTcom) He remotely hacked my partners phone and i saw every content in his phone and he didnt have an idea he was been monitored.
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Posted 1 year ago
Three months ago, I applied for a loan which was not approved due to low FICO score of around 508 and I needed a personal loan for my health insurance. Thanks Rebecca who referred me to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. They helped me raise my FICO score to 811, 5 negative items which has been on my credit report for 8 months has been removed. Eviction and has been taken care off by them. Credit card debt has been marked of paid on time. Thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. They’ve saved my life. I sincerely recommend them to everyone out there who is in need of there service. Text them on: / +1 (480) 420 8331.
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Posted 1 year ago
I want to give you guys a little tips while credit secret repair remains the best, I messed up my credit score last year, and I made the best decision last month by contacting CREDIT SECRET REPAIR  after a friend recommended him for credit fix, whether you like it or not the truth remains that we all want a good credit scores, the benefit of having a good credit score cannot be overemphasized, there is still a good credit hackers even in the midst of scammers, he can get your credit fixed in 5 days. Sounds impossible right? Yea, it is because I thought so too. I had car loan and 11 hard inquiries which put me through a lot, things were not working out, it cost me a lot, the good news is, I had a credit score of 499 as at last year before a friend told me about CREDIT SECRET REPAIR, initially, I was skeptical, but they have been able to do what they said they do there by removing all derogatory marks and increase my score to 810 excellent. You can contact him via; CREDIT SECRET REPAIR @ GMAIL DOT COM. Cheers..
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Posted 1 year ago
Creditfix is rated 4.4 based on 1,946 reviews