Pukka Pies Reviews

1.4 Rating 189 Reviews
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of reviewers recommend Pukka Pies
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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Looks like ground meat and it more gravy than meat ,would never go back .real pies might be more expensive but they are absolutely filled to the crust with chunks of meat can't beat them.
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Posted 3 years ago
I had always heard that "Pukka" were the go to pie, not sure where that came from. We popped to the Coop and chose a pair of Pukka Pies All steak, rather than the 15p cheaper coop home brand, what a mistake. I had two very small (about 10mm) bits of meat, management had one even smaller piece of meat in hers. Taste wise was OK (for OK do not read great or even good). I'm pretty sure these would be fine if dished up as a vegan meal, as they have less meat than a cucumber in them. Would not buy again, I'll save the 30p and grab a pair of Coop pies next time.
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Posted 3 years ago
Something has changed! Come on Pukka sort it out!! I’ve grown up on these pies and was happy to try the cook at home versions. They were great... just like from the chippy. Just recently they’ve sneaked in cost cuts. Definitely. The Chick n mush don’t taste like what it ought to. Pastry too thick. Not enough meat. Flavour has changed. Not happy. They’re not going straight in my basket.
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Posted 3 years ago
There was absolutely no meat whatsoever in the steak and red wine pie for two- just a few slices of mushroom. Your pies used to be so good but now they are empty pastry cases.
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Posted 3 years ago
Wake up and tell whoever the pie tasters are they have no taste buds, I remember when your steak and kidney was the real deal keeping the prices low and letting it affect your quality is not always the best solution, I am a great believer in paying more for quality what you should have done was make a good pie to sell alongside this substandard pie go and buy a pie from wright's pie shop.
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Posted 3 years ago
Awful pie. One of the worst I have ever tasted, in fact. I bought a chicken and mushroom one from the supermarket, and it was devoid of any filling, barring 2 small chunks of chicken, and one tiny thin slice of mushroom, no bigger than a 5p piece. I have had some bad pies before, but having never tried Pukka Pies, I can honestly say this was probably the worst pie I have ever had the misfortune of putting in my mouth. If Carlsberg made pies, even they would probably be better than Pukka Pies, and that's saying something!
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Posted 3 years ago
This company doesn't even deserve 1 star! I bought a Chicken and Mushroom pie along with a Steak and Kidney pie. Neither pie contained anything like what it stated on the packet or in the picture. I can see from previous reviews that many have had the same experience and I am with them in my disgust of Pukka trying to pass these things off as pies. Rebrand them as tasteless pastry type cases with some sort of mush in it and reduce the price or better still throw them away.
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Posted 3 years ago
Bought 2 pies one chicken one steak in local Sainsbury's ,No chicken in just gravy one bit of mushroom, steak no steak just? Miss sold 😂
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Posted 3 years ago
Really used to like Pukka Pies but something has changed. Thick pastry, chewy meat. Not good. Won’t be buying them again.
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Posted 3 years ago
pastry was 6mm thick mostly gravy very little meat it was a steak and red wine pie large family size
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Posted 3 years ago
No better than tesco home brand. 2 pies and 2 pieces of meat in each. Very poor. About as bad as frey bentos.
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Posted 3 years ago
The overall quality is very poor. Little flavour throughout the range. Steak Pie overcooked tough "grey" lumps in a bland sauce Chicken & Mushroom. A few small cubes of chicken in what looked and tasted like wallpaper paste. Not a hint of mushroom. Bland & unappetising Steak & Kidney. Used to be the only reasonable pie from Pukka. Now the kidney and flavour has disappeared. The claim minced kidney. The texture of chunks is what "makes" a S&K pie ! Pastry is not at all nice. Claggy top and hard base Overall outclassed by Aldi pies at nearly half the price
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Posted 3 years ago
Pastry was very hard and not shortcrust the beef was chewy and some of it was full of gristle not good at all usually pies are really good
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Posted 3 years ago
There is no kidney in them. I want chunks of kidney not a minced mush. The pastry is nice. The steak a bit chewy but at least you can see it. Not so the kidney. Will be looking for better quality pies or make my own in future
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Posted 3 years ago
No kidney at all and extremely chewy beef, the only edible part was the pastry, I haven’t had one for ages and was looking forward to it, very disappointing.
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Posted 3 years ago
2 minute pieces of meat the rest was gravy
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Posted 3 years ago
I like Pukka pies and have always enjoyed their steak and kidney pies. I love kidney. One of my favourite dishes is creamed kidneys so I like to be able to taste some kidney in there. Up until now (20 May 2020), the pies have been quite nice. But this evening my pie had no kidney in it at all. That's serious, so far as I am concerned. I might try another steak and kidney pie, but probably not.
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Posted 4 years ago
Thought I would treat myself to a Pukka Steak Pie,wished i had not bothered,too much gravy ,hardly any meat,very poor for the price and wont begoing there again
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Posted 4 years ago
Three pieces of awfully chewy beef terrible,trading standards should be looking at these,advise folk not to buy ,hard neck calling them steak and kidney Bill from Fife
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Posted 4 years ago
Awful... OK the pastry and gravy was good but the steak (in my steak and kidney pie) was tough and chewy.... every bit spat out (apart from the tough bits that got stuck between my teeth). I can only presume the kidney component is part of the gravy. Thinking of eating one.... don't!!!
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Posted 4 years ago
Pukka Pies is rated 1.4 based on 189 reviews