Quick-Sure Insurance Limited Reviews

2.2 Rating 176 Reviews
28 %
of reviewers recommend Quick-Sure Insurance Limited

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Took insurance out year ago because it was cheap but dont be fooled..they make their money back by robbing you with their contact number you wait about hour to be then cut of this has happened to me 4 times this week on thr phone to them now stil on hold after 46min you dont get reply back if you email them either go to propher company and pay the little bit extra and get propher customer service
Helpful Report
Posted 9 years ago
Absolutely abismal level of customer service! Been waiting on the phone for over an hour to be cut off when I got through, customer service agent I spoke to was rude and practically blamed me for not having recieved V5C. Basically been told if I don't get his document to them I will have my insurance cancelled!Will NOT be renewing policy next year, it's nice to feel as though you are a valued customer when you have forked out your premium upfront!!
Helpful Report
Posted 9 years ago
Emailed them 7 times advising I urgently need proof of my no claims discount or my new insurer is going to increase my Insurance by £400 but no response. Called up at all times of the day to try and catch them when they're not busy but I am constantly on hold for over an hour until in the end I give up! I don't think I'll ever get proof of my NCD!
Helpful Report
Posted 9 years ago
Maybe cheap but u get what u pay for... Tried to contact them for a week! No access to online account, nobody picks up the phone (waiting 1h on 3 occasions and it's a paid number!) sent an email no reply after 3 working days!!! Disaster! And all I wanted is to change the vehicle! Ended up changing insurer eh.....
Helpful Report
Posted 9 years ago
Very cheap but you get what you pay for its crap in my eyes they have about 3 people working there they take forever to pick up the phone they never get back to you when they say they will , I will NOT be renewing with them!!!!!
Helpful Report
Posted 9 years ago
Quick-Sure Insurance Limited is rated 2.2 based on 176 reviews