Mediface Medical Surgical center Reviews

4.9 Rating 124 Reviews
97 %
of reviewers recommend Mediface Medical Surgical center
Mediface Medical Surgical center 5 star review on 19th April 2024
Mediface Medical Surgical center 5 star review on 19th April 2024
Mediface Medical Surgical center 5 star review on 14th October 2023
Mediface Medical Surgical center 5 star review on 14th October 2023
Mediface Medical Surgical center 5 star review on 12th September 2023
Mediface Medical Surgical center 5 star review on 12th September 2023
Mediface Medical Surgical center 5 star review on 11th September 2023
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
From the minute I walked in to the clinic I was welcomed with all smiles, reassuring and a calming atmosphere which settled me and my nerves almost immediately! My nose was a tricky one… and I am so fussy but Dr Hadi & his team are truly magicians, I have no words as to how satisfied I am with the whole experience!
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Posted 1 year ago
Herzlichen Dank für das Team Mediface und Dr. Hadinural . Ich bin so überglücklich mit meinen neuen Nase bin echt begeistert was Sie da gezaubert haben .
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Posted 1 year ago
I am leaving this review because I have to. Because there are nothing but 5 star reviews on this person and nowhere did I find all the things that set off my alarm bells, and people need to know. (And by the way, there are businesses you can pay to remove your bad reviews, so who knows what will happen to this one.) Let me start by saying that I did not go through with my surgery, and in order to be fair, I need to be upfront about that. Also the girls at his office were very nice. But here I am going to explain why I backed out: - The hotel they reserved for me was the dirtiest thing: The sheets were not changed (there were HAIRS under the sheets and LIPSTICK on the pillow case.) That's where my surgeon wants me to be for 8 days recuperating from surgery? RED FLAG #1. - I go to the "hospital" for my pre-op visit: Not a hospital. An outpatient clinic with no one else there. I want this done in a PROPER HOSPITAL, so that if god forbid something happens, I don't need to be transported to one. - The medical staff? Not wearing scrubs or masks. Just civilian clothes. So when they stick you with a needle, you don't feel exactly at ease about it. - The "nurse" did not clean my skin or put a bandaid on after sticking me. That's an easily avoided potential infection. When I asked for a bandaid, another girl who did not clean her hands opened it up and got her fingers on the piece that touches the puncture. - There were various medical tools just out on a tray. In the open air. And after she stuck me, she took the needle out of my arm (with my blood on it) and just laid it next to the tools. She should have put it immediately in a bio bin. How many patients' blood was on that tray? This is how contamination happens. - The doctor looked disheveled and his hands and nails were visibly dirty. He did not even wash his hands or put on gloves because handling my face (and his hands smelled of cigarette.) - Before I had time to realize it he shoved one of those tools that had been out into my nose. He did not wash it before or after me (fingers crossed that it got washed at all.) How many people's noses has this been in? In the age of COVID this is beyond irresponsible. - And frankly he rushed our meeting. You're a stranger about to do surgery on my face. Can we take our time? Can I ask all my questions? And can you give me more specific answers than "Don't worry, it will be fine"?? EVERY concern: "Don't worry. Don't worry." No but I AM worried. I need you to demystify it. Explain it to me. Show me photos of other patients. I go back to the hotel (another one I booked myself) and realize I am having a panic attack. I'm throwing up, hyperventilating, crying. That's when it hit me: "WTF am I doing here???" I had ignored ALL of my alarm bells in hopes that this visit would put me at ease but it did the opposite. So I backed out and in the end, I have never felt more right about anything in my life. After the fact, finally, unpleasant feedback gets shared in the thread (along with some disturbing photos. If I'm given the green light from the girls, I will add here.) Noses with weird bumps and other deformities, extremely jagged and/or crooked nostrils, and a girl with bruising on her arms so concerning, I asked her to make sure it wasn't an infection (because it can kill you.) Multiple girls reached out to me privately about how they want a revision from this doctor's work. You're not gonna see THAT on Instagram. Actually one girl said her photo was removed from the account and she wonders if it's because she said something publicly on there. My advice: Find someone local to you. You need to be able to see the facilities where you'll be operated and meet the surgeon and his team in person. You need to see how your gut feels about it. And it may be more expensive where you are (not that that was any part of my motivation) but the flights and accommodations will be a LOT of money, so that should factor in. Learn from my mistake. You should be able to recuperate at home. Comfortable and SAFE. 

Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Picked up on time at the airport great service. Went directly for pre=assessment and bloods. Then taken to hotel. Excellent boutique hotel. Picked up next morning for surgery on eyes Upper lower and chin. Surgeon explained everything. After care was Excellent. Stitching very good. All in all great service and package. Would thoroughly recommend
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Posted 1 year ago
Vielen Dank an Dr. Erkan Dodanli und Dr. Mehmet Ali Korkmaz, ich arbeite seit 6 Jahren mit denen zusammen und bin mehr als nur zufrieden. Ich war mit meinen eigenen Ergebnissen sehr zufrieden und kann Mediface in Antalya nur empfehlen. Auch das Team ist nur weiterzuempfehlen, gerade Arzu und Ela sind super herzlich
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Posted 1 year ago
Ich wurde im März dieses Jahres operiert, alles lief so gut, ich hatte eine Augenlider oben und unten operiert, mir wurde das Fett in meinem Bauch entfernt. Alles war großartig, vielen Dank gesamte Mediface Team und auch an Dr. Erkan Dodanlı. Kann die Klinik nur empfehlen.
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Posted 1 year ago
Vielen Dank an den freundlichen und kompetenten Herrn Dr. Erkan Dodanlı und dem Team der Mediface Klinik. Von der OP-Vorbereitung bis zur Nachsorge bestens aufgehoben. Augen Ober- und Unterlidstraffung sowie Fadenliftung mit dem besten Erfolg, das man erzielen kann. Arzu und Ela standen 24 Stunden für alle Fragen vor und nach der OP zur Verfügung. Diese Klinik ist auf jeden Fall zu empfehlen.👍👍👍👍👍
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Posted 1 year ago
“Absolut empfehlenswert! Ich bin sehr zufrieden. Dr. Hadi Nural und Dr. Erkan Dodanli haben mich sehr gut beraten und waren auch nach der Operation an meiner Seite. Kann die Klinik nur empfehlen. Danke an das gesamte Mediface Team & Arzu und Ela
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Posted 1 year ago
Herzlichen Dank an das Mediface Team (Arzu,Ela,Sinem) und Doktor Erkan Dodanli. Meine Brust Op und FaceLifting verlief zu meiner vollsten Zufriedenheit. Die Klinik ist auf jeden Fall zu empfehlen.♥️
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Posted 1 year ago
Tolllllll Tollllllll alles war super Vielen Dank, dass Sie uns Mediface empfohlen haben, wir waren im November mit vier unserer Freunde dort, vor allem sind wir unserem Arzt Erkan Dodanli sehr dankbar, wir haben bei allen Operationen sehr gute Ergebnisse erzielt, vielen Dank an alle Mediface -Mitarbeiter, Mediface ist die einzige Adresse, der wir in Sachen Ästhetik vertrauen können mediface immer jedem zu empfehlen danke für alles, grüße aus 🇩🇪 München
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Posted 1 year ago
Alles super gelaufen,alle sehr freundlich,ich würde es weiter empfehlen,immer wieder gerne.bis zum nächstes mal.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Great service from start to finish from all Mediface staff who looked after me, especially Gaye and Dr.Erkan, great service. Also very satisfied and pleased with my surgery results carried out by Dr.Erkan, would highly recommend this clinic and doctor.
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Posted 1 year ago
Добрый вечер!Сегодня была на приеме у врача Erkan Dodanlı,делала Botox,и первый раз в жизни при ботоксе мне было не больно 😊 Замечательный врач ,профессионал своего дела .Зимой к нему иду на блефаропластику ! Попала к нему по рекомендации,и не прогадала !Спасибо огромное врачу и коллективу клиники за тёплый прием .
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Absolutely wonderful experience with Dr Hadi Nural for a rhinoplasty surgery Care was 100% from start to finish Little or no bruising straight after surgery I was extremely anxious prior to surgery the team relaxed me and made me feel at ease Already I am so happy with my new nose and its only been 1 week Can highly recommend Mediface and Dr Nural
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Доктор с большой буквы! Очень рада что воспользовалась услугами клиники, и более того по рекомендации мои близкие так же оперировались у доктора Эркана. С большой Благодарностью и любовью. Настоящий профессионал своего дела
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Vielen Dank an Dr. Erkan Dodanli und seinem Team für die gelungene OP an meinen oberen und unteren Augenlidern. Ich bin mit dem Ergebnis sehr zufrieden und kann sie nur weiter empfehlen. Außerdem wurde mir in der Mediface Klinik meine Haare erfolgreich angepflanzt. Nochmals vielen lieben Dank dafür.
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Posted 1 year ago
Absolut empfehlenswert! Ich bin sehr zufrieden. Dr. Mehmet Ali Korkmaz und sein Team haben mich sehr gut beraten und waren auch nach der Operation an meiner Seite. Danke an das gesamte Mediface Team
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Made you feel welcome and at ease. Talked you through everything and explained everything well
Mediface Medical Surgical center 5 star review on 17th March 2023 Mediface Medical Surgical center 5 star review on 17th March 2023
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
First time having any work done, they put me as ease with any questions or worries I had, young ladie who translated for me was really nice and helpful. Surgery went well and everyone has been so nice. So thank you x
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Posted 1 year ago
lovely and helpful people, dr erkan is really talented, have gotten surgery twice and each time i've had beautiful results
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Mediface Medical Surgical center is rated 4.9 based on 124 reviews