Opus Energy Reviews

1.1 Rating 119 Reviews
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Opus Energy 1 star review on 12th October 2023
Opus Energy 1 star review on 14th July 2020
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
They are scammer, they are keep sending me bills worth £400 pounds, every couple of week.
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Posted 4 weeks ago
Opus Energy work with Bionic Business Energy to scam you into extortionately high fuels bills that will force you to close your business. Don't touch them.
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Posted 1 month ago
Very poor service. Slow and useless, you will pay for their mistakes. They continue to take payments even after contract ends
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Posted 2 months ago
Absolutely they are worst company No one go to close to them at all !!!!!!!!
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Posted 3 months ago
Too many stars !! After being loyal with this company for over 15 years I’ve decided to go elsewhere fed up of there sales talk then once your in contact they talk to you like a piece of garbage . They might have been cheaper years ago but that’s long gone now a thing of the past and if they offer a cheaper tariff what isn’t so cheap compared to others when you check they reward you with a huge standing charge per day . After 15 years mostly unhappy with opus I finally have moved and saving 40% of my invoices too yet opus said it was impossible with what’s going on in Russia with fuel prices. On ending my contract I was sent I final bill saying tgey was sorry to lose me and hope I will consider returning. Never ever in my lifetime will I give them a penny
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Posted 3 months ago
No and never again £3.40 day rate Opus getting rid of small low usage businesses
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Posted 3 months ago
We have a property which we let and been issued with a £12K unpaid bill as the Landlord however the meter to which they refer is not within the property and is in fact a key operated meter which Opus do not use. Do not touch them.
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Posted 4 months ago
Absolutely horrendous experience. Opus energy should not be allowed to operate. They have been the worse company I have ever had to deal with. They grind you down, over charge, threaten. I am dealing with a deceased persons business and they have been vile. They have prevented me from moving forward ever single step of the way. Do not go near!
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Posted 4 months ago
Awful abusive company, been outside our house now for weeks, continuously block off our drive way, gave my husband abuse when being asked to move, just saw one worker kick a jack hammer out of another's hand whilst laughing. Sent complaints but been completely ignored, they are constantly swearing and shouting outside, they have the worst attitudes, it's disgusting and very unprofessional.
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Posted 5 months ago
Daylight robbery. Sign up to a contract and then change the tariff a few months in.
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Posted 5 months ago
Opus energy are profiteering scammers. Recently taken over the lease on a new small business unit, the energy was out of contract and while I arranged a new contract for energy supply to the unit I was charged £160 for a period of just over a month with 60 units of electricity use at 39p per unit. The other charges were meter charges. We have a much larger premises with them which uses significantly more energy and due to the poor conduct I'll be switching immediately when the current contract expires.
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Posted 5 months ago
I have never paid such high electricity bills before with any other providers. DAY LIGHT ROBBERY!!!! Stay away from OPUS!!!
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Posted 6 months ago
As a screaming warning to others, we took on the lease of a new business premises in November, we had no notification as to who the energy supplier was, no detail on the meter, nothing ...!!!! So waited to receive notification. A bill dated 25.12.23 was posted in an envelope date stamped 28.12.23 which arrived on Saturday 6th January 2024. Seeing a standard daily rate of £3 we tried to call but couldn't until today (Monday) as they do not accept weekend calls. The outcome, for new customers even though there is a 6 week delay between them starting to supply you and then getting in touch to say they are your supplier they still adhere to the £3 a day standing charge, they say all energy companies do this (I do not know as this is our first business lease where we need to pay for our own energy). So in our case we have to pay 60 days standing charge at £3 a day = £180 to cover the days a premises sat empty with no energy usage until their bill arrived, we were able to query it and a new supplier taking over on the 11th January. I didn't realise daylight robbery was a thing within business but apparently it is, there is nothing you can do except pay it and learn a very very expensive lesson. It took 25 minutes holding this morning to speak to someone, they in turn put me through to someone else only for that call to be cut off and then another 10 minutes to hold to speak to someone else and now a 5 day wait for them to produce a final bill with the correct reading we gave them and send us our final bill. Thankfully from the 11th they will not be our supplier and they never will be again so posting as a heads up for anyone else in a similar situation or considering using them as a business energy supplier. For reference they offered to reduce the standing charge to 64p a day (other companies around the 54p level and British Gas Lite 45), KwH for Electricity quoted at 29p again British Gas offering cheaper. AVOID, AVOID, AVOID, AVOID
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Posted 6 months ago
Opus Energy are scam merchants - I tried to transfer an account from one Company that I used to own to a new Company and was told after a month that I could not and that I was on ‘deemed’ rates whatever they are ? Nothing had changed at all apart from my standing charge that had increased from 60p to £10 per day ? There seems to be nothing I can do as no one will speak to me ? It has been nearly four months now so it looks like I will owe £4K rather than £900 ? They should be struck off ! What an awful company !
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Posted 7 months ago
This company is run by Indian staff, and I suspect their work ethics are zero. They don't have a manger to complain to when asked to speak to a manager. I tried to complain to the company believing that they had ellicit with another scam agent to sign me up with Opus. They had closed my current supplier account on my behalf.
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Posted 8 months ago
Absolute joke of a company ripping people off wouldn’t recommend if the last company on earth
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Posted 8 months ago
They took off my metre off and told me that a new metre will be replaced. I had the children and olderly lady staying at the property. When I spoke to the metre replacement team I was told that they had made a 24 hour appointment. Then I beg them to connect the metre but they told to to wait. It’s 16 hours without electric. Now there offices are closed. Extremely poor and unprofessional service.
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Posted 9 months ago
The whars company
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Posted 9 months ago
Was not informed my contract was ending… Was not informed my contract was ending which then went from £60 per month to £400 When I’ve rang to complain they said they sent “a letter” out, so one letter which I didn’t receive (how can you rely on the postal service if it isn’t recorded) plus she confirmed they don’t send email reminders yet I get an bill emailed each month.. Why ? Seems it’s a scam to get you to pay extortionate amounts. Whether or not I’m on a fixed rate I didn’t give permission to take money out of my account. STANDING CHARGE WENT FROM £1.35 to £17.84 a DAY !!! I’m speaking with citizens advice and currently reaching out to the financial and electrical ombudsman plus trading standards
Opus Energy 1 star review on 12th October 2023
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Posted 9 months ago
Purchased a business property in April'23 upon receiving the keys only to find Opus had forced entry and removed both the Electric and Gas supply as previous owner Lee Sutton (MyEnergi) had outstanding debt. After a long drawn out battle (sometimes 2 weeks to get a response from Opus) to get the meters re-installed Opus requested Gas Reconnection Cost - £408.52. Electric Reconnection Cost - £408.52. Deposit amount: £500.00. Total to pay: £1,317.04 (coincidentally exact amount the previous owner owed). We paid them on 23rd June'23. Meters where booked to be installed 4th August'23! Engineer phoned two days before and moved reconnection date to Friday 11th August'23. When the engineer eventually arrived they only installed the electric meter. We contacted Opus again only to be told they are no longer providing gas meters (yet they took the money from us for the re-connection! 10 working days to receive a refund) This left us unable to use the business property for 14 weeks. We are now left in a position where we are unable to get a gas meter installed as Opus has the old meter/MPAN number and Opus are refusing to allow us to move electric suppliers (without any explanation). How an energy company can conduct business like this without consequence is a mystery, the lack of urgency or communication is truly unbelievable, the long term devastation to a small business like ours is unforgiving.
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Posted 10 months ago
Opus Energy is rated 1.1 based on 119 reviews