Parkdean Holidays Reviews

1.5 Rating 75 Reviews
12 %
of reviewers recommend Parkdean Holidays

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
If i can give you one piece of advice id suggest you avoid this park and the company as a whole like the plague.Customer service is shocking.Sundrum castle holiday park is a dump.Its main focus is pushing the penny arcades and ripping people off in the bar.Rubbish laying everywhere,toilets were an absolute health hazard.Staff are rude and unhelpful.They offer no help to deal with other noisey customers on site(Idiots screaming and shouting all night next to us).Then when i confronted the company about all the issues afterwards i got offered a refund...which hasn't materialised.Anyone booking with this crew are setting themselves up for a dissapointment.Andy Paulin
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
Parkdean Holidays is rated 1.5 based on 75 reviews