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About Parlor Games:

We are a women-owned company that specializes in post-menopausal women's health and well-being. Our star product is Silky Peach Cream - the estriol cream that solves vaginal dryness, painful sex, and UTIs

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
This is by far the worst product I have ever tried. I immediately felt a burning sensation and sick to my stomach as well. I wasn't going to make a big deal I just figured I'd take a loss, but then they issued a 2nd shipment for double the cost of the first was $18.00, the second $37.00. I guess I missed reading the fine print. No money back guarantee once 2nd bottle is shipped, no return label for 2nd bottle either so you incur shipping expenses in order to get a refund. What a great gimmick for women desperate looking for relief. You both should be ashamed of yourselves.
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Posted 10 months ago
Hi Maritza, I'm so sorry you had trouble with our product. As you know from our email exchange, on the product page you had 2 options for purchase you could choose from: 1) make a one-off purchase of Silky Peach Cream for $20, or 2) sign up for a subscription for $12. I'm sorry you found that confusing, though the fact that you chose a subscription would have been displayed 2 more times before the end of checkout. We also emailed you a reminder of the 2nd shipment 5 days before it shipped, so that there are no surprises. In any case, your initial bottle was already refunded, and we're simply awaiting receipt of your 2nd bottle to refund it as well. I know you wish we had refunded the shipping and handling as well, but if you had read our terms (which are linked in the shopping cart) you would have known that as a tiny women-owned company, trying to keep our products affordable to post-menopausal women, we can't afford to refund shipping and handling. I'm sorry you've been so unhappy with the experience.
Posted 9 months ago
I love this stuff!!! A close friend shared this secret with me and it works for me. Makes loving easy and fun again! Also chatting with other ladies regarding this issue I realized I have other friends that use and love this stuff also. I’m all in.
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Posted 10 months ago
No invoice... can't cancel, can't return. No way to communicate at all...product doesn't work for me apparently I am allergic to it. But would like to make sure I don't get more to add to my collection.
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Posted 10 months ago
Hi Brenda We emailed you the paid invoice, and then sent several emails as follow up, all of which have our contact information at the bottom. Our website also has contact information at the bottom of the page. We also have contact information in the instructions that we sent to you with your order. It could be that you are allergic to the cream OR it could be that the tissue is so very thin that it will take several weeks of application nearby to rebuild the integrity and strength of that very tender area. We provided this information in the instructions and the follow up emails. We sent you a reminder email that your next order was due to process in 5 days and, when I check the logs I do see that the order was successfully delivered. It also looks like you were able to successfully cancel.
Posted 10 months ago
I absolutely love this product. I have a younger husband...and Ixam post menopausal, and all of a sudden I started feeling dryness and I hated that because we had sex all the time. I'm so glad for Silky Peach Cream..It restored my sex life. Smells amazing.
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Posted 10 months ago
I've been using the product for several months now and no change whatsoever; I will not be ordering again.
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Posted 10 months ago
Hello - thanks for taking the time to share your experience. Hormones are tricky things and they can take some time to work. I notice that you have received the one month supply and then one bottle of the two month supply. For some women, especially those who have been without estrogen for many years, it can take 4-6 months for the effects to be felt, and that's using every day. It could be that your body needs a stronger product to do that initial healing. Hoping you find a solution that works for you soon.
Posted 10 months ago
I put it on my privates, just like it said. Burning and pain lasted 24 hours. Very hard to work with the pain. Did again as suggested, put it on my arm bends, burning started, then pain again. I'm done.
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Posted 10 months ago
Disappointed it hasn’t helped me at all I thought it would help me from being dry…nope…nothing
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Posted 11 months ago
Hi Sherre Thanks for letting us know the cream hasn't work it's magic for you yet. I do see that you have only one order and that was in April of this year so that isn't a lot of time or estriol to help with the repair. We recognized that our customers were having different experiences with using Silky Peach Cream so we asked everyone to tell us when they really began to feel the effects of using estriol. About 20% said within 2 weeks; another 22% said within 4 weeks; by 8 weeks 89% said they could feel a difference and by 16 weeks 96% said it had helped. If you are not feeling the effects yet, It might be that your supplies of estrogen were really low and it’s taking more time for the “repair process” to happen. If you are not having other side effects, there is a strong case for continuing to see if your body responds to this additional estriol.
Posted 11 months ago
68 yr old single and no sex for 5 yrs. (The last sex I had was painful). Otherwise fit and healthy. Never had a problem with getting a date but stopped dating because I knew sex would be an issue. Then I met a hot sexy man and panicked. Discovered this product and taken daily x 2 weeks I felt 20 yrs younger! By 3 weeks I was having the best sex ever! I had my sexuality restored and my self esteem back. I no longer feel “old” so I think it helped my mental health too! No more itchiness down there. (I thought I had chronic yeast but it was all hormones.) I even use a dab on my face and it has improved skin tone. Ok, so the relationship didn’t work out but I have my confidence back and am regularly dating. If this sounds too good to be true, you need to try the product to see for yourself. I was skeptical at first but so glad I discovered Parlor Games. I take Peach Cream and Vibrant Third. Products came right on time in a small package delivered right in my mailbox.
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Posted 11 months ago
I got the silky peach cream because I was dry and could no longer have sex. Now for the first time in almost two years, I actually had sex! THANK YOU PARLOR GAMES!!!! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
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Posted 11 months ago
I was on fire with one application… they won’t refund my shipping costs so I paid $6.00 for the pleasure of a 🔥crotch experience. Lesson learned don’t trust the word “refund” and ladies that make claims they don’t stand by. I guess I should have know I would have an allergic reaction before trying the product. They don’t stand behind their product 😡
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Posted 11 months ago
Hi Denise We collect the $4.95 shipping fee to get the product to you, this covers the actual cost of shipping and the bag the product ships in, you can be assured we make absolutely no profit on that! This is a sunk cost that we are not able to recover from USPS. We do make clear statements in our shipping and return policies that we will refund the product price, that we can't refund shipping costs. We have refunded the bottle price of $12 for you. Our goal is to have a product that women can afford to use in the long term. Many women cannot afford the $200 a month or more for a prescription hormone product, our TWO monthly product cost is $29.95 for those who choose to subscribe. Now, when it comes to the stinging and burning. Yes, that can occur - often because by the time women find Silky Peach Cream they have had vaginal and vulva atrophy for several years. This can mean that the skin in these area is VERY thin and likely has some having a graze on your knee, but in a more intimate area. If the skin is very thin, the cream, any cream, may sting. In this situation our customers will apply the cream to the outer labia where the skin is may take longer for that skin repair process but for most women, it's worth it in the long run. Yes, sometimes there is something in the cream that causes an allergic reaction. We strive to keep our formula free from ingredients that may cause a response. The best way to check if you are allergic to something in the cream is to put a dab on your inner wrist. If there is a reaction on the inner wrist then yes, its likely some ingredient in the cream that does not work for our body. If there is no reaction on your inner wrist then it is likely the thinness and tenderness of that vulva skin. I do hope you are able to find a product that works for you...low estriol post menopause is the cause of much discomfort for women and can also result in incontinence. It's worth continuing your search for a product that works for you. Take good care.
Posted 11 months ago
I purchased a bottle. Hmmm I'm thinking I should have ordered a case. This was before 2022. I loved the peach scent. I believe it actually helps. Now I see it available again and have to buy more.
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Posted 1 year ago
It seems after reading reviews that the pump is an issue. Change the design for easier access. I’d like to try your product but hesitate because of all the pump complaints.
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Posted 1 year ago
Hello Jean - I took a quick peek at your account and see that you did order a bottle from us way back in September last year. I don't see that you reached out with any concerns or to ask for help so am not sure if you are writing about your experience or other customers experiences? Do remember that for all the comments you see, there are thousands of happy customers who's bottle worked perfectly - we know them as the Silent Happy Customers. When it comes to pump bottles - it does seem easy to say, well just get better bottles. We don't make the bottles ourselves, we purchase those. We keep our eyes open for bottles that are (a) consistently available in the high volumes we need, (b) work, and (c) have a reliable airless metered pump mechanism to deliver the right amount of cream. When you combine our product design which requires a thick cream (to avoid the cream being to runny and hard to apply) and the need for a metered airless pump to make sure the right amount comes out, it can be a challenge to find a pump and bottle combination that works 100% of the time on the first go. We do know, and we advise our customers who ask, that if the pump is being stubborn because an air bubble has got trapped, to warm the bottle to increase it's temperature and soften, then slam the bottle on a hard surface to dislodge the air bubble. After than some rigorous pumping will get the cream out of the bottle just fine. We appreciate that our ladies love the cream and how it helps them where it's needed most and most understand that sometimes a little pump love is needed to get it working. Take good care.
Posted 1 year ago
I stumbled on an ad for your cream on FB and was unconvinced until I read the reviews: women my age (71) saying this restored their vaginal health. I tried it but did not have my hopes up. Within a month it changed everything for me! Previously I had to be so careful even drying off with a towel after a shower and then suddenly I had my old self back again. I had been looking for a better lube because sex was painful but this has allowed me to have sex that was painless for the first time in years! Thank you so much!
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Posted 1 year ago
I am 74 and have been using this for about a year and a half with nothing but good results, then I started having a reaction to it. Irritating burning feeling everytime I applied it. I do not have an infection.
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Posted 1 year ago
Thanks for letting us know that something has changed for you and that the cream, which has been working just fine for 18 months, no longer seems to be a match. Our formula has not changed during that this time so it does make us wonder if something else in your life has changed. We know that lifestyle factors can alter our delicate biochemistry so perhaps something has changed. Something as simple as a change in stress levels or seasonal allergies can alter the immune response throughout the whole body. We're always available to trouble shoot any issues you might be having. In the future please feel free to contact us directly at
Posted 1 year ago
The Silky Peach Cream & Vibrant Third Progesterone have given me back my life. No more dry, itchy, burning down there. I feel like my skin & hair is looking better (def less dry), my mood seems lifted, and I'm sleeping better. Coincidence? I personally do not think so!
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Posted 1 year ago
I would like to mention an additional variable to your blog I personally experienced several yours ago. I’m in my 70’s and use bio-identical HR and suddenly had breakthrough bleeding. My drs jumped on it and ran several test. I have hypothyroidism and take Levothyroxine which is also a hormone. Long story short what I had was an interaction between the hormones. They reduced the Levothyroxine by a few micro gr and everything returned to normal. As we age our bodies change and we have to work with our doctors to keep everything in check. I continue to use Parlor Games because I think their product is superior to what the pharmaceutical companies have to offer. I also agree with their comment concerning reducing sodium use if you want to lose weight. I’ve lost weight since starting to use Parlor Games and making just two changes in my diet of limiting daily use of 2gr of sodium and 20 gr of saturated fat.
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Posted 1 year ago
I had a total hysterectomy 30 years ago when I was 30. I tried everything as "hormone replacement therapy", (HRT). They caused side effects like migraines and more. Estradiol has side effects for me as well. Estriol in the, "Peaches and Cream" works like a dream! It improves everything about menopause. I'm on the auto-refill plan. Highly recommended! JC, RN, FNP
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Posted 1 year ago
Thank you for the kind's especially wonderful when we hear from a medical professional who has a positive experience. We are so glad Silky Peach Cream is a good match for you. :-)
Posted 1 year ago
It absolutely gave me my lining back in my vagina! No more painful intercourse. Now intimacy is fun again and I look forward to it. I have passion once again. If I feel this way, so does my guy, maybe even more so.
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Posted 1 year ago
IT WORKS! There is nothing more to say!!!
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Posted 1 year ago
I’ve been using this for a couple years now. It’s so much better than my prescription estradiol and without the unsafe ingredients
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Posted 1 year ago
Parlor Games is rated 3.9 based on 111 reviews