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About Parlor Games:

We are a women-owned company that specializes in post-menopausal women's health and well-being. Our star product is Silky Peach Cream - the estriol cream that solves vaginal dryness, painful sex, and UTIs

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
I've been using Silky Peach cream for several months and I'm very happy with it. I'm 64 and had been using prescription Estradiol cream for years, but recently, I'd been getting too sensitive to this stronger cream - it would give me digestive distress, primarily. But silky peach with its nice combination of inactive ingredients and the gentler estriol hormone agrees with me really nicely, keeps my lady parts comfortable and functioning well. I'm so happy I can get this product! Also, the company is very responsive in the case of a customer service issue - I had a defective bottle (not the cream, the pump bottle) and they quickly sent me a new bottle. Thanks to Parlor Games -
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Posted 1 year ago
I only put 1 because I have a question. Where I have pain is inside my vagina not in my labias. And I have no estrogen. I am very dry. Will this still work
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Posted 1 year ago
Yes! Silky Peach Cream is helping thousands of women with the exact symptoms you have. Silky Peach Cream has bioidentical estriol in it which absorbs through the skin of the labia into the blood stream. The hormone receptors around your reproductive organs hungrily snatch it up and get to work healing and plumping the cells of your vagina and urinary tract. The key is that the estriol gets into the local bloodstream.
Posted 1 year ago
Yes! Silky Peach Cream is helping thousands of women with the exact symptoms you have. Silky Peach Cream has bioidentical estriol in it which absorbs through the skin of the labia into the blood stream. The hormone receptors around your reproductive organs hungrily snatch it up and get to work healing and plumping the cells of your vagina and urinary tract. The key is that the estriol gets into the local bloodstream.
Posted 1 year ago
I have used this every day while I am working when I start feeling stressed and anxious and it is really helping me. I highly recommend that you get on the notification list so you can get it for yourself when it comes back in stock!
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Posted 2 years ago
I just have a question. Does this help with a leaky bladder?
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Posted 2 years ago
For many women - YES! Silky Peach Cream does help with leaky bladder. There are estrogen receptors along the urethra and around the bladder. Without estrogen, the cells, especially the muscle cells, can lose their elasticity and strength and ...leakage happens. What we hear from our customers is that while they often started using Silky Peach Cream to help with vaginal dryness, they find the benefit to urinary health as well - an added bonus! FYI - questions can be submitted through the Contact us page on our website at
Posted 1 year ago
I haven't ordered. I want to know where the company that manufactures this is located, and where it's shipped from first.
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Posted 2 years ago
We appreciate you sharing that you haven't actually given us a negative review. We can be found on the web at and there are ways to contact us listed at the bottom of the website. We are an Oregon based company, we ship from Colorado and our manufacturer is in Texas. All women owned... actually, all post-menopausal women owned!
Posted 2 years ago
As a women's health RN for 22 years, I was skeptical but curious about the efficacy of your cream. So many similar products have proven worthless. I was facing this issue myself, and had tried estrogen based creams with little effect. I was literally SHOCKED at how well my body responded to this cream! After only a couple uses, I found my ability to enjoy intercourse was profoundly improved, and have experienced being really wet and obtaining orgasms several times over the last 3 weeks! Thank you so much, I had almost given up on hope, but you have truly changed my sexual and mental health! Anita, RN
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Posted 2 years ago
I cannot believe this! I thought it would be just another product with fake reviews. I mean, how could this be possible when my $150 estrogen cream that was prescribed by my OB/GYN did not work at all! But, after reading the reviews and the price, HOW COULD I LOSE??? I ordered one bottle. After about 2 weeks of using it, I decided to risk the pain and give it a try. This cream WORKS!!!!!!! I actually enjoyed sex for the first time in years! Thank you so much!
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Posted 2 years ago
I am a 62 year old woman and this last year has been quite eye opening as to the changes in my body due to my age. I found sex to be very painful and I was so dry and didn't want to have sex. I really felt bad for my husband. I have looked into other remedy's for this issue but to no avail. I saw this video about this product and was very hopeful so I ordered it. Halleluiah!!! problem solved and I do not have pain at all and am enjoying my wonderful husband again. This is a wonderful Product!!!! Thank you.
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Posted 2 years ago
I just put star so I could ask a question. I had endometrial cancer and actually had vagina radiation which caused atrophy. Is this safe for me to use?
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Posted 2 years ago
HI Constance - for any specific health related questions we recommend that you discuss with your doctor who has your full medical history. You can tell her there is 1mg of estriol per pump.
Posted 2 years ago
I have been celibate for 9yrs. My last relation was painful afterwards. Now I'm really excited about a new man in my life. But being nervous since my last experience. I am postmenopausal, and do not endorse hormone replacement therapy. Loved hearing about this cream, all the feedback, and started using a week ago. I'm not active yet, but gotta say I'm feeling confident I'll be ready!! Was wondering if there are any symptoms I might able to judge by that anything is happening? I just want to be ready 😁
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Posted 2 years ago
This product is amazing and I am so grateful for your service to women!!!
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Posted 2 years ago
I don't know yet...
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Posted 2 years ago
Hi Crystal Hormones are still a bit of a mystery to many of us. We did a survey of our customers and found that by the end of 2 months, about 80% experienced definite improvement. For some women it took longer for their tissue to heal, but those who stuck with it generally got there in the end. So much depends on the place someone is starting from. We're here to help with questions, take care.
Posted 2 years ago
I am totally amazed and grateful.
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Posted 2 years ago
Brought a bottle and couldn’t tell you if it works because can’t get the product out. Pump doesn’t work. What a waste of money.
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Posted 2 years ago
So sorry you're having trouble with the bottle. We do find that the cream thickens during shipping in the cold (and then sitting in cold trucks and cold mailboxes). The instructions that came with the bottle explain how to solve this. And if that still doesn't work, we'd be happy to replace your bottle!
Posted 2 years ago
I ordered this product 3 weeks ago and have not recieved or heard anything from this company. Is this just another scam!!!!
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Posted 2 years ago
Hi Linda - thanks for letting us know that the package has not made it to you, tracking info shows it did, so lets work out what's going on. We are very approachable - some hardworking women trying to help other women - and we are really committed to providing excellent customer service. We will sort this out, never fear :-)
Posted 2 years ago
I’m 73. Hadn’t had sex for easily 10 years as I was single. Well…. I had no idea I had “vaginal atrophy” till I went for a Pap test and I literally screamed out with pain once they tried to “open” me. Have a relationship again and it was a definite impossibility to even use ( sorry!) fingers. Saw this ad and instead of making a PT apt as was suggested by my doctor, tried this absolutely amazing product. Ladies, I am in full satisfying function and feel amazing mode after using for just one month. Can’t recommend enough!! My beautiful loving sex life is back!!!! I will never stop using this . Thank you!!!!!
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Posted 2 years ago
I most definitely feel a difference and see an improvement.
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Posted 2 years ago
I was diagnosed with vaginal atrophy which is extremely painful and irritating!! Dryness was unbearable so doctor gave me a 250.00 special cream that I couldn’t afford!! I am so glad I found peachy cream as it works wonderfully for keeping my lady bits pain free and moist. Healing is well underway!! Thank you for making this available!!
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Posted 2 years ago
I put one star so I would be able to comment. This article makes it sound as though every women suffers from this. I’m 72 years old and have none of these issues at all!
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Posted 2 years ago
I got their product Silky peach after using coconut oil! Yikes what a mess!! put it on this morn feel better down there already!! I wish that I knew about this sooner!! It rocks!! Worth every penny I spent!!
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Posted 2 years ago
Parlor Games is rated 3.9 based on 111 reviews