RSPCA Reviews

1.3 Rating 165 Reviews
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RSPCA 1 star review on 9th April 2024
RSPCA 1 star review on 30th July 2023
Faye H
RSPCA 1 star review on 15th January 2023
RSPCA 1 star review on 14th November 2022
RSPCA 1 star review on 10th October 2022
RSPCA 1 star review on 2nd October 2022
RSPCA 5 star review on 4th September 2022
Asma Saeed
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Quotes "As much as we would love to help every single animal which is reported to us, we simply don't have the resources to do so." Yet you can pay your CEO £200,000plus per year? Priorities..
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
I had a Bulldog crossbreed, with the help of police they took me to court for owning 'pitbull type' banned breeds. They requested in court destruction for my dogs. They got it. I hate the lying RSPCA!
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
They picked up my ferret around the corner from my house, lied about having him for days then wanted money for keeping him. When they returned him he was absolutely covered with ticks of all sizes. They need their own hutches inspected!
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Uncaring,unless it involves media kudos,Self appointed self policed ,unfit for purpose organisation who I wouldn't trust with the contents of a cat litter tray
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
What went wrong?? Gosh I feel it would be a much shorter list if I spoke about what went right!! Which over the 12yrs i owned a rescue was nothing at all !! Hot line is manned by complete idiots who have absolutely no idea what it is like to deal with abuse in animals or the general public! No manners, no morals, no empathy and no support. Staff who pretend to have powers ie inspectors let that pretty uniform go to their heads and forget they have no powers over the public. I was verbally abused and physically assaulted by said inspector on my doorstep as I refused him entry to my property after he refused to show me ID , give me a name or even provide evidence he worked for the RSPCA as the van he turned up in was plain white. He attempted to force entry to the property to search for an animal I didnt even own or have access to , thankfully my squaddie husband was home and the inspector soon left when confronted by a man!! His conduct was reported as unbecoming but he was not dealt with and continued to operate within our area as though nothing had happened. The Facebook pages are also run like secret societies as this provides anonymity for those with a God complex and a keyboard. Slating smaller rescues across theUK who have proven track records of actually caring , showing compassion and helping animals when their own authenticity surrounding the nature of their business is questioned is usually how they deflect the heat, attacking owners of said rescues and verbally abusing them is also par for the course!! I wouldn't trust the RSPCA to care for a stuffed Teddy let alone a living animal!! Donations dont go to the animals either, they line the pockets of the board of directors - the ads you see on the TV are all lies, any animal that is going to cost a significant amount if money is destroyed under the guise of having some incurable medical condition ( black adult, unneutered male cats rarely survive in the RSPCA care as they are hard to rehome so they kill them) If you want to support animals find a small, local rescue , one who is dedicated to actually helping the animals , they are the ones who need and deserve support.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Have called them 3 times over about 10 years to report animals in distress and they were not interested. The mental gymnastics they employ to fob callers off is astounding. They also engage in unlawful data collection and refuse to abide by the gdpr. Always begging for money, the CEO earns shedloads but apparently they don't have money to help animals. Unethical, uncaring, unprofessional.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Institutionally xenophobic and they don't care about animals. I reported a dog that had been killed and dumped in woodlands. An obvious case of cruelty to be investigated - it may even have been someone's missing pet, could have been microchipped. Operator claimed it was probably a fox! As if i don't know what a dog looks like. Also reported it on RSPCA's social media and was trolled off the page by xenophobic RSPCA supporters who decided that based on my profile, I was not British! No one cared about the dog! Disgraceful conduct, RSPCA admin allowed the trolling to continue and blocked me! RSCPA also put pressure on Trustpilot to remove my factual review. I will NEVER donate to this disgusting outfit again. RIP little dog, sorry RSPCA didn't care about you. I care.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Terrible experience Terrible experience, we took on some ex battery hens from a 'rspca assured' commercial farm. Bare in mind they came to us dehydrated starving with next to no feathers -rspca assured? so we have kindly brought them back to health. We received a false complaint in regards to they didn't look there best (take note where they came from!) a rspca member of staff came during the covid19 pandemic, breached all current covid19 LAWS no face mask no gloves no social distancing nothing and put my family at risk, this event was reported to the Police. This sham of a charity from my experience has no interest in animal welfare. The amount of negative reviews clearly speak for themselves.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
The RSPCA is the worst charity PERIOD The RSPCA is the worst charity in the UK. Useless beyond belief. Iv called them 3 times in my life, 3 times they never did a thing. Beg for money and do nothing with it. Yet the CEO sits on a HEALTHY wage. The rspca is not a good charity and all friends and family should be discouraged from donating or supporting them. Remeber, they have NO powers to: Arrest you Question you (under caution or not) Enter any part of your property Take or seize any animal Take criminal action against you as they have nothing to with either the police or CPS. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS, TELL THEM TO LEAVE AND NOT RETURN. don't fund or support them, don't listen to any advice given by them or accept any offers of help.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
I have not had any good experience of the RSPCA in the last few years, I find them aggorant to deal with and very uncaring to people and animals. Do not go there, if you are looking for a new pet or lokking for help as you are having difficulties coping with your pet, DO NOT USE THE RSPCA.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
RSPCA is rated 1.3 based on 165 reviews