APL Shamanic Journeys Reviews

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About APL Shamanic Journeys:

APL Shamanic Journeys is an Ayahuasca focused retreat center in Spain, Ecuador & Peru.

Here, the ancient wisdom of Amazonian traditions blends with a modern understanding of integration under the guidance of Peruvian shamans, Western specialists, and trauma-informed facilitators.

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The best Ayahuasca experience you could possibly find in Europe! This was my very first experience with the medicinal plants. I was quite nervous before. I didn’t know what to expect. APL team guided the small group through whole experience with such great care. They made it easy to trust the plant and the experience. APL team takes seriously what they do: we had beautiful ceremonies, professional meal planners, psychological guidance, sound healing, yoga, flower baths, cleansing ceremonies all in a very beautiful location. Most important we had a Peruvian shaman guiding us through all ceremonies. I faced many tough moments through the experience and without that guidance and support I feel, it would have been a traumatic experience. They made me feel like a baby in a nursery during the whole time, loved and accepted. I was born again. Mother Ayahuasca showed me how beautiful life is on our planet. She taught me to appreciate every breath. It was beautiful to see that everything is there for a reason, we’re all connected and have our part to learn. But I will need so much time to process everything what I’ve experienced... I will come back one day. Breathe ❤️
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
How does one put a miraculous experience into words? Let me start with the APL TEAM - these incredibly talented, caring individuals bursting with consciousness to humanity and deep understanding of the Plant World - or in other words: True Warriors of Healing! -> The Incredible Knowledge - EXcessively overexplained :) that was EXtremely Useful! You would never think how much of those Mental and Physical tricks you can use throughout your ceremonies And in Real Life! -> Trust development does not come easy to me (Controlfreak, sounds familiar ;) ?) But again, the team's recognition to the imperceptible changes in ones mood, and BOOM they melt you away with a chat or a tea, both with interesting take-aways :) As a 1st-timer (Newbie) - I enjoyed the professionalism and the smooth customer experience journey (8-days), which gives you tools to use from multiple yoga types, to sound healing and massage therapy! -> Visions - are not movies (is what I learnt), truly everyone has a different experience and I saw and felt first hand how transformational this retreat really is! I for one saw a lot of stunning mandalas, but the guidance from Mother Ayahuasca came through dreams and stillness. -> Location! Just Wow - Andalusian mountains and hillsides, crystal blue pool with a covered cushioned chill out area, horses, oxes and farmland with small forests till the eye can see (if you go for a nice walk) (oddly, lots of snails on cotton buds too :)) There is so much more that I would love to share but let's just say that I truly believe that APL Journeys delivers to you the experience of your Life! The treatment plan is carefully crafted, with a truly personalised approach, that ensures that guidance at the end is clear, and all attendees feel rejuvenated inside and out!
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Posted 2 years ago
What a wonderful and life-changing retreat! I have only good things to say about APL Journeys; how genuinely they cared about each participant and did their best to make our experience beautiful and healing. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
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Posted 2 years ago
The retreat with APL Journeys was nothing short of life changing. I experienced healing and found a sense of peace in mind and body that I will always carry with me. Boris, Amanda, Sasha and Anael are dedicated to your healing and I felt welcomed and supported throughout. I am so grateful for this experience and the people I met along the way. The retreat was really well organised with tasty meals, comfortable accommodation and facilitators who are warm and friendly. I couldn't recommend this retreat highly enough.
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Posted 2 years ago
13 strangers met, became friends, and left as family. Drawn to APL by forces greater than ourselves, and one by one I watched my family heal. Amanda, Boris and Sacha are 3 of the most beautiful souls I have ever met, all doing what they were placed on this earth to do. For them this is a calling, a way of life and from the moment of arrival to departure we were all held and supported at all times. Maestro Anael was our Shaman whose love and wisdom protected and nutured us every moment during ceremony and beyond. The kitchen staff were Angels in their own right, everyone and everything about this retreat is perfect. I will return at least once a year, not because I need to, the healing I received is forever, but because I want to. I want to spend time with my friends, my people. This was the most beautiful, profound and transformative experience of my life. Everyone was so knowledgeable and professional and still deeply compassionate and caring. I literally do not have the words to recommend highly enough.
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Posted 2 years ago
The most amazing experience, ayahuasca has changed me. I felt so safe! I feel so much love, peace and happiness.
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Posted 2 years ago
What an amazing retreat, amazing shaman, amazing group, well organized retreat. Good food. Beautiful place. Easy to travel to. What happened here was amazing and life-changing. Highly recommended, if you're ready to face yourself fully, prepared for healing and ready to grow spiritually. Don't forget to prepare well to get the most out of it.
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Posted 2 years ago
This is THE most transformational thing you can ever do for yourself. Allow mumma Aya into your life so she can help you understand what life is and how you can change your perception to get the most out of it! Any attempt to describe how profound my experience was would be cheapening it for it was extremely sacred and something I believe all of humanity need to experience. If mumma is calling you, don't be scared, she is here to hold & teach you to be the best version of yourself - what are you waiting for?!
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Was the most transformative experience of my life. The team and the entire retreat made we feel supported and safe which allowed me and my partner to have the breakthroughs that we had. If you feel called to plant medicine you owe it to yourself to work with APL journeys.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
What an incredible experience doing Ayahuasca and Kambo with APL retreats in Spain. If you're looking to face your story to better understand yourself, to let go of past hurts and to imagine a new way of living and being in the world, then this retreat is for you. The journey with Ayahuasca was powerful and I'm looking forward to integrating it into my life. Aneil, the Peruvian Shaman is a magic maker and knows where to guide you in the ceremonies. The one to one sessions with him between journeying were invaluable for intention setting, and his knowledge of the plant and its healing powers, he shared with an open heart. The care, attention, love, support and encouragement you receive from the APL team - Boris, Sasha, Amanda and Ross - is immense. They want you to receive everything you need from the experience and they share all their knowledge with openness, kindness and compassion. The group, just wow - from all walks of life, all ages - we became a family in a week! The support, sharing, love and humour we shared made it magical. I thought Ayahuasca was something you did once. I know I'll be back, this is just the beginning of my relationship with this ancient, wise and powerful medicine. "Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it." Goethe. Begin, best travels fellow explorer!
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
I have had experiences with Ayahuasca ceremonies around Europe but with APL it was the first time with a master Shaman. The connection our Shaman has to the medicine is undeniable and the only way to experience it is to do it. APL (Boris, Alex, Amanda and Ross), all took the time for each one of the participants with as much love and care as I've ever seen. The room in which I was staying was very comfortable, the food was exactly what I needed throughout the experience, the location was perfect and the integration circles we had each day to discuss our ceremonies were a great way to process and reflect our journey with mother Aya. From the bottom of my heart I say thankyou thankyou thankyou to APL for their care, attention and education on master plants. If you feel like you are hearing the call from mother Ayahuasca, then I would recommend APL whole heartedly ❤🙏
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Amanda, boris and Alex have a lot of understanding, patience and compassion. They are the best guidance you can get while you go through your own healing process. they helped me understand how to keep my inner light + how important it is to listen to my own body. I am grateful for everything and I would recommend them to anyone who is ready for a serious enlightenment.
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Posted 2 years ago
Just came back from my 8-Day Retreat with APL in Spain a couple of days ago. I don’t know where to begin… Boris, Sasha and Amanda know exactly what they are doing and are doing it for the right reasons! The retreat was so well organized, they thought of every little detail to make sure we have a great experience. They answered all my questions quickly and diligently (even before I booked and paid for the retreat!), they made it easy for us to know what the entry requirements were in Spain, where to get a PCR test, organized transfers from and to the airport, etc. It made our life so much easier, and that way, we could really focus on the important stuff: healing! And I have to say, the retreat did exactly that for me, and more! I came in feeling so empty, and let with a sense of purpose, knowing what I had to do, and my heart filled with love for this place and its wonderful people. The healing process with Aya is not an easy one. It requires a lot of dedication, willingness and strong intentions. It can be scary to get into the unknown, but I always felt so safe and supported by the APL team. We were briefed thoroughly prior to the first ceremony on how it would be done, how to reach out for support during the ceremonies if needed, and had long integration circles the next day to share our experiences with others and get tips and advice on how to manage what came out of the previous’ night’s ceremony. Those integration circles are so important, and the APL team takes as long as needed for everyone to talk about anything. We also have the opportunity everyday to have a one-on-one chat with the shaman, if we need guidance for the next ceremony. And with Ross on the team, a psychotherapist, he will help you navigate difficult traumatic experiences that might have come out with Aya and give you the tools you need to continue your integration after the retreat. On top of everything, the villa is beautiful and so comfortable, with a pool overlooking gorgeous mountain views in the countryside of Spain. The team in the kitchen was wonderful, always smiling while cooking delicious food. If you hesitate between a few Aya retreats, I am telling you: go ahead and book this one, you will not regret it. 😊 I cannot thank the team enough for this past week, I am forever grateful for them and for the beautiful souls I met along the way! Love you all xox
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
I just want to say that Boris & Sasha are the most incredible, intelligent people I have ever met. They made me feel so safe and cared for during my 8days with them. I can truly say that it was a life changing experience. If you are thinking of going then don’t hesitate, book now cause you will not regret it. The friendships I formed during the week are for life and my experience with ayahuasca was completely mind blowing in the best possible way. The support offered at the retreat was just astounding and I cannot wait to visit them again. I cannot Thankyou enough for what you have done for me. My life is better for meeting you both and going on this incredible journey. Thankyou
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Posted 2 years ago
The whole APL team was above my expectations. Truly devoted people. All recommendations!
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Posted 2 years ago
An unforgettable experience. Fantastic group of people. Massive care and attention to everyone. A loving environment where you can learn more about yourself and grow as a person. The wisdom and experience of Boris and Sasha was just invaluable. The care and attention in the aftercare by Ross and Amanda was exceptional and essential to implement what has been learned on the journey. Be prepared to be challenged and changed. Cannot recommend this retreat highly enough. ❤️❤️❤️
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
APL offered me a shortcut to heaven. I never worked that intense on myself and it was so worth it. within one week i became a total different person: the real me. I left all trauma and pain behind and i received a glow that cant be described by words. I met the kindest, smartest and most loving people. Apl is making sure that you are seen, heard and SAFE. Every single detail is perfectly curated with so much love. You can literally experience the cooks unique love to food or the sweetest angel touch by the massage ladies. I never felt so special in my whole life. My most recently felt feelings during the retreat: gratitude, love, joy, pain, connection, devotion, surrender, being honored, open hearted, contentment, calmness, patience, peace, tenderness, honesty, abundance, overflow, giving, receiving, wisdom, detatchment, luck, grace, pride, light During the retreat i was able to experience how much this event is already affecting my life. I got so many messages from people i love. My mum told me that she is beyond proud of me and that she loves me so much. After the last ceremony i took time to express my love for the people around me. Especially those ones where i found it challenging. God, the response was incredible. My heart is wide wide open. I am bathing in my own grace and beauty. APL CREATES MIRACLES I WILL BE FOREVER GRATEFUL WITH ALL MY HEART FOR THIS INCREDIBLE EXPERIENCE
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Posted 2 years ago
"If you hear Ayahuasca calling you, pick up the damn phone." Short story: I had insomnia and nightmares for over 5 years straight and nothing I tried work. I lived with a grey filter over my life, because well.. no sleep is horrible. Mentally, Physically and for your nervous system. I needed at least 2 cups of coffee before I could start my day. While I write this, it has been 41 days of sleeping 5-9h. I haven't had one nightmare. I didn't need or had and coffee for 51 days now. I wake up, and I am awake. These are hard facts, and it was only the tip of the iceberg of what Aya did for me and showed me. I got more from her than I ever expected or could have imagined. It was the best thing I have done in years for my mental and physical health as well as my spiritual growth. Short APL- Love letter: Amanda (an angel), Boris (caretaker), Sascha (the pusher and shaman-to-be), Ramon (Shaman) are incredible. These people are magic and I could not have felt more safe, protected and understood. Thank you guys - you are out of this world. Your deep knowledge and understanding, your personal history and experiences, your connection to us as participant and between yourself... you guys are love, wisdom and play itself. Thank you for being you and doing what you do in this world! I am deeply greatful to have made it with the four of you and would only do it with at least one of you being there :) Longer version about AYA: I heard the call, after I saw an interview with a guy who said he was cured from his insomnia (sleep deprivation). I heard that call loud and clear and every cell in my body wanted me to try Aya. I had insomnia and horrible vivid nightmares for more than 5 years and I tried western medicine, therapy, sleeping rituals etc, etc etc.. Nothing would work and I had more than one breakdown because of less than 2-3h of sleep a night. My intentions/ wishes/ requests to mama Aya were: 1) Please no more nightmares. Help me find a way to overcome them somehow. 2) Please help me, to sleep at least sometimes through the night, my body and mind needs rest. 3) I want to meet the divine 4) I want to see and feel my true power within me, my inner warrior of light. I meditated for about 2 weeks, every morning 5min over these intentions. Results: It has been 41 nights without nightmares. Even if it starts out as one, it changes in the middle and turns into an adventurous fun dream. My dreams are still vivid but oh my... I love them now. Sleeping through: I get at least one cycle of sleep. One deep sleep and every second night I sleep through... my partner is amazed about my new sleeping habits. My nervous system calmed down, my world is more colourful and when I wake up, I am full of energy. For the first time in over 5 years I am allowed to just sleep. To my, that's a miracle and life changing. I am also hypersensible to sounds when I am stressed. I am not as stressed anymore, which makes it way easier for me to not get nervous from small sounds anymore AND she (Aya) showed me how to handle noises that irritate me so I don't have to leave the room anymore, when someone eats an apple or carrott. And well... I got to meet the divine. And she showed me EVERYTHING! She let me feel and see the world, the universe, through her all-knowing curious non-judgemental eyes. We talked and played and discussed the world. She gave me peace for this life and told me secrets about it.. well, I can't tell you with my words... Aya does it better anyways ;) All three ceremonies, she went into me like hellfire, so we could become one.. in a good way ;) She is a magnificient beast, a healer, a mother, my best friend, my soulmate, my intuition., a curious playful sarcastic child. She has a strong feminin energy, that challenges you, plays with you, heals you, holds you, IS you. She is Gaia, mother earth, the divine and so much more. I have no words for what she gave me. How our spirits played, laughed and watched. But I promised her, to tell everyone who asks, about her. About her beautiful spirit and who is she is. And by the way: you should have strong intentions. She is also very demanding and challanging when she cleans you/ helps to heal you by purifing for hours if necessary. It's hard - you have to give her everything, trust her completely and let go of all resistance that you ever had in you. Only by giving yourself over to her (while being more yourself than you have ever been before), she works with you. And that part can be tough and rough. But worth it. I could go on and on and on but well... meet her yourself. You will be dazzeled by her and her spirit (animal) friends. I promise. And no, it's not like any substance I have ever tried or done before. Nothing can prepare you for the power she is and the clarity she gives to you or the feelings. She is not a drug. She is pure medicine, pure energy, a spirit from another dimension. The more you connect to her, the less you need. You are 101% percent yourself, and nothing about your personality changes. It's you and Aya, in the way she decides to come to you. Thank you APL, thank you Aya, thank you to all the wonderful souls and spirits I got to meet and experience. With love, deep gratitude and blissful joy in my heart, Anina Ps: Pick up the damn phone - she will call you until you answer ;)
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
If Aya is calling you, this is for sure the best place to go!!! I´m glad that I chose to do my first Ayahuasca retreat with APL Journeys. Everything was more than perfect. The facilitators Boris, Alexander and Amanda created such a beautiful and safe place & guided and supported us through this journey. Together with the Shaman they created an unforgettable experience. Pure magic, way more than I could have imagined :) Thank you so much for everything!!!!
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Before booking my first ever Ayahuasca retreat I spent a good month going back and forth researching every place I could, learn more about the shamans for the retreat, and had a thorough list of questions ready for the organizers. APL Journeys was always at the top of my list, but even with the overwhelming 5 star reviews I saw everywhere, I knew that this was a big step and had to be done with the right people and the right shaman. Now that it has been 3 weeks since the July 2021 retreat in Spain, all I can say is that they exceeded my expectations and gifted me with so much comfort, support, and understanding the whole way through (even before booking with all of my questions!). Boris, Sasha, Amanda, and our Ecuadorian Shaman, Roman - crafted the safest space for our mind, spirit, and heart. So much was gained because of the intention they put into getting to know us and into making sure everything from accommodation, food, and even late night emotional support was available and handled with the highest of care and attention. I am becoming stronger and more authentic thanks to this life changing retreat. I hope that if you have all of the drive and motivation to heal, know that you will surely be gifted with a community of mighty select group that sees you and wants nothing more than to get you there. Will be making sure I do another retreat with my husband because of how fantastic this was
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
APL Shamanic Journeys is rated 5.0 based on 213 reviews