APL Shamanic Journeys Reviews

5.0 Rating 213 Reviews
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About APL Shamanic Journeys:

APL Shamanic Journeys is an Ayahuasca focused retreat center in Spain, Ecuador & Peru.

Here, the ancient wisdom of Amazonian traditions blends with a modern understanding of integration under the guidance of Peruvian shamans, Western specialists, and trauma-informed facilitators.

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It was such an amazing experience at this retreat! The team, Amanda, Boris and Sasha gave all their best to us: their advice, informations, explaining everything and creating such an amazing journey. It was perfect, in all aspects! It was my first encounter with the medicine and I truly believe that our guides made it a really unique, wonderful and meaningful experience! All the best and thank you!
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Posted 2 years ago
The time with APL was one of the most transformative of my life. Being on retreat with others seeking healing, peace, insight and connection is a really beautiful experience. The APL team - Boris, Sacha, Amanda, Shaman Anael, and all the support staff - looked after us SO well. We were well fed, guided and supported in amazing ways that you cannot even imagine until you have been through ceremonies. The whole experience is incredibly safe and secure, and you are given plenty of time to process all the wonderful, healing experiences. If you are considering learning about Amazonian plant-medicines, the dieta, Ayahuasca, and most importantly learning more about yourself, then APL are 100% trusted guides on this journey. I will be going back for sure.
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Posted 2 years ago
There are no words. Hands down the most incredible week of my life. I got more out of one singular week than 10 years of therapy. It was the most powerful, magical and transformative week I’ve ever had the privilege to experience. Boris and the team were outstanding. So kind, genuine and supportive. Food and villa beautiful also. This is just the start of my journey and can’t wait to come back next year. From the bottom of my heart- thank you APL. You’ve changed my life for the good. All my love and gratitude, issy xxxx
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Posted 2 years ago
My Journey with Aya has been ongoing for over 10 years. This was the first time that I visited APL. Comfort level of retreat -Excellent Quality of food - Excellent Quality of medicine - Excellent Quality of Cuarando / Shaman - Excellent This is a very slick and beautifully nurturing operation run by Boris, Sacha and Amanda for all the right reasons. You are in very safe hands here......Highly recommend.
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Posted 2 years ago
It was definitely a good decision to come to APL The facilities and food were good The team very caring and the Ayhuasca quality and facilitators fantastic All these with the amazing opportunity of experience the medicine in the most sacred way was definitely a gift. Sasha, Amanda and Boris were working hard to create the best results and I think I expressed what I thought was for me not working at the time with the hope that this helps to improve the integration side of the program Overall positive. Thanks Guys
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Posted 2 years ago
Heaven on Earth! I can’t find words to describe my experience, but I will try. Before the retreat, I was in a dark and lonely place in my heart and soul. I felt empty inside. The journey was not easy for me and it took a lot of hard work, determination and soul searching. But in the end, my heart is full of light, love and gratitude. Where before I felt empty, loneliness and despair, I now feel Heaven’s light shining on me. I want to say Thank You to all the APL team members for a job well done. You’ve exceeded all my expectations!
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Posted 2 years ago
Amazing retreat! Around our Shaman Anael a team of facilitators / therapists / cooks / sound therapists / masseuses and translators made this retreat with all honesty an all-round carefree package for self experience and trauma healing. After 6 extensive days of talking and experiencing the medicine I have a lot of new experiences and insight that I'll be trying to integrate in the next couple of weeks. For anyone who wants to experiencee a classic / authentic Ayahuasca ceremony with shamans from the Amazon inside of Europe - this is probably the best place to go!
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Posted 2 years ago
So helpful in every way
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Posted 2 years ago
I have just encountered a beautiful experience at APL Shamanic Journeys. Boris, Amanda, Sasha & Anael are a great team who go out of their way to assist guests with their journey. Ayahuasca is an intelligent and beautiful spirit with healing qualities. I feel I have gained some great insights into myself and honestly believe I have left the retreat with a positive outlook on life and new goals to work towards. Thank you all for your support.
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Posted 2 years ago
I was a little suspicious and skeptic when I signed up but as soon as I arrived to the retreat, i felt I’m home. The APL team is amazing and Aya took me on amazing Journey. Highly recommended. Don’t think twice.
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Posted 2 years ago
My heart is full of gratitude. Amanda, Boris, Sasha and Anael were pitch-perfect - everyone in our group was taken care of with the utmost respect and love. We were all prepared for the ceremonies in a way that put me at ease (this was the first ayahuasca experience for the majority of the group), and the support offered before and during the retreat was better than I ever could have hoped for. Anael is a true healer and the power of the medicine paired with his gift is incomparable. All in all, I cannot recommend this experience with APL enough. I have gained insights that I am not sure I would have ever been able to without the assistance of the APL team and Mother Aya (as well as the wonderful group of people I was on retreat with), and they made it so easy to surrender to the entire experience, even in the times where this seemed challenging. At this moment, there is still so much to process and integrate, but I haven't felt so hopeful in a long time. Thank you - much love, always. S
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Posted 2 years ago
The experience with APL is beyond description. I waited over a decade before deciding on the right time and place to do ayahuasca – this decision was extremely meaningful to me. Selecting APL as the organization to help me on my journey was by far the best decision I could make. They take care of every detail, they prepare you physically, emotionally, and spiritually and their care is genuine; every person I retreated with was treated in a sacred, safe and personalized manner. Aneil the shaman, is a true genius of healing – everyone in my group was transformed after 6 days. The food, the venue, the communication, the quality of the medicine… all of it was perfection. I can’t even begin the describe the profound beauty and power of the APL retreat, and the resonance of the experience prevails. Highly recommend.
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Posted 2 years ago
Hey! Im incredibly satisfied with my retreat experience. I havent felt so much love,care and hopefulness in a long while. Its undeniable i got a huge nudge towards a better path and inspiration to go about my life in a more healthy and positive way. I felt quite sad when it ended and i wish the experience continued indefinitely tbh :D The team is extremely competent, driven ,loving and the medicine is undeniable. I will remember this fondly for the rest of my life.
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Posted 2 years ago
This retreat was a pleasure all along. You are in good hands with very professional and experienced people, who deeply know what they are doing. They have at heart to do it in the pure amazonian tradition and spirit, without spoiling anything, and this integrity becomes rare today. The shaman and the crew deeply take care of you during the ceremonies, you are in a totally safe space. All is well explained, thought and organized. The food is also delicious and cooked with love. So I can just humbly 1000% recommend this retreat and company, probably the best you can find in Europe. Thanks. Sebastien
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Posted 2 years ago
I am writing this review after my second retreat with the APL team, and I can defintely say that that the whole experience was such a blessing all over again. I was able to address some of my remaining issues from a place of inner safety and a mental clarity that has been growing within me after my first retreat. In the course of these ceremonies I have understood and felt with mind, body, and soul just who I really am and I was able to stand tall, loving, gentle, and playful. I understood that fragility is NOT weakness, moreover the ability to face, feel, and fully accept how incredibly fragile we are is one of the most courageous things we can accomplish. I don't think that any conventional therapy would have ever helped me as much as this. It feeds you the kind of wisdom that you would get on your deathbed at 90 years old, when you look back and realise what life was really about. I am glad that I did not wait until then to find out.
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Posted 2 years ago
awesome experience :D highly recommend APL
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Posted 2 years ago
I am incredibly grateful to Boris, Sasha, Amanda and Anael for this beautiful experience. Their guidance, care and love for everyone on the retreat has been beyond anything I might have expected. Attending the Ayahuasca ceremonies have had a profound positive effect on myself. During preparation all our questions have been answered and we were armed with several tools that ensured a safe experience. During the ceremony, the facilitators acted as little angels, helping us whenever we were in need. Following the ceremonies, the integration circles were beautifully led, allowing space for each and every one of us to share with each other the elements of the journey that we wanted to share. At the end of the 6 days, I felt happy, healed and in awe with Mother Earth. I gained a better understanding of myself, of the world around me, and I was blessed to meet some pretty awesome human beings, that are now close friends. If the Spirit of Mother Medicine is calling you, APL is a safe and caring place to start your journey. May the Force be with you!
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Posted 2 years ago
My deepest gratitude to the entire team. I could not image a more professional team to guide me through this journey. Thank you. It is an amazing Service that you doing for the people who seek and come. Love and Light. Keep doing!
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Posted 2 years ago
That was an extremely high pleasure journey! The best adventure of my life. It’s a life changer retreat. Once you step in to this area you will never be back the same person. Better to experience it once rather than to say too much. Boris Sasha and Amanda are the best pragmatic team! A special thanks to Anael for sharing his extremely huge experience!
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Posted 2 years ago
During my retreat at APL Journeys I didn't know what to expect, right out of the gate the retreat house itself was quite amazing. Spacious, open and a very relaxing environment. The team was very attentive, they took our safety very seriously and it was something I very much appreciated. The ceremonies were done in a very controlled and organized way so that we felt protected. Our shaman was extremely great at guiding and controlling the ceremony as well, overall it was such an amazing and life-changing experience. I would definitely come back to this retreat because of how great the experience was. They have such a great sense of humor which made it that much more enjoyable.
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Posted 2 years ago
APL Shamanic Journeys is rated 5.0 based on 213 reviews