Medium-Hot Fresh Hatch Green Chile - (Big Jim) 10lbs Reviews

4.7 Rating 204 Reviews
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About The Hatch Chile Store:

At The Hatch Chile Store, we have a tradition of excellence. Each year we provide fresh and flame-roasted Hatch Green Chile to thousands of customers the world over. Whether you're a displaced New Mexican, a Hatch Chile Aficionado, or a business who wants to provide your customers with the world's best Certified Hatch Chile, we have you covered!

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For the last several years, I have sent Big Jim Mediums to my son as a birthday gift. Typically he grills them, but he also prepares some for the freezer so they will be available in the coming months. He says there are no chilis to compare to Hatch chilis and while his gift is for mediums, he is thrilled if he finds a hot one in the batch. He lives in the Seattle area, and we have laughed at the route the peppers take to reach him from Hatch. They travel east to the FedEx hub and then are sent on their way to the Seattle delivery point from which they are delivered to his home. I must add they are always fresh. One year when he was coming to visit me in Atlanta, he packed a bunch of peppers in his suitcase. Those peppers traveled literally thousands of miles - Hatch toNashville, to Seattle, out for delivery, packed in a suitcase and brought east again to share with me. Little story... the first year I ordered the peppers, I indicated they were a birthday gift. One of the packers had scrawled on the crate with a marker, Happy Birthday. Hatch chilis are the best, customer service is awesome, and I have discovered the perfect birthday gift.
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Posted 7 years ago
It's worth it for your yearly chile fix, but it's a little expensive in my mind. The smell when the box comes is heavenly, and then when you roast them! I love my chiles and this is the way to get them if you are going to get them! I have had little problems and Preston always takes care of them right away. Their ordering and shipping has improved over the years.
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Posted 7 years ago
We are in our late 60s, even so when our 25lb order arrives, we are children again, anxious to see our red, ruby gems. First thing:Stick our heads in and breathe deeply. Ahhhhh. Once again New Mexico has arrived. Now to make the ristra that hangs in the kitchen drying throughout the year. It is picked and poked throughout the year finally to arrive in glass jars as enchilada sauce that will last for most of 2016. Soon the arrival of our 2016 orderof 35lbs of Hatchies only to repeat the circle. Love you guys.
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Posted 7 years ago
Th Big Jim's we ordered were very good and very large. Since we live out of state (in a state far away), we cannot find anything similar here. The shipping, etc. were not unreasonable at all. They are soooooo good!
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Posted 7 years ago