Bryght Labs - ChessUp Reviews

4.3 Rating 282 Reviews
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Hi guys, I just wanted to say thanks and let you know that the board arrived today, and that air freight was credited yesterday! We had a fun unboxing at home. I must say, both pieces, board and mobile stand feels really well crafted and have an air of premium around them - awesome work! Looking forward to some solid chess fun with the kids these coming years! 😊
Bryght Labs - ChessUp 5 star review on 11th November 2022
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
The product is high quality, communications from Bryght Labs has been excellent. I haven’t used the board since receiving it because of many software bugs. Hopefully it’ll be sorted out soon. I’m still keen on doing some more testing and bug logging for the company and the community, so do let me know how we can help
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
I am really enjoying my ChessUp board. It's a fantastic tool for learning to play chess and the App is so easy to use. Well done on an excellent product.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Works perfectly out of the box. Loving the ability to have visual cues to improve my game. Great product, highly recommended for beginners or those wanting a compact travel friendly computer chess board
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
I am an average chess player (ELO 1300-1400). This board has exceeded my expectations in all aspects: 1. Build Quality 2. Playability 3. Design and Packaging Considering the price, this board is extremely undervalued in the market, without factoring in the insanely good AI technology. Aside from the actual board, the customer service from Jeff at Bryght Labs has been professional, prompt and transparent. Jeff was able to communicate efficiently and effectively regarding the delivery of my board to Melbourne, Australia and I cannot be happier. The team and the ChessUp board are amazing!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Best on market compared to similar products by far !!! it is especially good for kids!!!, but app still needs considerable work, board is not fully functional without phone app, ai for app makes mistakes especially on higher levels, for example the AI did not move out of check then game aborted after freezing; taking back moves can also be tricky because if the board and phone app get out of sinc, sometimes the game cannot be restored/gets frozen and game has to be aborted , overall 5, because technology has far surpassed the competition!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Great chessboard, I'm excited for when they add integration.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
To the Bryght Labs team and Jeff, thank you so much! After a long wait, I finally received my chessboard. My almost 6-year-old daughter was even more excited than me! We immediately played our first game and were able to explain the basics nicely to her. Using the color LEDs, she knew which steps she could and couldn't take, which were bad and good steps. So fast, that she managed to put me in check a few times (although I let her win, I was always surprised). It's a beautiful chessboard and beautiful technology and I look forward to the progress of the iOS app. Currently, it is not 100% working and I am sure that these bugs will be fixed soon. Anyway, even though we're a year late, with a lot of patience from the backers and your efforts, I give you a 10/10! To the backers who still have to wait for their boards, be patient, it's definitely worth the wait! Again, many many thanks!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Love the board, exactly what I’d imagined. The features present beautiful new perspectives and new learning tools to the game of chess. The only downside I found is the plastic material that constructs the board, I wish it was something a little more sturdy but this knit picking at best. -Thanks Jordan
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
So far so good chess up is very good I’m a rated player so I’m used to strong AI got some wins but a lot of draws against the computer I like it so far have not played online yet let you know later.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
The chessboard is excellent, I am having trouble creating an account and adding the firmware to the board.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
I have a lot of respect for your team having to work through all the supply chain issues and android issues while maintaining a positive attitude. Not an easy task. I was very happy with the board and pieces. The professional packaging set a high bar. The only issues are the lack of a complete Android solution and the lack gambit openings. I can't seem to force a King's Gambit on any setting. The board AI seems a little weak but the app compensates for it. Hope the built-in AI gets stronger over time. Still waiting for my checkers to ship.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
It works better than expected. I'm excited for the app to update more to try out puzzles and the lessons. Only complaint which isn't that big of a deal is I like to leave my chess board out with the pieces already placed. Unfortunately with the board it doesn't calibrate when you turn it on like that have to be a clear board then place the pieced. Either way great board have been enjoying chess more than ever with it pieces and board feel solid and high quality all of my friends also ate really impressed by it and they don't play but the board is changing that. This is the future of chess
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
I love my ChessUp board! The app (Android) has some teething issues that I know the team will resolve in the coming months, but the quality of the board itself is outstanding and it functions so well. I look forward to many games of chess on my ChessUp board!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
I absolutely love what Bryght Labs did with the chess board. I've been using it everyday since it arrived to my house. And I am rating it 5 stars because it's just an amazing way to spend my time practicing my chess in my own time by myself while I'm not using my computer or tablet to play online. Interface is so much fun to adjust my AI's level of difficulty whenever I want to play a nice chill game of chess after work, or when I just want to play more competively on other days by ramping up the AI difficulty. I Love the customizability on this board to adjust my assistance and the feature that the sqaures light up after picking up my pieces just makes this board 10x more fun than any other board I've ever owned or played on. Thank you Bryght Labs for making my chess experience much more fun to play on! This is alot of fun to use everyday. I'm rating it 5 stars because of that!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Haven’t tried the board yet but I did get it. I’ll wait until the app is fully functional to try it out until then.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
I must say I'm incredibly pleased with the chess board at the moment. It's still in its infancy, but I'm excited at prospective features like chess lessons from professional players, analyzing my games, and greater app-to-board integration for Android. Even just as is, without all the bells and whistles that first enticed me, I've really enjoyed playing family and students that aren't as familiar with chess or it's principles. It's been a blast so far))
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Absolutely love it! Still learning all the functions the board is programmed with; however, I saw the twinkle in my kids eyes when I showed them a taste of what can be done. We waited a long time to have it delivered but it was worth the wait.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Works as advertised
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
I love my ChessUp board! The experience is so unique, not quite like online play, not quite like playing on a typical board. Most of all, I think this board makes chess more feasible to play between people of different skill levels. I play chess a lot, so my friends who don't have a great knowledge of strategy or tactics would never want to play me in a normal setting, but having the ability to play on a pretty board with lights that stops them from losing right away makes it more fun and interesting for both of us! I also love how responsive the Bryght Labs team is, and though the experience is not without is kinks, I have no doubt that the team will continue to work to improve the user experience. All that being said, I have a few observations of areas for improvement: (1) The syncing between the board and Android app is a bit rocky. I have played several games where the computer assistance has disconnected mid-game, either leaving me without an AI opponent, or leaving my poor unskilled friend to fend for themself. What makes this worse is that the only way to fix it seems to be to turn the board on and off, which loses the game being played, as I haven't been able to find a way to start from position. (2) I wish there were a way to start a game from a position. The dream scenario for me is the be able to place the pieces on the board in the position I want to start, have the app automatically recognize the position, ask basic questions like "Whose turn is it?" and "Does either side have castling rights?" and then just go. This is vastly more preferable to entering a FEN into the app. (3) For exploring branches of different lines, I wish there were an easier way to return to a separate anchor position other than the regular starting position. One solution might be the option to do multiple takebacks, perhaps having a back button on the app board and when you find the position you want to return to, click a button to return the board to that position. Another solution might be to have a separate analysis mode where you can set a temporary anchor position. For example, if I wanted to explore variations in the Stafford gambit, i could start the game normally, and once I get to move 4, I could tap a button that makes further moves as hypotheticals instead of adding it to the official game transcript, and when you're done exploring a line you can tap a button again to return the board to that anchor position. Another benefit of this would be the ability to analyze games on the board after they finish. (4) I've noticed that the AI assistance recommends some strange moves, usually I'm positions that are already "lost" for one side. For example, I was playing with a friend on level 4 assistance, and they had several moves available, one that allowed checkmate in 1, and others that lost more slowly, and all moves lit up as green. This seems strange to me. (5) I'm not sure if this just a me problem, or an android problem, or a known problem, but I've had some trouble with the lichess integration in that it seems to not work at all. I select all the attributes of the game I want to search for, and it doesn't seem to search once I click search. Not sure what the issue is. I also wish I could just navigate through the lichess app instead and say that I'm using an external board. (6) I wish there were options to connect to a computer instead of a phone. Overall though, I am very happy with the board and can't wait for new features to evolve and continue to enrich this wonderful investment!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Bryght Labs - ChessUp is rated 4.3 based on 282 reviews