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Broadband House 108 Churchill Road
OX26 4XD

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Very helpful and courteous member of team
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
Had a technical question re low speeds from Europasat on a Saturday morning. Quick call pick up from Technical, who isolated the reason both efficiently and swiftly. Service being throttled because of unidentified, and unintentional, overuse (by me) 22 days earlier. Magic not only gave a very clear explanation of the cause, which was my main concern; but also offered me some free time to tide me over to the next period, two days later. His attitude to me as a customer was both reassuring and encouraging. Which makes it very easy for me to recommend the quality of the Europasat service to others. As I have already done. Thank you.
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
The broadband satellite performance is patchy, and I find the package you recommended for me has annoying restrictions. It is almost impossible to get through on the phone to one of your experts.
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
Magic was really helpful this morning. We have been guzzling data for the best few months at huge expense and Glasswire on my laptop showed it was not me in my course of daily work (I work from home Mon - Thu). Magic was able to identify that usage was really high between 5pm and 10pm on some days - when the kids are back from work, so we agreed it must be stuff they are doing on their iPhones and iPads. Magic has sent me some useful documents about how we can setup these devices in better ways to control the data usage or at least monitor it. Also Magic identified that ever since day one of my contract last March the email address on our account had a typo in it, hence I have never received an email link to the account and have had no access to it until today. Following my call with Magic today, who couldn't have been more helpful, my Europasat world seems a much better place :) :)
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
Good support when needed and good service from Alex. Recommended to all
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
Phil Legge was extremely helpful when I realised that I had nearly used all of my data allowance with 10 days remaining - he re-activated my account which has enabled me to use broadband again. He even telephoned me the next day to ensure that everything was up and running and no problems encountered!
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
My issue was dealt with by Phil quickly, effectively and in a friendly and professional manner.
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
Rubbish product. Abysmal customer service. Get 4gLTE instead.
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
Technical Department on the ball and coherent, (both Alex and Magic), not only competent and straightforward in explanation, but encouraging and helpful in attitude.
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
The Saga Continues with this company !!!!!! Pulling my hair out - what's left of it. They take money out of your account without authority and for no reason, once you leave them they continue to do this and when promising refunds don't pay them !!!! I have email confirmation from the 6th Dec 'I have also arranged a refund of £169.98 which 1 have escalated to one of the Direct to get this actioned asap for you' from Heather, all seemed well and she was very nice and sorry for all the stress, etc. etc. On the 11th Dec I get £89.99 paid into my account, no explanation where the other £79.99 is and after numerous emails still no reply or response !!!! I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole, worst thing ever getting involved with them - nightmare!!!!
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
Very patient, polite and helpful technician assisted me in completing connection of new wireless router
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
This company is horrific!! Please do not place your trust in this company being able to provide you with internet. Living out in the country, we are limited as to which internet providers we can use thinking we had found the answer with satellite broadband. Originally avonline, they seem to have been taken over by europasat recently and the service has gone out of the window. We have been without internet since the 1st December, sent parts to fit ourselves which hasn't done anything, had an engineer out who couldn't figure out what was wrong and then nothing. No call backs when promised someone would, no investigation in to why we are without internet as promised and no cares as to providing the service we are paying for. They advise on the message played whilst on hold for 20-30 minutes each time that they offer fast broadband for any company... don't believe their lies!! We have this for our small business and it is really starting to impact us now. All we get when we ring up is being passed from department to department, followed by a clueless engineer or customer service representative who have no idea what is going on with our service, why this hasn't been escalated when we go through all the details and still no solution. Don't waste your time!!
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
We've been very pleased with the satellite broadband service offered by Europasat, as we use them at our holiday home in France. The team have been really helpful with any issues that have arisen. Phillip, the customer services manager, has been particularly helpful and has also steered us to the company's helpful technical support with any problems. The service has limitations, but if you can't get other options, it's a lifesaver. I recommend them as a reseller of satellite broadband.
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
We've had Europasat's service for a couple of years in our holiday home and it works really well. The team are great at sorting out the service when we need it, which is only occasionally, and making sure that any technical queries are answered to the best of their ability. The service has some drawbacks, but compared to not having any internet at all, it's pretty good! Phillip, the customer services manager, has been especially helpful to us and made sure we had everything sorted. I would definitely recommend them as a reseller of satellite broadband.
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
Really Really helpful customer service from Phil.....couldn't imagine better!
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
Polite, quick to respond to my needs, offered free & paid options, with no obligation. Good service. Happy.
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
I requested a data increase on 14 Dec - it did not materialise! I tried again on 15 Dec - still no joy! As a result, I have been without internet access for six days.
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
Signed up to europasat but they couldn't get a signal from my house that was over 3 weeks ago and i still haven't received my money back! I have called been put on hold or hung up on and used the website with no reply. Please can someone sort this
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
Having inadvertently used up all our internet allowance, I contacted Europasat to seek assistance. Phil, the Customer Service Manager, was extremely helpful and was willing to go the extra mile to ensure our internet access was uninterrupted. I was very impressed with the service provided by Europasat.
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
Very helpful,explained in layman terms what was wrong
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
Bigblu is rated 3.5 based on 1,222 reviews