Evri Reviews

1.1 Rating 3,510 Reviews
2 %
of reviewers recommend Evri
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How is Evri returns process?
(3 weeks ago)
Greater than 93% of reviewers feedback is Evri returns process could be better.
(3 weeks ago)

Returns - Difficult

Industry Average
My returns parcel was meant to be collected today and out of nowhere the parcel tracking update automatically shows up as thank you for letting us know that the parcel doesn’t need collecting. It is practically impossible to get hold of someone to complain about it or even to contact. Most unreliable service and if I could give 0 stars I would.
- Anonymous
Worst delivery company imaginable! Bought a jacket from Amazon and had to send it back - the only returns option was to use Evri.
- Anonymous
Worked for them through an agency. Terrible managers who don't care about people at all, or even the parcels they collect! Too many Amazon returns to pick up. Not enough space in the van. Parcels filled van to the top. Avalanche upon rear doors opened at depot return. This company has some awful managers!
- Anonymous