Gudrun Sjödén Reviews

2.6 Rating 90 Reviews
32 %
of reviewers recommend Gudrun Sjödén
Based on 90 reviews
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Gudrun Sjödén 1 star review on 24th February 2023
Gudrun Sjödén 2 star review on 14th November 2022
Gudrun Sjödén 2 star review on 14th November 2022
Gudrun Sjödén 1 star review on 19th October 2022
Carol L
Gudrun Sjödén 1 star review on 19th October 2022
Carol L
Gudrun Sjödén 5 star review on 3rd September 2022
Gudrun Sjödén 5 star review on 3rd September 2022
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Beware that wool can start pilling within three jours...instead of "after sometime" as said by Gudruns... Most shamefull, that they don't accept returning the item. Think this over before ever ordening!!!
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Do not expect Customer Service to help with an order. I have loved this company for several years but their customer service is terrible! I placed an order on 9/24 and still did not have a ship date as of 10/3. I contacted customer service to see why it had not been shipped. They stated that the items were out of stock. I checked the website and only one item that was ordered was showing as out of stock. Contacted customer service again and asked that they send the in stock items or cancel the order. Instead of sending me the items they had in stock they canceled the entire order and lost a $500 sale. I guess they are doing so well that they no longer need customers. This is the second time I've had an issue and I doubt I will bother ordering again - there are plenty of other companies that cooperate, at least minimally, with their customers.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Dishes arrived months late with defect. Made in china!!
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Posted 2 years ago
I was very disappointed by the quality of the products. On top of it, the return takes up to 4 - 6 weeks. The information about this wasn't available when I ordered the items. Again a very disappointing experience.
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Posted 2 years ago
As a regular customer I am very very disappointed about the quality of an item I recently bought. It concerns a very nice woollen cardigan that I bought for Xmas. Today I hand washed it very gently and to my astonishment the colour used was not properly fixed. As visible in the photo's the red colour has run into the creme background and completely ruined the cardigan. I am not happy at all as the price you pay for the clothes is high. Adriana Cunningham Hulsmann Wageningen The Netherlands
Gudrun Sjödén 1 star review on 6th March 2021 Gudrun Sjödén 1 star review on 6th March 2021
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
I was sent a £55 voucher which expired 31-12-2020. Towards the end of 2020, I tried to use it and even after reading FAQ I could not figure out how to use it. I did not think to ring the 0800 customer service number, as on the website it stated there were problems with the number. The voucher then expired. I finally rang customer services in January, 2021 only to be told that it was too late and they would not issue me with another voucher. I have spent lots of money on their clothes over the years and I feel very upset that they wouldn't issue me with another voucher and talk me through how to use it.
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Posted 3 years ago
Appalling delay in dispatch of sale goods. Payment taken and fast dispatch promised, but waiting now for more than 2weeks for delivery. Customer services giving vastly different excuses for the delay. They simply cannot cope with the volume of orders. I have spent thousands of pounds with this company, but I will not be ordering again unless they sort out their delivery problems.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Another former customer who likes the clothes but not the customer service. I absolutely adore the things I have. But I can't support a company that doesn't value it's customers more.
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Posted 3 years ago
Je reçois pour la deuxième fois un colis que je n’ai jamais commandé.En plein confinement, j’étais allée à la poste pour renvoyer le premier en payant les frais de port, que j’ai dû réclamer en remboursement au moins trois fois par mail pour être remboursée plusieurs semaines plus tard sans aucun geste commercial de leur part. Et à nouveau une commande que je n’ai pas faite qui arrive. On me demande de renvoyer le colis, on m’explique que j’ai changé mes numéros de clientes et que ça correspond aussi à une autre cliente... ( rassurant quant à leur système informatique et la gestion de leurs données de clients...). On me propose un geste de 10CHF sur mon compte, quand on connaît le prix élevé de leurs articles..., bref... et pas la peine d’essayer de les joindre, ils ne répondent pas. Je vais aller déposer le paquet chez la personne à qui il était initialement destiné mais c’en est fini pour moi de Gudrunsjoeden. Et si ils avaient pris la peine de répondre à mes mails ou appels téléphoniques, je n’en serais peut-être pas arrivée là.
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Posted 3 years ago
Way too high price for the quality of the clothing. My order arrived today after about a month, and I was so disappointed. Thin see through fabric worse than the cheapest gauze u can imagine, used in the dress/pinafore and both the slips that I ordered. The so called tights are thinner than paper and are like the worst cheapest nylons you have ever worn, or your mother ever had to wear. I wanted them for cooler weather and winter. Not happening. I spent about 500. I hate returning things due to the fact that it takes forever to credit my account. Won’t be back ever.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Een aaneenschakeling van opgelopen frustraties bij dit winkelketen GUDRUN SJODEN. De bestellingen bij GUDRUN SJODEN verlopen matig, je krijgt zelden de bestellingen in één pakket. De afwikkeling van de retourzendingen ging eerdere malen fout, als je daarvan bij de klantenservice van GUDRUN SJODEN melding wilt maken en een oplossing zoekt, meldde de klantenservice GUDRUN SJODEN alle keren ze niets kunnen doen en met GUDRUN SJODEN Zweden moeten gaan bellen, want ja de boekhouding... De retourstoring van de retour gezonden kledingstukken gaat altijd chaotisch en traag! Meerdere malen bellen met voortdurende uitleg want een helder overzicht van de geplaatste bestellingen lijkt de klantenservice van GUDRUN SJODEN niet te hebben.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
PLEASE change your customer service provider. The clothes and website are so happy and colorful but, after my first ever purchase - I needed to speak with customer service and they are THE WORST EVER. Rude, arrogant and really unhelpful. I had just spent £200 on one order and the woman whom I spoke with tried to make me feel like a fool. I wondered if I would ever spend with the company again. I have been shopping online ever since it became available but this appalling, atrocious company that Sjoden are using - they really do your clothes and label a disservice and, as I can see from reviews - I am not the only one who feels this way so - Please show that you care about your customers and find a new customer service provider. The ones you have at the moment know absolutely nothing about the clothes and are surly and rude.
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Posted 5 years ago
If you order from this company and have an issue with their goods don't expect good customer service, they are so rude to deal with. I no longer buy their clothes on line because of this.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
The clothes are lovely. I have no problem with them. It's the customer service and their customer service I wish to complain about. Both are dreadful. Firstly, customer service. I called once about their "free shipping" to anywhere in the world. But I had to pay something at customs to get my parcel which took over a month to get to me. They didn't respond to my query for the longest time. When they did, they paid for one order but not the next one. I emailed another time because I could not place an order online with my credit card. No fault of the credit card. I received no reply to my email. The next time I emailed about my inability to place an order - well, lo and behold, they emailed back the next day telling me to call them and here is where is gets very frustrating: Gudrun's customer service doesn't want to hear any complaints about their website so the first time I tried I was hung up on, and the second time, the girl got catty with me. I made it clear that my comment was for the IT people. Dear Gudrun's customer service: toughen up and accept constructive criticism so that your website may be improved and work as customer friendly and seemlessly as possible. I've been put off twice now from ordering over $600 worth of product! That must not matter to you. Now to the website itself. How horrible is that? 1) When I'm looking at a piece of clothing, something drops down from the top of the page to cover the image making it difficult to see. 2) The items in the cart are not saved between sessions. That would be an easy and helpful fix as it takes so long to go through the product line. If Etsy and Amazon can save cart items, so can you! 3) As a Canadian, I cannot send something to someone in the States. Ridiculous. Fix that. Again, Etsy and Amazon figured it out. So, as I said....the product so far has been satisfactory but the service, abysmal.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
Gudrun Sjödén is rated 2.6 based on 90 reviews