INSTAsmile Reviews

2.9 Rating 119 Reviews
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INSTAsmile 1 star review on 19th May 2024
Nichola Roberts
INSTAsmile 1 star review on 19th May 2024
Nichola Roberts
INSTAsmile 1 star review on 19th May 2024
Nichola Roberts
INSTAsmile 1 star review on 19th May 2024
Nichola Roberts
INSTAsmile 1 star review on 19th May 2024
Nichola Roberts
INSTAsmile 1 star review on 19th May 2024
Nichola Roberts
INSTAsmile 1 star review on 19th May 2024
Nichola Roberts
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Where do I begin... My original order was placed back in October 2018, I was sent my impression kit and advised to return as soon as possible. I then posted the impressions to yourselves which were ultimately lost in transit. My replacement impression kit was then sent out again - my 2nd impressions, again, did not reach you as the label was incorrect and these were shipped to your old address. Again, another impression kit sent out and another impression sent back to yourselves. This did reach you and was sent back to myself with a rescue kit. My rescue kit done and the impressions sent back to you via Royal Mail (tracked) and proof sent to yourselves to then be told that they were lost in transit as the tracking number had been used on multiple occasions. Finally, another impression kit sent out via DPD - I took 2 impressions and sent them back to yourselves. These have now arrive only to be emailed to say there is something wrong with them. I then called to see what was wrong to be advised that I would need to pay £45 for ANOTHER impression kit, to then be advised that was incorrect information and I only needed the rescue kit. After receiving my rescue kit, for the second time (and previously receiving two syringes) I only received one syringe - I quickly called Instasmile and asked if this was correct? The lady on the call replied that this was correct procedure and I would have enough putty for both impressions. I then waited for my video call and spoke to a lady who told me I need TWO syringes for my rescue kit - as you can imagine I was absolutely appalled. I have now done a total of 6 impressions and on each occasion been told that my impressions are not acceptable, suitable or lost! I have spent over £400 on a product I am yet to see! I am exhausted with the continuous chasing, emails and impressions back and forth all causing more and more inconvenience. I have asked on a number of occasions for a refund on the product as this is now getting beyond a joke. Your customer service advisors are very helpful when I call yet nobody seems to understand why my specific item keeps getting lost, is not suitable etc. I sent a very similar email outlining my concerns and asked for this to be raised officially as a complaint, this was on the 30th September - I have still 15 days later not received any acknowledgement or response. I tried to call on a number of occasions only to be cut off and when I have spoken to any member of staff have been informed the calls cut off after a certain amount of time?! I have today been told that someone will be emailing me regarding my complaint but NOBODY can call me as they have nobody who can call me! I am still without my product 12 months later but the time and effort to get the product is what has cost me the most. I was at one point so excited to receive my new smile, now all I can do is wait in dread to see what the next problem is going to be. Update!!! The below email has been received regarding my complaint - Absolutely disgusting as I requested a manager call back over a week ago. This company is utterly disgusting to deal with. I have requested that someone calls me again and that my complaint IS NOT closed!! Hi Stephen, Many thanks for your email. I would firstly like to apologise for the delay in responding to you. I have looked into your issues and can confirm that you were given incorrect information regarding the rescue kit and that you should have received 2 in the mail. For this I apologise. I can confirm that another rescue kit has been arranged and has been sent via DHL couriers to you today. The agent you spoke to has been dealt with internally. With regards to the impressions the parcel that was sent to our old address would have been forwarded to our new address via Royal Mail a this was a service we paid for so can only apologise if Royal Mail mislaid your parcel. Unfortunately you are not the only customer who's parcel went missing, hence the reason we now use DHL and not Royal Mail. ​ So the new impressions you provided although they did fail, can be saved by using a rescue kit and again I apologise you only received 1 but we have arranged for another to be sent and that has left us today. I can see that you have a video call booked in for next Tuesday evening and I have requested that our head smile consultant complete this with you. Once again I am sorry for the delay in the response. Kind Regards, Customer Experience Team Ticket Status: Closed Ticket ID 194361
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
VERY POOR PRODUCT MADE WITHOUT CARE I have had the worst experience of any product with this company. Although their customer services are in the main very nice and full of promises, their laboratory technicians are well below par. This means that the product is dreadful. I did have one appalling experience with one of their customer service reps who couldn't have cared less and clearly hated their product.  I ordered my Instasmile in the Summer on 2018 and at one week away from Christmas and after 3 attempts, I am yet to receive a product that I can wear. My original request for them not to be dead straight was ignored, meaning the 1st set of teeth were so big and bulky that I couldn't close my mouth and looked like a parrot fish. Then delays set in and I considered throwing in the towel and having a refund, but still hopeful of a dazzling white smile I changed my mind and decided to give them another try at getting it right. The 2nd set were pretty and thin, looked like my own teeth but beautifully white, however, due to a lack of care and attention, the finish is rough and one side of the uppers do not meet my gumline and expose my own teeth underneath (which the 1st set do not, so it's not my impressions that are at fault) - obviously defeating the object of them. So I was then promised the perfect set that would be designed exactly as the 2nd set but finished perfectly. What I received was utterly horrendous. They were a different design, thick and bulky with loads of curled extra material on every tooth at the gumline and are extremely ugly. The bottom set are also loose which seems bizarre as my impressions can't have changed! I am beyond disgusted, particularly as their customer services now appear to be avoiding me. They send me emails asking if I am available speak and then don't call me. I am in the process of making a very clear video that I will post to YouTube and Vimeo so that potential customers can see the real product they are likely to receive rather than the endorsed positive videos that people make so that they get free or cheaper products. Ultimately it is a clever idea, but my experience with them has been horrific beyond belief. I really wanted lovely white teeth and thought that Instasmile would be the perfect answer, as due to having sensitive teeth, I am unable to undergo tooth whitening. The reality of their product does not match their promises so beware when considering Instasmile.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
INSTAsmile is rated 2.9 based on 119 reviews