One4allGiftCardUK Reviews

1.1 Rating 211 Reviews
1 %
of reviewers recommend One4allGiftCardUK
Based on 211 reviews
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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Taking peoples money in made up fees. It’s legalised theft. They’ll have no luck. I hope they and the horses they rode in on go bust.
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Posted 2 years ago
Lost two gift cards. Contacted customer service said I had to email them. Tried 5 times kept getting undelivered message. Sent copies of voucher receipts to address in London. Came back as "gone" away". Don't touch with a bargepole absolute scam. Contacting trading standards now
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Posted 2 years ago
Absolutely disgraceful. Extremely complicated to set up for use. Money disappears off the card if not used quickly. Ridiculous at best, fraud at worst. I will be writing to supermarkets urging them not to sell these cards.
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Posted 2 years ago
Impossible to use
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Posted 2 years ago
Bought a £20 one4all restaurant card as a gift in 22/12 - the recipient tried to use in 31/1 in Zizzi, who declined the card. I logged on to see the balance and to see why it may have been declined and the balance was 0.00 and no activity had been made with the card. Embarrassing for both myself and the recipient- rang customer service who told me to email- No response from email whatsoever
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Posted 2 years ago
My money has disappeared off my gift card tried to resolve it with customer service 2 weeks is answering questions and sending in proof then get a email case is closed now they seen to have blocked me not answering emails
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Posted 2 years ago
This is the biggest scam I've ever had to deal with. £150 wasted on a card which doesn't work. Customer service is a waste of time as it doesn't do what it said it would. Just done waste your money. 7 weeks and counting trying to get the issue resolved.
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Posted 2 years ago
So sad to hear that this is everyone's experience. I naturally assumed that the website was impossible to navigate and the scheme seemed overly complicated because of something I was doing wrong, but it is absolutely apparent that this is a scam company that people should avoid at all costs. I am just sad that my friend wasted their hard-earned money on this voucher
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Posted 2 years ago
Its the worst gift anyone could give. Avoid it at all costs. Its just set up to rip people off and charge 1euro 45cent after 12 months. The expiry date it on the front to deceive you into thinking that you have years to use it. If you dont use it after 12 months there is going to be nothing left on it by the time the expiry date comes around . So its deceitful. Expiry should read 12months. I thought An Post were better than that.
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Posted 2 years ago
Would give 0 stars if I could. There's no better way of telling your employees how little you value them than giving them a One4all gift card. One4all is the annual refuge for companies who are too cheap and thoughtless to either pay a bonus (along with the associated small amount in tax) or source a card that is usable outside a small selection of shops (read overpriced boutiques) that are of little interest to those of us who are not in the winter of our lives. It can not be easily exchanged online, if you don't wish to jump through a multi stage money laundering legal loop you are limited to €50 per transaction, and after one year they begin clawing back €1.45 per month of the balance until it has expired. My earnest hope is that the Small Benefit Exemption is discarded by government so that this archaic gift card company flounders and dies, 2 decades after it's expiry date. Then at last, when Xmas comes around the annual charade of employers pretending to value their staff and their hapless staff pretending to be grateful will end.
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Posted 2 years ago
Stood in a queue for 45 f minutes on black Friday just because I had to get rid of your f vouchers and tried to spend 475 euro on a tv in DID electrical and all they could say was it was being declined , the app told me it was successful but they couldn't honour it because of your s f service. You're the worst f company I swear to f C , I want compensation for half my f weekend wasted because of your s f product.
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Posted 2 years ago
I got a €100 card from which I had to pay €2 extra. A total rip off. Then I was told that within a year, it loses its value. What kind of a gift card is that???
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Posted 2 years ago
We had a £30 gift sent to us by one of our customers. We logged in to one4all and setup the password etc. a few weeks later we attempted to setup the card but would you believe it, it’s already been claimed with no record of us claiming it. So who claimed it, or is this just another scam (I think it is). My advice is to avoid this company and send your money gifts by the old fashioned bank transfer; it’s much safer and far less stressful. And in addition, you do not have another doggy internet company having access to your bank details.
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Posted 2 years ago
It’s hard to set up, it’s a long process of just wanting to buy something with the card. And the company take fee of you chose not to use it. I would never purchase one of these cards
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Posted 2 years ago
My imbecile of a company bought these for the staff as a thank you through the hard Covid times.. I can’t use the thing.. as the £100 amount doesn’t even slightly stretch to what I want to spend. And you can’t add an amount to it. This has the stink of a wage loan lender company. Garbage.
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Posted 2 years ago
My wife got me £20 card just before lockdown But because I didn't use it, they started taking 90p a month admin fees off it. Also I went to B &Q to spend it and the guy on the till asked me how much was left on it. I said I don't know. He replied well you can't use it unless you know the exact amount as it doesn't tell us when we swipe it thru the till.
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Posted 2 years ago
Not a company I could recommend, very unreliable and the customer support team give no support. What went wrong, everything from start to finish. I had 2 x £25 gift cards that did not work, so i called the support line, spoke to a nicve lady who said she would change them. i thought great that was easy, WRONG, they sent me 1 x £25 and 1 x £15 and kept £10back, so i called and emailed and the response was we cant find any record they are not our cards, well how did you change them the first time but cant find them now. So they have not returned my £10, Now this was a gift from my GRANDCHILDREN, saved all there money for this and this lot will not give it back. I am leaving my name on this as i want people to know that this is real and not made up
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Posted 2 years ago
Absolute rubbish. Had issue with using the card online at a retailer on thier website. Did not work, contact them they investigated took 2 weeks. They then said case resolved as the retailer does not accept this card online. Their website contradicts this still.PLEASE PLEASE do not use this card as a gift for someone. I gave a 1 coz i couldn't put 0
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Posted 2 years ago
Not a company I could recommend Tried the 2 suppliers that I was interested in both declined the card One4all just declined to help
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Posted 2 years ago
Same old issue - valid date wasn't till 2023, haven't got round to using it - now find monthly management fee of 90p has bled it dry. What "mangagement"? Absolute disgraceful business model. Will avoid these in future. Advise all to avoid too! How do these people get away with this tryp of thing.
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Posted 2 years ago
One4allGiftCardUK is rated 1.1 based on 211 reviews