OVO Energy Reviews

1.1 Rating 965 Reviews
3 %
of reviewers recommend OVO Energy

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OVO Energy 1 star review on 23rd May 2024
Nofisat Ogunmuyiwa
OVO Energy 1 star review on 11th April 2024
David L
OVO Energy 1 star review on 11th April 2024
David L
OVO Energy 1 star review on 3rd April 2024
OVO Energy 1 star review on 28th March 2024
OVO Energy 1 star review on 28th March 2024
OVO Energy 1 star review on 28th March 2024
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Helpful Report
Posted 1 month ago
The standard evergreen tariff plan you yourselves would of been on with SSE who themselves now who have full control at OVO energy themselves for using their own gas & electric from themselves. from midnight last night on the standing charge fees themselves who have being set by ofgem themselves to these by telling themselves the standing charge fees are to go up on on both sets of metres from today for using the gas & for using the electric to in your own home and businesses from today by £19.50p per calendar month just for energy & for using the gas to at £10.50p per calendar month to on it own for standing charges for not using anything at all inside your own property from today. 👀 😡 (C)
Helpful Report
Posted 1 month ago
Worst company I've ever dealt with . still waiting on a resolution after a year .no further forward, wasting time on fone calls and no replies.im not alone reading all the other similar complaints
Helpful Report
Posted 1 month ago
Smart meter wouldn't work. Customer service refused to send someone round to fix it, very unhelpful on the phone. The top up app is also basically unable, so full of glitches
Helpful Report
Posted 1 month ago
First day as an OVO customer and I am absolutely disgusted with them. Apparently my tiny two up two down house, uses over DOUBLE than my previous large 5 bedroom house did.... A large house that I spent more time in and had an extra 3 occupants..... I am furious and cannot wait to get rid of these thieving scumbags as a provider
Helpful Report
Posted 1 month ago
Avoid like the plague. Incompetent customer service. Overcharged. Ombudsman intervention required ... twice! I had a leak after my meter, as SGN confirmed. This resulted in my being charged four figures worth of gas which was not in fact used. Ovo flatly denied this, despite my and SGN's evidence to the contrary. Around 8 months of incompetent customer service followed, culminating in my having to make a formal complaint and going to the Ombudsman. Predictably, the Ombudsman was appauled and found in my favour on all points, required Ovo to apologise, compensate and refund. Of course, I've now spend 16 days trying to get that refund and Ovo's customer service is get again wholly incompetent (e.g. offering to refund the credit in my account, which is my money, rather than actually giving me the money they agreed with the Ombudsman they'd pay me). Ever email which comes back from customer service appears to willfully misunderstand the situation and fails to move anything forward. So I'm back off to the Ombudsman again ... I don't know what's going on - whether the staff are overworked, incompetent, or there's a deliberate policy of ignoring the substance of customers complaints and/or gaslighting them, in the hope that they'll give up. I'm not such a customer, but I've wasted days and days of my life on this, which has not been adequately compensated for. I will of course be leaving them.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 month ago
Terrible customer service, rude staff based in South Africa where the phone lines are so bad you can't hear them over the phone. Staff tell lies and don't know the law. Awful company avoid at all cost.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 month ago
I have had ongoing problems with OVO for months and i am no closer to a resolution.Their customer service is not fit for purpose and i honestly feel like someone there has a personal vendetta against me because i want to change providers.They have hampered me every step of the way.Every single thing they have said they will do they have messed up and often blame computer systems.Each member of staff i have had the displeasure of dealing with has given me different information and almost always entirely wrong.I do not believe their staff have even close to an adequate amount of training. My treatment has been utterly disgraceful , cost me money and more importantly a massive amount of time.I do not believe anything anyone there says with them often pretending to be on holiday just to avoid dealing with the problems. A joke of a company and i will talk to anyone who wants to listen about my awful experience with this joke of a company.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 month ago
Absalute rubbish company leave ya with no power for 24 hours with a child in house and can't phone them after 6pm something needs to change or get an emergency contact for errors
Helpful Report
Posted 1 month ago
The worst company left me on numerous occasions off supply with the promise and engineer is on way but isn’t. Awful customer service you just get passed from one department to the other with no answers. Avoid avoid avoid!!!!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 month ago
Overcharging on direct debits. Useless customer services. Insane CEO who's head is very far up the rectum. A typical Rip Off concern
Helpful Report
Posted 1 month ago
Rubbish company - no communication.. switched to EDF - no receipt or acknowledgement of my payment
Helpful Report
Posted 1 month ago
I used to be a customer of SSE for 28 years for my gas & electric up & untill OVO energy bought out SSE electric & gas back from them back in 2019 for a whopping 5 million lb 😡 plus a further 8.6 million lb for any unpaid debts to with SSE to themselves too from SSE to themselves at fxxing OVO who are your new suppliers for gas and electric from SSE to themselves at OVO energy from last August time of 2023. OVO energy for using their own services that I myself did not ask to use full stop for using their own electric & gas are ruining my life since the handover they have taken last July time of 2023 from SSE to themselves ready for the switch over last August time of 2023 to themselves at OVO energy from SSE last July time of 2023 ready for August time of 2023 at OVO energy. 😡 (C)
Helpful Report
Posted 1 month ago
This company is absolutely awful,,they charge you what they want, they have been taking large amounts of money,and say they have not,, don't ever phone them up,, you will just get fobbed off,,they are a joke,,,not with them now,,my anxiety has gone and I can sleep at night,,OVO should be in jail,,thieves and liars
Helpful Report
Posted 1 month ago
Don't ever go with OVO, in my whole life never have I ever gone through stress like OVO causes me. Absolutely none of there staff are on the same page every call you do they will advise you something completely different and constantly conflict your previous advice. Then threaten to charge you even more money. I pay OVO £290 a month which cover my usage and usually enough to pay them £150 towards my arrears as they were charging me £87 when I moved in and after 11 months they did a reading and apparently I owed them £2600 even though my account was positive prior to that they just went off 'estimated readings' but I had no idea so instead they hit me with a huge bill and then asked for over £600 per month back and as a single mum to two young children I couldn't physically afford that, found a comprise of £290 for them to change there mind every month and demand more money. Honestly it's the worst, it's ridiculous and I'm sure they overcharge. My electric never makes any sense, a few months ago I was on holiday but apparently still managed to use the most electric while on holiday. Avoid save yourselves the grief
Helpful Report
Posted 1 month ago
Apparently OVO acquired SSE, which we were never told. Our SSE prepayment gas card fell out of my pocket and when this happened once before, we called, got a code, picked up a card, and got it sorted the same day. This time, we have come to find that OVO gas cards are not actually available in any Paypoint or Payzone places near us (we live in Islington so it's not like we're in the hinterlands here) despite the fact that it says, on both websites, that they are. We chatted with an agent on Saturday who said the code expires in 24 hours, but we couldn't go on Sunday, and she wouldn't extend the expiration. Okay, so that's useless then. So then we tried to get a new code on Monday and the agent said "Actually the old code is still valid." Okay then. Whatever. So I went out to 6 different places listed on both Payzone and Paypoint, none of whom had OVO gas cards, only British Gas and EDF. So I chatted again and the agent said "Okay just get an EDF card and it will work." Because obviously... anyway the store had EDF cards but in no surprise to anyone except OVO's hopeless agent, the code didn't work. So the agent said to get the card anyway and just put it in the meter for 5 minutes and it will register it, and then we should top it up at a paypoint. Okay, so we don't even need the code now? Just stick any old card in? Again, whatever. So I did that and it did not, in fact, work. So, I chatted again, for the 5th time now, and the next agent said of course it wouldn't work, why would it, but it didn't matter because no cards would work, because our meter must be broken, and they have to send an engineer. I said well but our meter is not broken, and the SSE card worked just fine before we lost it, but they said nope, actually they have to send an engineer. So I said fine, send an engineer, and they said "Okay cool just let us know when you use up the emergency credit and run out of gas and we'll schedule it." I'm sorry, what? You want me to wait until I run out of this dwindling emergency credit, until I cannot cook or even shower, and only THEN you will book an engineer who will then probably have several days before their next availability? So I explained that that was, obviously, unacceptable. Their exact words were "That is the process" and they rudely hung up on me. So I started a new chat and explained to the new agent that thus far her colleagues had all been wrong, lying, rude, or incompetent, and then explained the situation. To her credit she was nice and apologetic, and said that actually an OVO card WILL work. I said okay but I needed an actual address because none of the places listed on the website actually had them. She offered to call around to see if anyone had any. She called me back to say nope, no one had them, so they would have to post it, which takes 3 to 5 business days and refused to expedite it. She then also said they will not even schedule, much less send, an engineer until we literally have no gas and no emergency credit left. Okay so in summary: None of their agents know how to do their jobs, their cards are not available at any Payzone or Paypoint despite saying they are, they refuse to mail a new card quickly, and now they're pretending they need to send an engineer to look at my meter, which is functioning perfectly and topped up fine with the old card, but they won't even book one until the emergency credit runs out. Apparently OVO expects us to just not shower and let all the food in our fridge rot because we won't be able to cook it for however many "business days" until the engineer can come? Is that it? If their engineers are just sooooo busy that they simply could not even discuss sending one while we still have a few measly pounds of emergency credit, then it could be a week or more before they can come. Absolutely unreal. If the new card does not work I will not be calling an engineer, I will be switching companies, and frankly I will probably do that anyway.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 month ago
This company sucks! Don’t even bother to join… I didn’t even join , I was SSE and then it changed to ovo , it’s been a nightmare… a headache, pain in the ass … I had my account everything, I didn’t have a direct debit active , I submitted my reading meters and made payments… for 2-3 months was working okay … then i couldn’t login inti my ovo account, not the APP , not on internet browser… months after months calling , they said they’ll contact the tech team … nothing happened , calling 1000 times , nothing solved, told me to made a complaint … complaint for what ? Useless company , calling again to give my meter reading , paying 350£ a for months because I was waiting for some solution … month after month without paying, accumulating £. In every call they said I don’t figure as a customer and my email isn’t register but I’m receiving emails and letters … 1000+£ estimate bills … giving my meter reading reduced significantly… paying little by little 350£ etc , in every call again .. my email doesn’t exist bla bla bla ! Now after almost one year and a half receiving letter about debt collection agencies coming to my house ? Isn’t my issues !!! It’s your company without problem solving providers!!! I’m waiting to make last payments and change company ! This it’s been a nightmare, a headaches!!!! Give me stress ! Anxiety!! Everything!!! If you want to save your from all of this think twice to choose this company !!! . Make yourself a favour… also i think the good reviews are fake !!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 month ago
SSE and OVO energy. Had an refund of £21.000 on an invoice. The SSE bailiff noticed that the meter from the shop also supplied the flat above. Got billed for an meter which was supplied from the shop meter to the flat meter. After 18 months, today, we got an cheque for an refund for £4100. I thought, the refund was what i paid in over 18 years. Seeing you guys in court??
OVO Energy 1 star review on 11th April 2024 OVO Energy 1 star review on 11th April 2024
Helpful Report
Posted 1 month ago
Utterly UTTERLY disgusting company. I am in no debt to these criminals at all. I've been late paying a small number of bills but always paid before the next bill. This is a rare occurrence yet still these monsters have reported a bad credit rating for me and now I can't get a mortgage. I am in zero debt with them. This is purely cruel and vindictive. The sooner Ovo no longer exists the better.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 month ago
Well if inly my problem could be resolved with their customer service. I am not a person to normally write such comments or reviews but they made me do although its argued no one can make someone else do anything. But the readers please be the judge. 1. I opened an account with Ovo energy sometime in 2023, upon opening my account the agent deal with the process. The individual entered in their system my name and surname and email address incorrect, as i am busy with my own things i couldnt get in touch to fix this for 5 months and it was incorrect in their system. As long as an address is achived and the money is rolling then there is no customer care. 2. Second experience with Ovo energy customer service team. The individual sold an electricity tarrif on me on lies stating that if I move house there wont be any exit fee for this tarrif. 3. Third experience with their agents. Spoke to an individual who confirmed to me that was a lie and no matter what, you will still be charged an exit fee should you leave this tarrif before the end date and in turn you should cancel it now as its within the cooling off period of 14 days. Naturally i asked that this contract to be cancelled as I am within the 14 days and I was missinformed. This agent cancelled the contract but she didnt only charged for the exit fee despite being within 14 days she wrote in the system the reason why i am canceling the contract is I the customer wasnt aware of this exist fee suggesting the customer is to blame. While i clearly told her that I was missinformed. (surely they have records of all conversations as they state we record for training purpose) 4. Forth exerience. The next day realising that I was being charged a fee that A. I was misinformed about, B. its within the cooling off period and I can cancel it without any charge. The agent in the call tells me you will be charged because you exited before the contract end date and there is so such thing as cooling off period. I keep insisting that please check with your supervisor becuase you are sitting in where ever in the world and unaware of this rule and clearly skipped the training, what you are saying is not consistent with the rules that exists but she kept saying; no, whether within a day or within 14 days of cooling off period or after that, no matter what date you cancel, you have left the contract you have to pay for it. So please someone tell me if I am wrong or where does it end?
Helpful Report
Posted 1 month ago
OVO Energy is rated 1.1 based on 965 reviews