woodsheets.com Reviews

1.1 Rating 126 Reviews
3 %
of reviewers recommend woodsheets.com

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woodsheets.com 1 star review on 11th March 2024
woodsheets.com 1 star review on 11th March 2024
woodsheets.com 1 star review on 11th March 2024
woodsheets.com 1 star review on 11th March 2024
woodsheets.com 1 star review on 11th March 2024
woodsheets.com 1 star review on 29th December 2023
woodsheets.com 1 star review on 29th December 2023
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Scam website, they do not deliver goods. Do not trust them at all. They have terrible customer service - perhaps the worst i have ever come across. Will never order from them again.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
I agree with everything everyone had said! Yes it is a scam and they take your money but don’t deliver your goods. Ignore your emails! They need to be stopped!
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
This company needs to be the subject of a criminal investigation. They don't actually supply cut wood, they just advertise that they do. Avoid like the plague!!!
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Terrible company not received my order. Avoid like the plauge. With all the bad reviews let's hope they go out of business.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
6 weeks after ordering an nothing, no response to calls, emails or any other contact. Wish I had read this before hand! If I save one person the same hassle as me, then its a good result!
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Ordered 29th June. Delivery estimate 7 to 14 days (taking covid into account). 5.5 weeks later, nothing. No delivery, no explanation as to why there has been no delivery, no apology, nothing. Emails are not answered, contact through the website is ignored, customer services phone lines are not answered. Speaking to the 'sales team' results in promises of a call back, or an update. Needless to say those promises are meaningless, nothing happens. It seems for Woodsheets.com customers are a useful source of income, so long as they don't actually have to speak to them, or provide them with anything.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Been waiting 7 weeks for my order. They don’t answer the phone, e mail or the online contact form. Don’t use them!
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
I wish I had read the reviews before I made an order with this awful company (based in Leicester). I ordered some cut plywood pieces and cannot believe how bad the quality is. One piece is filled with wood filler the size of a 50p piece. (See attached image). Corners damaged, scuff marks, splits, numerous indents etc. The wood is not fit for any purpose. It is also impossible to speak to anyone using the provided customer service number. The phone just rings. Emails are ignored too. Transaction dispute raised with Paypal so hopefully I can get my money back. Avoid
woodsheets.com 1 star review on 19th July 2020
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
I ordered some plywood from Woodsheets on the 12th June to be delivered by 2nd July. No delivery, no contact from the company apologising, no answer to my email and they never answer the phone. I’m going to report them to trading standards.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
I have reported WoodSheets.com, Trading Name of Wanna Limited, to Trading Standards. They are in breach of the Consumer Rights Act 2015, Section 49. Service to be performed with reasonable care and skill. Shockingly bad company to deal with! Highly recommend NOT giving the time of day to this company. Ordered a couple of OSB sheets on 26th May. Zero communication so I chased them on 18th June. I was told that my order was in "production" - two sheets of plain rectangular wood, nothing more. Again, no communications from them - I have chased them again, 15th July. They've taken £90+ from me within minutes, and not been able to provide decent service let alone an end product.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Like many others on here I wish I'd checked here before buying from Woodsheets. I ordered almost a month ago, had absolutely no communication at all. Can't contact anyone and nothing that I purchased has arrived. ( I think its the second time I've bought from them and nothing arrived last time either.) Real shame because the website is excellent. Not sure whether they have any wood at all or is it a scam ? I'm going to talk to my bank and see if I can get my money back.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Do they ever reply to emails? Placed an order for a cut to size piece of MDF. Expensive and exorbitant delivery charge but not much choice during lockdown. Staggered by the projected delivery time but ok they may be inundated. Now nearly a week after the latest date quoted. Have emailed twice no reply. Have now emailed cancelling the order and asking them to do a PayPal refund. They are a LEICESTER based firm and I live in the county.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Wish I had read the reviews before ordering. Shocking company who do not reply to any emails. I tried to cancel my order 2 days after placing because I was told delivery will now be up to 14 days. They refuse to cancel my order or issue a refund which is illegal. I have managed to claim the fund back under section 75 (credit card chargeback). AVOID!!!
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
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Posted 3 years ago
shocking company shocking service avoid at all costs wanted mdf shelving cut to size (being lazy could have done it myself) ordered on 18th may promised delivery 21-28 may after 45 mins wait on phone on 27 may was told "bespoke work takes time" It was melamine shelving! not the Sistine Chapel went to Wickes got boards and done it myself now starting legal action to get my money back order finally arrived on June 13 sent back unsigned for NEVER USE THIS BUNCH OF SHISTERS
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Like everyone else on here, I really wish I'd checked some reviews before ordering. I ordered a melamine-covered MDF sheet 8 weeks ago. The first product I received was badly damaged and filthy dirty. They sent a replacement, but this was alsobadly damaged. They are completely uncommunicative via telephone and email. Avoid using this company at all costs. Dreadful experience.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Ordered in April. Wasn’t delivered until June despite on 3-7 day delivery. Called 10+ time’s to chase and each time spent 30 minutes plus on hold. Was repeatedly told they would call me back and never did once. The final time I called they actively recognised my number and would pick up the phone and hang up immediately 5 times, each time took 20 minutes to get through... I knew this as when I rang for the 6th time from a different number they answered immediately. Only had wood delivered when finally was so exasperated that I emailed their CEO. Magically it arrived the next day.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Wish I'd checked here before buying. Ordered almost a month ago, had absolutely no communication at all. I expected a delay but not this long. I've managed to get through to their customer helpline, but just get fobbed off with 'We'll chase it up'. I specifically asked to be contacted with an update and heard nothing. Told them I wanted to cancel the order and get a refund and was told I could only do that after 30 days have past since ordering - nowhere on the site does it state this.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
If I could give this company 0 stars, I would. I wish I had looked for reviews of WoodSheets.com online before placing an order with them. Almost everything I've since read in other reviews happened to me as well. They never pick up the phone and I'm pretty sure they just copy-paste their rare and unhelpful email responses. So here's what happened to me — please learn from this and avoid WoodSheets.com unless you want to be scammed and/or lose a lot of time: I placed an order for four cut sheets of ply from Woodsheets on 9 April 2020 and was told to expect them within 3-7 working days. After about 10 days, I sent a polite email asking about the delivery, and received the first of only two responses: the delivery should take 3-7 working days, but really I should wait another 4 days. They added that I'm not allowed a refund because their line of work, custom-cut wood, is exempt from such laws. I continued to call and email them about every 5 days to ask for an update and didn't receive a reply until day 29, when they said that deliveries can sometimes take up to 30 days and inferred that I should relax. After a total of 37 days, I finally gave them a google and found myriad reviews online by people who had had the same experience as I, or worse. I immediately requested a refund from PayPal, citing everything that had happened and providing a print-out of our "correspondence", and today on 30 May 2020, PayPal notified me that I'd be refunded in full. WoodSheets has yet to get in touch. Woodsheets.com appears to be a scam. There must be so many people who don't persist, eventually give up and never escalate the matter to PayPal, and perhaps that's what they count on. I fully appreciate that the Covid-19 situation may cause delays, but that does not explain or excuse their conduct. For your own sake, avoid them.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
woodsheets.com is rated 1.1 based on 126 reviews