7 Day Sugar Detox Guide Reviews

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'@heidi_lsf Great recipes inside and all sugar free along with a meal planner to keep you on track all week. Love the great advice on swapping sugar and how to cut out. Would highly recommend getting the guide. The guide work twice as powerful combining the Hot Body Meal Plan and he Guiltless Nutrition Lifestyle & Recipes Book.
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Posted 5 years ago
The workout guide that are provided are always amazing and I can’t wait to start using this one the improvements I have made in a short time are amazing!
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Posted 5 years ago
This challenge came along at exactly the right time. I had made changes gradually since the new year kicked off and I knew cutting back on sugar was the next step but I was hesitant because I also knew about the withdrawal- so what better way to do it then along with the LSF community :-) so I signed up! This guide us invaluable if you’re going to do it. Or even if you’re just thinking about it. So many tips and recipes that will keep you going and forget all about the nasty processed foods that keep you addicted to sugar. Day 4 for me now and I’m passed the worst of the withdrawals now I can say I’m not missing it and I’m not looking for it. Love this guide would HIGHLY recommend.
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Posted 5 years ago
The best challenge I've ever had!!! Love this so much and everyone must try this!!! Is amazing what is doing with your body!
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Posted 5 years ago
This mini guide is well worth the small price tag of $10! It’s a great way for those just starting on their fitness journey or those who have always thought they were eating healthy to get a background of how sneaky sugar can be in our everyday lives. I still can’t believe all the different names there are for sugar! From tips and recipes to what exactly you should expect during a sugar detox, The 7-Day Sugar Detox Guide has everything you need to get yourself feeling great! Definitely recommend. Thank for creating something so informative and easy to follow!
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Posted 5 years ago
I still can’t believe this was only ten bucks!! Annnd as with all the guides, you can do it over and over again. Plus it’s a great reference with all the educational info about sugar. I love baking and sweets so this was PERFECT for me. So many good recipes to pick and choose from, so I don't even feel deprived (umm...cookies for breakfast?! That was in the Sugar Detox Jumpstart but still). It’s only $10 go for it!!!
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Posted 5 years ago
Oh my goodness I was so happy when I saw another guide with recipes in it! I learned SO much already from the Hot Body Meal Plan and The Guiltless Nutrition Guide (use everyday) but I always love learning more about ways to better my body. When I got the guide, I was able to plan out my meals for the upcoming weeks (it comes with a week meal planner sheet) and also plan what treats I was going to make to help my sugar cravings. Since I have started the Sugar Detox two days ago, I feel great! I am not hungry at all! In fact, when dinner comes around I was making Katie's Turkey Burgers and I was so full I couldn't even finish it and that is SO unlike me. I will admit, the first day was a little rough with the coffee and feeling a little less energized, but with Katie's and Team LSF's guidance I feel great! If you are looking for something to help you with your sugar craving ( I love sugar) this is a perfect start! You still get to eat so many yummy things AND you are doing your body SO much good! I would also recommend getting the Guiltless Nutrition Guide to go with it, because once you see all those recipes , you will want to make them all!
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Posted 5 years ago
As soon as Katie said she was releasing this guide, I had NO hesitation what so ever! It’s exac what I needed to help me push through this challenge and we are only on day 4! She breaks things down for you, gives examples, recipes and just a lot of helpful information! Fits easily in my PURSE y’all! I mean, I take it with me everywhere to help me stay on track, keep me accountable for my goals I’m trying to crush and even help others with any questions they may have with the challenge I’m doing! Seriously the BEST little guide! I had it put together in a binder and it’s even more helpful and organized! Seriously, get yourself this guide to help you learn the pros and cons of sugar....and fun ways to make amazing snacks with NO SUGAR! Enjoy IG: Emilie1422
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Posted 5 years ago