BudgetAir.co.uk Reviews

1.0 Rating 313 Reviews
1 %
of reviewers recommend BudgetAir.co.uk

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BudgetAir.co.uk 1 star review on 31st July 2023
BudgetAir.co.uk 1 star review on 8th January 2023
Hassan Youssef Noueiri
BudgetAir.co.uk 1 star review on 8th January 2023
Hassan Youssef Noueiri
BudgetAir.co.uk 1 star review on 8th January 2023
Hassan Youssef Noueiri
BudgetAir.co.uk 1 star review on 8th January 2023
Hassan Youssef Noueiri
BudgetAir.co.uk 1 star review on 8th January 2023
Hassan Youssef Noueiri
BudgetAir.co.uk 1 star review on 3rd January 2023
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
AVOID THIS COMPANY. I was redirected from Momondo to Budget Air to buy a ticket to Lisbon via Amsterdam. When I made the payment, I received an error message signaling the payment didn't go through and I tried again with another card. I took a print screen of that error. I noticed the mistake within an 1h when I received 2x reference numbers and I wrote to Budget air to cancel one ticket (as there was NO PHONE NUMBER to call). I sent the proof of the error. They didn't respond for 1 week before departure and received no refund.
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Posted 3 years ago
寫給讀中文的顧客,這家公司是騙人錢的! 我訂機票因為肺炎需要取消,他公司客服叫我聯絡航空公司。我打了至少10通email電話航空公司說我不能直接取消,需要這家旅遊公司幫我退票。他們的客服把顧客當傻子,還說什麼refund travel voucher not credit結果一個影子都沒有。這已經在法律上構成消費者權益受損尤其是在covid-19時期,嚴重違反消費者法。 希望其他人避免不要用這家公司!省了小錢吃了大虧! 就算便宜也不會比直接吞掉你600英鎊來的划算!!
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Posted 3 years ago
They are a horrible company. They make is extremely hard to get in contact with them, no phone number, and they will ignore your emails if they know they can't make any money out of you changing your reservation. They are absolute scum.
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Posted 3 years ago
Forget about your money! I have only once bought tickets form this company. And it will be my last time. I have waited for conformation and tickets for 2 days after I paid. I was already ready to forget about that money, because I was getting no answer from any official customer support emails. But that was only the start. Since corona hit us all, my flight was cancelled and it turned out I was eligible for full refund. That was 5 months ago. No sign of money refund happening any time soon. Or any kind of refund plan. But that would not be that bad if they have any kind of customer support to actually support you. I have sent over 50 emails now, to ask for specific information about my refund. Mostly I don't get any kind of answer. And as of now I only got 3 email replies and they were all generic.
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Posted 3 years ago
As all the below comments state this company is fraudulent and irresponsible. I have received an email in April that my refund had been processed and could take 30 days. Budget air are still emailing me back saying that they are awaiting the refund to process - blaming the airline. Absolutely disgraceful company. Will never use a middle man again.
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Posted 3 years ago
To start off with I have used Budget Air for my numerous trips to Thailand over the last 5 years and never had a problem - I even gave them 5 Star Rating. Now Covid-19 - booked a flight with Cathay Pacific through Budget Air - thought that it would not be problem as Cathay Pacific wrote back to me saying that my flight could be changed as many times as I want to at no extra cost or full refund BUT because the booking was made with Budget Air all correspondence had to be delt with Budget Air. I have emailed Budget Air numerous times and have received replys stating that they are waiting for refund from Airline ( Did not specify Cathay Pacific ) which could take several weeks or months. Now reading other people's post's and their experiences I worry I will not get a change of flight or refund. Budget Air are BREAKING THE LAW and I will take them to Court on my behalf and others to get them to refund all of us . I have taken the UK Govt to The High Court ( The Old Bailey ) on a Human Rights Issue on won my case so taking on Budget Air will be far easier. The Law is made to Protect Us and Budget Air are breaking that Law. I will keep you posted on my progression.
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Posted 3 years ago
6 months waiting for a refund!! Worried I'll never get it! Scam of a company!!!!
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Posted 3 years ago
I booked a ticket with Emirates thorugh Budget air however could not take the flight due to covid-19. Emirates were willing to refund or reschedule my ticket but as it was booked through the agent budget air needed to make the request on my behalf. They have been contactable since March and have not responded to an umpteen number of emails. They have clearly pocketed my money and are not returning it! Worst experience I have had with any retail or booking agency ever!
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Posted 3 years ago
Tried to cancel flight due to covid19 told flight non refundable, than get a text telling me scheduled changed, couldn't see anything different until I checked new tickets and I've been moved from business class to economy class, no reason given and no refund because of must cheaper seats. Unbelievable
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Posted 3 years ago
Just now SCAM SCAM SCAM Refused to give me any form of refund or voucher after the covid 19 pandemic then chnaged my flight times on another flight gave me no update what so ever and bo option to do anything about it. Customer service is shocking and the website is corrupt!
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Posted 3 years ago
They will not refund flight money for a flight I cannot take, they state it is non-refundable. How can this be. No wonder the whole airline business is a mess if they are treating us, the paying customer like this. Take our money and give nothing back, not even a voucher offered!
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Posted 3 years ago
*** I WILL NOT USE THIS COMPANY AGAIN *** I have an issue with my flights due to administrative oversight by BudgetAir. And due to Covid19 they have NO customer service phone response. I was stuck. Sent emails waiting for resolution. Initially BudgetAir responded with a confusing mail about refund and 760 days. After that they formally informed me that my flight has been cancelled. I spoke to Emirates Airlines, who were available on the phone during Corvid19, and they confirmed as BudgetAir did NOT re-confirm 21 days prior to departure. BudgetAir booking administration was at fault as Emirates said they informed all travel agents and it seems they did not respond and re-confirm the flight details. Emirates helped and resolve the tickets 24 hours before departure, yet I was still receiving cancellation mails from BudgetAir.co.uk, even though we had already departed from LHR. And I also found out that all the companies are related BudgetAir -> Travix.com -> Trip.Com (and Skyscanner). In the T&C they have a vague protection clause which I am surprised CAA has allowed them to sell tickets in the UK: "BudgetAir.co.uk is not a member of ABTA or ATOL, however rest assured your bookings are protected. Travix International is full IATA accredited and the CAA (who governs the ATOL license) provides IATA agents, meeting their criteria, to act as an 'airline ticketing agents' which means that an ATOL license is not required. If we source a fare via an IATA credited flight consolidator, your purchase is protected under that consolidator's license. You may receive an ATOL license from them directly. Please see the Civil Aviation Authority website. For more details please refer to the footer section on the homepage of our website. Budgetair.co.uk is an IATA member, giving us access to over 200 IATA airline members in order to give you the best fares and the best choice of airlines." This Dutch company which may now be Chinese owned, being allowed to sell tickets in the UK needs to be reviewed by the CAA. UK consumers need fair and concrete protection and a vague statement in your T&C is not protection.
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Posted 3 years ago
My flight got cancelled, I emailed BudgetAir asking for a refund. One month, no replies. Fraudulent company.
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Posted 3 years ago
I am still waiting for my refund money as flight got a few flights cancelled due to coronavirus. It’s been 5 and 3 months and still haven’t received my refund... surely it shouldn’t take that long to get a refund... i write emails almost every day and I have the same answer, not even a personal answer... can’t even get anyone on the phone to speak to. Their customer service is awful... spend a bit more money but a better company...
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Posted 3 years ago
Worst company I have ever had dealings with in over 30 year of booking flights No ticket confirmation, no e-ticket and no reply from various emails. In fact nothing ! Money was taken almost immediately . Now in the hands of PayPal to hopefully get refund
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Posted 3 years ago
Do not issue refunds in accordance with the law
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Posted 3 years ago
This company is a fraud, they will never return your money, neither you will receive any response from them. Please don't make any bookings with them.
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Posted 3 years ago
This company is a fraud, they will never return your money, neither you will receive any response from them. Please don't make any bookings with them.
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Posted 3 years ago
My flight been canceled because budgetAir.co.uk haven't taken money and didn't transfer money to airline company. I had to buy more expensive tickets urgently. Very disappointing
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Posted 3 years ago
My flight has been cenceled 2 weeks before i am still waiting for their response. But they are not responding Still in silent mode.
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Posted 3 years ago
BudgetAir.co.uk is rated 1.0 based on 313 reviews