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Broadband House 108 Churchill Road
OX26 4XD

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Service is fairly inconsistent. Rarely is the advertised speeds of up to 20 Mb reached, frequently it is down to 0.5 Mb, just about on a par with a dial-up service. Calls to the UK help line take time and complaints are not actioned nor is service improved. My contract is for two years otherwise I would try elsewhere.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 years ago
Hi Kenneth We have looked at your account and can see speed tests up to 25 October 2014 where the speed test results are 17.2mbps download and 4.5mbps upload. Looking at the account history you do achieve some very good throughput and speed test records indicate a nice performance, If you are experiencing issues please email where our technical team will be happy to assist. Kind regards The Europasat Team
Posted 9 years ago
The service that we had when the system first went in was good, however the system where if i buy more and user more bandwidth I get a poorer service is bizarre. Since I went from using 50gb per month to using 100gb per month the system has become unusable in the evenings, as I am paying for 100gb why should I get penalised for using it? I am actively searching for a replacement system,
Helpful Report
Posted 9 years ago
Hi David Thank you for taking time to respond to our survey. The speeds you are receiving could be due to the amount of people on the network at any given time as this is a shared network and for this reason, we cannot guarantee any kind of headline speeds. This is also why your speeds may be lower during the late afternoon till late at night simply due to the amount of people using the bandwidth. Please also be aware that the services is an up-to service which means the 20MB/s is not a guaranteed speed. This is stated in our terms and conditions which can be found at: If you have particular concerns, can we ask that you call our Technical Team when you are experiencing the particularly slow speeds and they can investigate for you. Kind regards The Europasat Team
Posted 9 years ago
Bigblu is rated 3.5 based on 1,222 reviews