Invoice2go Reviews

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Terrible update. Slow, cumbersome, some parts not working at all! Has greatly affected my business - clients angry, invoicing has ceased since my clients cannot open the invoice2go documents. Nightmare!
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Posted 6 years ago
I loved this app!! Funny you never realize how good something is until its gone!! This is the worst, most user unfriendly app now out there!! It has cost me thousands of dollars when they snuck this evil downgraded find it yourself improvement in on us!!! No one could figure out how to write a invoice! Look up old customers, massive duplicate invoices came in telling me they were just payed but were payed months ago.. It's hard enough running a small business but cut your leg off when your just trying to make ends meet!!! Shame on you!! No customer support?? Thanks!!
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Posted 6 years ago
A great app ruined by the latest update (version 10). At this point, I'd be better off going back to handwritten receipts and using an excel spreadsheet to track sales! I'm absolutely livid!
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Posted 6 years ago
What went wrong they ask the fecking update was what went wrong of hell of a balls up does the designer ever take his head out of his arse
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Posted 6 years ago
Let me begin to say I have been using this program since 2014 . Receipts go missing randomly they tell you you have to re-enter them manually at your own expense, you try to sort out your receipts and it mixes multiple years together with no way to sort them out, then to top it all off they go and change the entire program not an update but a total overhaul that looks like it went backwards five years you click on a picture of the receipt and it went out in March you literally have to take a magnifying glass to see it on your device. A little crash and burn invoices2go !1111 this new overhaul did it for me I will find a new program
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Posted 6 years ago
To the CEO, Greg Waldorf and founder Chris Strode I'm reluctant to even give this upgrade a 1 star rating. It is not deserving of any rating, neither is your customer service. So far it's been days of trying to get hold of your company to get someone to help me sort out this mess of an accounting system. My next step will be to go to the Media. You have stuffed almost every single business who use your system. My system is at a standstill. I can't search property addresses to look up my clients, since I look after over 5000 properties it's important to be able to search them, now I can't find anything. I'm So angry with the lack of support and have no idea how I'm going to continue to run my business. Statements don't balance to what is actually owed. Invoices duplicated both paid and unpaid, reports don't even have totals on them. I'm Now expected to print out an expenses report for the year and add each expense up individually. I'm asking for answers from YOU!! What the hell do we do now? It's the end of the financial year next week..... you've caused many many many people unnecessary work now. I've had to send letters to all of my clients explaining that due to YOUR upgrade I'm unable to offer them the professional service I used to and have asked for their patience while this is rectified. But who is going to rectify it when no one answers your phone or emails???? All I get is a message saying "the office is closed" REALLY ANGRY - since the media have reported on your recent success I'm sure they'd love to know what is going on now. If someone does not call me TODAY..... I'm going to the media where everyone will hear how bad your software is now! I want a refund on all of my businesses as this is NOT what I paid you almost $600 per company! This is nothing less than Fraud!
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Posted 6 years ago
New update has crippled business world wide and wont be fixed for a month Steer clear people
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Posted 6 years ago
I've used the old version on my iPhone & iPad for just under two years now & never really had a problem with it. The new version is terrible all the nice features have gone now I have no calendar so no records of what I'm booking in,no statement option to remind customers for payment & no proper reports section. In fact when you go to the home page all you get is one screw showing invoices & that's it!!Subscription runs out next month & I won't be renewing!
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Posted 6 years ago
The old version ik ok. The new one is terrible!! 😡
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Posted 6 years ago
This app was great now I can't use it I will be looking elsewhere
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Posted 6 years ago
If there where no stars that is what I would choose for new app. The only good thing is bolder font. This change is NOT an imorovement ! 1. I have found duplicate invoices numbers in Paid & in Unpaid screens 2. Old program would let me search an address name New program says sorry nothing found 3. So I then search by company name in the SENT file not PAID file to find correct address & it brings up all invoice by that company Paid & Sent 4. Try to preview invoice ..... Nothing blank screen so then I try to print invoice just to view it (even though it is not complete). Program reads "try again later" So then I send it in an email to different address all so I can open up an invoice !!!! This is crazy !!!! 5. Try to run a report on client for 2016 outstanding invoices ..... Gives me a total not report. Can't fathom anyone would find this update helpful . Why would you take a perfectly working program & ruin it all for "looks & formating on invoice". When I read the updates that's ALL it talks about is the appearance of the invoice !!! Who cares what it looks like it, the darn thing won't work. Big big mistake.... Loved & used old format for 2 years. This is useless now. Lisa Riggs llc. Ps. Called help line Monday sat on hold by choice for 45 min. until prompt informed me they were disconnecting no available personnel to take my call. Wow
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
Awful update , no customer service whatsoever .Will look elsewhere .
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
App was almost perfect before update and now is hard to use; -cannot look through all invoices hardly as easily now, you can only view paid or unpaid. -cannot view all invoices by month or by any other metric, just the total figures, which was handy on the old version as we could look through what items sold best on a particular month and change Adwords Advertising to suit the trend. -the app insists on showing part paid invoices as fully paid, so when the invoice is sent at the end of a job for a client to pay the balance there is no option for them to pay the balance as it just appears as a fully paid invoice! Obviously just a glitch on the new version but well annoying for us until you can be bothered to fix it. -the interface is just not as easy to use as it was previously it's almost as if it has been simplified to the point of just being a click and send app with no way to access the amount of information you could previously. The older version was very intuitive. -what wouldn't you allow an option to keep the older version? It costs us time when you tech companies decide to "update" apps and programs and completely change the product without actually asking the customers permission. I paid to renew the old invoice2go a few months ago and now have a completely different product. Just seems wrong. And also I have spent all yesterday sorting out problems you have caused us because of the glitches on the new app. Thanks just what us small business owners need is more unpaid work!
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
What an absolute disaster of a perfectly working App!!! The new upgrade is so bad. Nothing works, lost invoices, statements don't balance, duplicated invoices, lost clients, cannot search for property addresses anymore only search by client name! My business is at a complete standstill with this new upgrade and it has made my business look totally unprofessional! I can't find anything!! Good work invoices2go! And thanks for the complete lack of support
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Posted 6 years ago
To put up an upgrade if this magnitude so close to end of financial year you would want to make sure that it actually works!!!! I'm horrified! Nothing works, invoices lost, statements don't balance to what is owed, profit and loss report is a joke, you can't search for addresses anymore you can only search for the client name or an invoice number assuming your Einstein and can remember every single invoice number you process, even your chat forum doesn't work!!! No one has responded to requests for help!! I pay for 3 seperate companies on this app that have worked perfectly for over 3 years! I will NOT BE renewing at $599 per year per company for crap like this! Utter fail in every respect!
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
Your update completely sucks and has cost me money while apparently you don't have the manpower to fix the issue. Kudos on an utter fail.
Invoice2go 1 star review on 21st June 2017
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Posted 6 years ago
the update is a disaster and has been stripped so you upgrade, even when you are a paying customer and there is only one plan to choose from. A very underhanded move my invoices to go. I spent 3 hours last night editing expenses because of the new features they added. This whole email reports is rubbish too, I want to see my reports how they used to be. Terribly disappointed and angry. A week away from the end of our financial year and I have to make sense of this and then look for a decent accounting software provider.
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Posted 6 years ago
App update massive fail ruined a perfectly working app went to bed with Taylor Swift woke up with Susan Boyle ! Refund Refund Refund.
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Posted 6 years ago
ive been using invoice togo for 6 years on Sunday it was upgraded a i won't be renewing my subscription
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Posted 6 years ago
Invoice2go is rated 3.1 based on 611 reviews