Invoice2go Reviews

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
The update is the biggest xxxx up ever. The whole layout that we all knew and loved it replaced with a pile of crap. You can no longer change the vat rate at invoice level instead you have to change every item one by one. Got on the chat help line and was disconnected twice while waiting on a reply. I can see a go invoice package going out of business soon if they don't go back to the system that was working and the clients were happy with. The more complaints they get the better chance that they might take note. After all we are the their customers that pay the bills
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Posted 6 years ago
We are the contraction company in New York. We are selling contraction machine's parts. We like the app we could scan the parts barcodes and we could add our invoices which is great. We don't need to type the parts name every time.. suddenly this future gone. they updated and they made the app. more complicated.So; don't trust invoice2go. It's difficult to use now.
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Posted 6 years ago
I am working for one of contracting company. my company start to use this app. Same week they updated, they made completely different software which is complicated and difficult to use.. Stay away, this application is headache!!!
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Posted 6 years ago
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Posted 6 years ago
They good customer service but bad application. It was working first five years but now very complicated, MORE WORKS to make invoice.
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Posted 6 years ago
very complicated,difficult to use after update.
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Posted 6 years ago
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Posted 6 years ago
Words are not enough to express my anger over the so called upgrade, I've paid a subscription and half way through they take away the very useful product and replace it with a cheap unusable useless piece of #%@t, I wish I had the money to sue hopefully some one will!!!
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Posted 6 years ago
DO NOT BUY!!!BEWARE!!!!DO NOT BUY NEW APP!!!!!!WARNING!!!!ALERT!!! This app was the BEST thing ever until they changed it. They wrecked a completely good thing. I have never in my life experienced such a thing. This new app is borderline not functional at all at let alone helpful. With the new change they altered every document that was already saved in my account, Removed my custom template, jacked up all the reports and to top it off they added a slide to delete function in the estimates. The old app you slide left or right to view different screens. Now it deletes your stuff with NO recovery. I mean seriously!!! I understand having a way to delete an invoice in the event of an error. But why make it that convenient? No legitimate company EVER deletes an invoice. Paid or not. By law you have to keep them..
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Posted 6 years ago
I am so mad right now... first off I didn't want this STUPID and inefficient "update"... I have invoices to issue and can't because of your damn update... your timing couldn't have been worse. It's people's livelihood and business you're playing with. I want the so-called "update reverted back to the old app (which is/was so much more user friendly, convenient, and efficient). You don't fix what isn't broken - didn't your mother's ever tell you that. I want the old app back or a refund. I didn't sign-up for this foolishness. #Invoice2go_fail BIG time
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Posted 6 years ago
Best app ruined by stupid update! I purchased an iPad Pro for this app.
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Posted 6 years ago
We have had a bad experience with invoice2go. First of all their discounts - these can only be revised in the settings, not at invoice level - which does not suit our invoicing as we sometimes give discount on items and sometimes on the subtotal - and sometimes none at all. As we didn't want to forward our clients invoices with $0 discount we switched the invoice feature of and on - not knowing this would affect all invoices, incl closed/paid invoices. This has created chaos in our admin and will take a long time to fix. Furthermore invoices don't properly synch between devices. I am now thinking what is even the point of this? It's hard enough to start of a new business. Their customer service let me know it will be fixed in the next update but when it was finally available he emailed me: With the new version, yes, you can set the Discount on Invoice level. By the way, just a suggestion, if you can hold off, please refrain from updating to the new version as of yet. There have been reports that the new version is not what they need, and does not look like an upgrade, but a step back. Also, there is no means of reverting back to the old version, once you have updated. But that is your decision. Hope this helps. My advice: don't buy!!
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Posted 6 years ago
The update is crap. The old set up was fantastic. Do not waste your money on this app
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Posted 6 years ago
Awful!!!!! Been a customer since 2015 with only minor issue which I could get over, but this new Update has ruined me! God knows how I'm going to complete my vat return now! (With a lot of difficulty) and most of my client records have been deleted and are apparently in retrievable! Even though everything is meant to be backed up??
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Posted 6 years ago
this app turn to be completly trush. i am paid yser 500$ and got trush. they updated the app that now doesnt work well lots of bugs lost data really trush dont download it 10 days try to comunicate and got no respond
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Posted 6 years ago
After 4 years as a customer I'm jumping ship. The new update is disgustingly awful. What were they thinking? Certainly not about their customers.
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Posted 6 years ago
I've been with Invoice 2 go since 2015. Ist been ok, as long as you understand some of the bugs. The Desktop report data was always wrong, for some reason the calculations where being multiplied. But apart form this and a few other niggles it was ok. And yes was competitively priced (Cheap). Today the update has arrived. It's a corporate monster, aimed squarely at coercing more revenue out of its stable customers, the Small one man bands. SHAME ON YOU. You've missed the point, you have constrained the product so much, you're heading for a financial upset. If youre gonna charge a premium price then produce a premium product. What you have done is pull the rug from under my feet. Im now looking into an alternative vendor. So all i can say is, ( i want to use profanity) but i just wont renew my plan. Ill go elsewhere. you utter bunch of Monkeys.
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Posted 6 years ago
With the new update its a nightmare. Lit has completely ruined my records and its the worst app for a business. I have made a complain and they did not even bother to reply to me.
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Posted 6 years ago
The new app is complete shit!!! It worked perfectly till it was updated to the new version. Seriously someone at invoice2go fucked up and all us paying customers are getting fucked too by them!!!
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Posted 6 years ago
The webinar that has just concluded was too short and skimmed through brief aspects of the App. The presenters were very immature in both there language and context. You would think only minor issues existed. The word 'excited' came up all the time regards updates. How inaproriate. Where was the CEO to explain the poor decisions and appolgise.
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Posted 6 years ago
Invoice2go is rated 3.1 based on 611 reviews