mFortune Casino Reviews

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I've been intouch with the gambling commission over these fraudsters and I'm also getting InTouch with trading standards too. There quiet happy to take your money but won't pay up your winnings regardless of how much information you provide them with. Do not give this company anymore of your money.
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Posted 7 years ago
Won around a 1000 pounds on poker . Called it a day while I'm up . Made the withdrawal waited 7 working days they never paid up rang them just kept fobbing me off all delaying tactics ended blowing the lot out of frustration
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Posted 7 years ago
Fraudsters!!! I won around £80 and before they paid out they asked for proof of ID. I sent photos of bank card, passport and then after that wasn't sufficient I had to apply to NHS to get a medical card. Just won there for my second time and they are now asking for proof that I pay my phone bill. My phone is in my sisters in laws name and therefore they require her proof of id age and address which I am not prepared to do. I have never used my phone for payment and have been with Mfortune for over 3 years. It seems to me they make it as hard as possible to collect any winning as possible. I will be persueing this through small claims but if you are thinking about using this company......don't!!!!
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Posted 7 years ago
Never felt so robbed in all my life, been trying to cash out £300 for weeks sent I'd letters phone bill everything they asked of me yet still not good enough, I will not be playing again so instead of being messed about I reverse withdrew and had 100 pound spins so do not play this game scam
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Posted 7 years ago
This site is a scam. Don't play here,you lose money. Will hill is match better
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Posted 7 years ago
Do not use this site! They will take all your money! Google Mfortune reviews and you will see
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Posted 7 years ago
Con! Con! Con!
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Posted 7 years ago
Absolute joke- i am a gambling addict and finally sorted myself out on the 20th June 2016. Or so i thought. I had contacted all of the sites i play by phone. And told them of my problem including m-fortune. I was then told by the advisor that they could not close my account just put me on a cooling down period for a maximum of 4weeks i said this is not good enough as the temptation is just too much. They said this was my only option. So i said OK but don't tell me when my account is reopened. They said OK. So as of yesterday i had not gambled for 4 weeks. Thats the longest i had gone in years. I was so proud of myself. However tonight i received a text. My account is reopened with a bonus sat there ready to be used. So not only had they reopened the account. They actually added a bonus. Talk about encouragement. So again when i new i shouldent i gambled away £1600 yeah you read that right. That was all of my money for my bills and monthly living . so i have gone from being extremely proud of myself to in a state of deep depression. To top it off i have 2 kids. I probably sit and cry all night tonight and work out how im going to get through the next month. All because of the negligence of m-fortune. That 1 text message. I hate this site and they have now put me in a horrible position. What next? Where do i go from here? I just don't know. Im sorry to my kids. Please stay away from mfortune.
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Posted 7 years ago
AVIOD at all costs. M fortune DOES NOT payout. There processing times states upto 3 working days, this is incorrect, it's actually gets sent to the processing team on the 3rd working day of withdrawing. From here you will become familiar with mfortunes policies on paying out, in simple terms, you will never get paid out. I sent them my id before they requested it, on the 3rd day, they wanted more information, so I called them, they wanted proof of address, pretty reasonable right. So the phone call was they wanted 1 additional proof which was my address. I swiftly sent it to them, to then be given more obstacles, this 1 proof then turned into another additional 2 documents, first one being a pdf format of my phone bill, a screenshot is not acceptable, so in doing so, you are sharing your personal data and any family and friends numbers you have called. Secondly, they want proof that you have paid your phone company the money you deposited, so if you are on contact, you are looking at another month until you get your winnings. Due to not wanting to share my information and family and friends information, I decided just to reverse my 'winnings' blow the lot and delete mfortune. I would discourage everyone from playing on this site. If you are going to play, play demo mode only, as effectively you will never get your winnings anyway. Please don't waste your money.
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Posted 7 years ago
Same winners day in day out every room every single day and all admin seem say is its lucky no way its a fix sorry mfortune used like this game been with them for years finding another site
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Posted 7 years ago
They are taking deposit quick went you want to with draw it takes a week then they will ask you for vertifications you will send everything And they will want a yesterday bill phone your mobile phone this company is the worst I ever played do not play thru this company they will take the money but they wouldn't pay you out
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Posted 7 years ago
i can honestly say this is absolutely the worst site i have been on . The payouts are an absolute joke , for anyone new joining the site , wait untill you get a bonus you will be so dissapointed . Avoid this site please , sites like this should not be aloud . From commanda so they no who this message is from !
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Posted 7 years ago
Didn't payout
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Posted 7 years ago
This is THE WORST site EVER. After attempting to make a £130.00 withdrawal they want id which is fair enough i understand but my goodness interrogation overload.
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Posted 7 years ago
Odd wildly unfair it seems and payouts on features totally disproportionate to funds avoid this site
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Posted 7 years ago
since opening my account i have never experienced problems with this untill recently over the last couple of weeks i have played quite a lot of games then for 2 days i was repeatly winning an banked £320 i was reversing my winning to keep playing now down to £0 after being told by admin that people pay a lot to play an max tickets which i dont think thats fair we all pay a lot to play .i have noticed over a few days i have seen repeated winners the next day they are complaining on chat they cant win which happened to myself ie the winners are computer generated . This is noticed by other players i have been banned of chat because yesterday i played from early morning untill early hours today some games maxed an played in all rooms each time every single ticket i had ended up 3 tg again being told by admins be positive .once i was out of credit i commented i wasnt nasty and told admin how can i be postive after spending £320 pound an stopping at 3tg said sorry the way i felt then i was banned from chat ive seen worse comments .and today i received a £4 bonus played 4 games in 4 rooms and every ticket was 1tg for a line 1tg for 2 lines 1tg full house .this is not right i have never ever played that much and not win a thing i am going to look further into this if not resoved as i ak £320 down i know its a risk but never played that much to get a win i feel i have been treated bad an singled out by the admins ist is an awful site
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Posted 7 years ago
Anony I had the same issue but on a larger scale. £3000. I only went on the game to get the free £5 and a year later I was getting messages saying I was depositing money. When my phone bill came it was over £3000. There was nothing the police or fraud team could do at the time. I could prove it wasn't me. All I got from them was it was deposited from my phone, I didn't even have the app on my phone I deleted it after I used the free £5. If you get anywhere with claiming your money back please repost as it would be a great help thanks
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Posted 7 years ago
Why as this site not been closed down yet as its been ripping people off for a long time as im getting ploblems claiming my 640 quid winnings off poker its a robbery charge
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Posted 7 years ago
Mfortune used to be a fantastic site .until they started sending text messages to say thank you your top up was successful ! Wasn't even using my phone let alone playing game .now I have a 120 phone bill .all they could say was phone the police .not helpful when I didn't top up .what a got to go to police and try to get my money back .absolutely fuming!
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Posted 7 years ago
Real joke of a company spent hundreds topping up on phone bill for over a year won fifty quid and its took me over four weeks for them to say they wil now pay (although not recieved yet) I had to send in over ten pieces of ID there a joke keep making excuses up and stalking will never use them again stay away !!!
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Posted 7 years ago
mFortune Casino is rated 2.6 based on 299 reviews