Royal Mail Reviews

1.1 Rating 2,637 Reviews
3 %
of reviewers recommend Royal Mail
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How is Royal Mail returns process?
(5 days ago)
Greater than 92% of reviewers feedback is Royal Mail returns process could be better.
(5 days ago)

Returns - Difficult

Industry Average
Seems they have 2 services running now, there's , "we'll deliver it when we want" or 1st class recorded, then there's the other sercvice, "We don't give a F*** " , that's 2nd class recorded, all blamed on CV19, it takes 8 days to get a 1st class letter from Wales to England, the same sendef then sends me a similar parcel on a Saturday, 2 nd class , I get it Monday, I send that person a package 2nd class recorded, 4 days that includes the weekend, he returns that parcel, sent early Monday afternoon, 8 days for 2nd class recorded, thrn obviously the red and white tape that clearly says "FRAGILE" must be written in secret code , it's thrown over a 6ft high back gate because my daughter took 5 secs too long to answer the front door, no wonder this country is in such a state
- B.K
Posted a correct stamped letter to a School. Two weeks later I get the original back in a covering envelope from RM National Returns Centre stating that they couldn't deliver the letter. They had franked my original tamps, but took two weeks to return my letter. So, if I want to risk posting it again, at my expense, I'm relying on the postie doing their job on any given day.
- Nick O'Sullivan
They go to the returns centre never to be seen again.
- Tony J